The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

Modern corporatism did not happen over the past 40 years because Democrats made it that way.
Corporatism happened because ALL of Washington and ALL of local governments made it that way. Republicans are absolutely no less at fault for making this massive change in our economy than Democrats.
Sad - but true.
An example. Our business was significantly hurt because the local/state government gave tax SUPER sweet deals for a corporation to build a facility in our city/state. 10 year tax abatements, grants and basically free land.
They came in and about half the printing companies in this are went out of business in 5 years.
Take this example. And multiply it by millions. This happens/happened all across the country regardless how liberal/conservative the governments were/are.
Again, my argument is comparing which party is better for Small Business. Your argument is trying to find fault with Republican policy with small businesses vs. Democrats whose policies are outright punitive or negligent.
You are focused on a micro issue when it comes to how Democrats view small business.
I agree that Democrats in Washington absolutely have a particular distaste for small businesses and private ownership as a whole. Republicans just ignore them in favor of corporate interest - over and over.
They work in concert, whether in cooperation or not, to end private ownership of the economy.
I agree that Democrats in Washington absolutely have a particular distaste for small businesses and private ownership as a whole. Republicans just ignore them in favor of corporate interest - over and over.
They work in concert, whether in cooperation or not, to end private ownership of the economy.
Thank you.
Republicans have been trying to kill the middle class since Reagan. Starving it with low wages, no benefits, no unions, no worker protections.

Their promise of “Trickle Down” never panned out
Funny how Teamsters are 6 bucks behind me on the pay scale and their pension is broke
I agree that Democrats in Washington absolutely have a particular distaste for small businesses and private ownership as a whole. Republicans just ignore them in favor of corporate interest - over and over.
They work in concert, whether in cooperation or not, to end private ownership of the economy.

Republicans IN POWER...along with Democrats IN POWER.

The average republican and democrat on the street not near as much
Unions aren't nearly what they used to be. In general, union members make more than non-unionized labor.

Exactly...fucking UNIONS and their love of stealing more for themselves. What happened to "equality"?

You assume people are just fucking imbeciles don't you?
If you are treated poorly by a company guess what.....LEAVE
in Communist countries it's not so easy. You're stuck. a slave.

Capitalism is the worlds greatest system for those willing to work for their gains.
The only people who hate it are people who want theirs for free
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where else do States and Territories have the right to their own military separate from any national military? ...

A "militia" can be a group of ten with 6 shooters...

WE do not care about other inferior countries. WE are the United States, and our freedom stems from the right to self defense, including self defense from government corruption...
Exactly...fucking UNIONS and their love of stealing more for themselves
The working class negotiating its terms of employment with powerful, wealthy employers collectively is much more effective than doing it alone as a little employee. You're too fucking stupid to figure that out due to being a brainwashed slave.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

I think you’re ignoring the fact that capitalism as it matures is the main driver of the two class system. Do you agree?
The working class negotiating its terms of employment with powerful, wealthy employers collectively is much more effective than doing it alone as a little employee. You're too fucking stupid to figure that out due to being a brainwashed slave.

No fucktard.....

I work for MYSELF. If you want to be my worker then you'll get what I offer. Which is usually generous.
Otherwise take a walk.

MY BUSINESS....MY RULES. I'm the one who created the product or it's efficient distribution. NOT YOU. I DESERVE more than you because I worked hard and was smart. I'm not some union boss who does nothing but suck off funds and then enjoys spending workers money.
Your entire premise revolves around how stupid you can be and how lazy you are.

Don't like it? Go start your own business (if you are so smart).
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Please provide me links with the facts showing he is a globalist.

Here is his speech to the UN denouncing globalists and their policies.

Here is where he backed out of the Paris climate agreement. Which in the years since he left has become the starting point for globalists and 1st world leaders to impose their will on people in the name of the environment.

Even in davos, in the heart of all the globalists he thumbed his nose at them in person.

No fucktard.....

I work for MYSELF. If you want to be my worker then you'll get what I offer. Which is usually generous.
Otherwise take a walk.

Boohoo capitalist boy doesn't want his workers exercising their right to unionize and negotiate their terms of employment with him. How convenient, but how about you go fuck yourself. The rich and powerful unionize, creating organizations that advance their vested interests in the form of chambers of commerce, guilds, investment groups, super PACs, armies of lobbyists lobbying (i.e. bribing) politicians, "think tanks" (stink tanks), industry associations, and other "fraternal" unions.

So go fuck yourself, if you don't want the working class to exercise its own right to unionize. If workers want to negotiate their terms of employment with wealthy, powerful employers (exploiters) collectively they should have that right, and the government should protect them against a piece of shit asshole exploiter like you.
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The union bosses laugh all the way to the bank living in luxury on your dime
"The union bosses laugh all the way to the bank living in luxury on your dime".
That statement sounds a lot like and perfectly describes all the corrupt career politicians you routinely vote for. When are you going to wake up and tell them to "fuck off"?
Like everything else in life, unions are not perfect but without them, workers today would most likely never enjoy such benefits as good pay, safe working conditions, pensions, paid holidays, vacation time, paid health care and the list goes on.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

I don't know if it is their goal or not but they are certainly succeeding in getting us exactly right there.
Republicans have been trying to kill the middle class since Reagan. Starving it with low wages, no benefits, no unions, no worker protections.

Their promise of “Trickle Down” never panned out
Pheh... women entering the workforce in the 80s had more to do with wage stagnation than anything you list.
Couple that with NAFTA, outsourcing and technology and you just covered 75% of why wages remained stagnant for over 30 years.
Following Trump is a huge mistake. He's really, really dumb as hell.

I wish I was that dumb; traveling the world in my private jet liner, a household name, in the company of the most beautiful women of the world.

Yeah, what a dope that Trump is.
Pheh... women entering the workforce in the 80s had more to do with wage stagnation than anything you list.
Couple that with NAFTA, outsourcing and technology and you just covered 75% of why wages remained stagnant for over 30 years.

The right-wingers pretend to be "pro-family values", yet they created the economic conditions that forced Mom to go get a job outside of the home, in order to help Dad. My grandfather migrated here in 1961 from Cuba without a penny in his pocket and got a blue-collar job at Bertram Yachts, spraying fiberglass on boat hull molds. He was the sole breadwinner in the family and bought a house cash in 1965, without a mortgage. Try doing that now with a blue-collar job.

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