The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.

I remember when Reagan promised, every worker in America would get a raise when they got rid of the unions, and they could negotiate their own wages and benefits. The working people believed him, got rid of the private sector unions, and they’re expecting that raise any day.

Along with the huge raise that Donald Trump promised them would be coming their way after he cut corporate taxes. One percent of American workers got a small one-time bonus, generally around $1000, and the rest was spent on stock buybacks. This raised the value of the stocks, and further concentrated wealth at the top, pushing smaller, middle-class investors out of the market.

Failure to raise the minimum wage is also transferring wealth from the middle class to the top, to supplement minimum wages paid to workers by some of the most profitable companies in America.

If some of those profits were going to the workers in the form of higher wages, the companies would still be very profitable, shareholders would still receive healthy dividends, and the workers would not require income supplements. Entire levels of bureaucracy will be eliminated, dealing with applications, assessing qualifications, collection of funds and paying to recipients. Win/win, Especially for the workers and the taxpayers who have been on the short end of the stick since Reagan was elected.
In what way?

It's the Democrats that loathe the middle-class because middle-class people are generally self-reliant. Democrats don't like self-reliant people. They like people that depend on the federal government. That's what gives them the power.

As per the OP, they are trying to take away a good, reliable and affordable fuel from the people. Why is that? So they say it's to save the planet. But looking at the man behind the curtain, the reason they want to take this fuel away from us is it's controlled by the private market. Electricity isn't. It's not a commodity. You can't buy or sell it on the market. Electricity is controlled by the government meaning we would all need government to provide us with this less reliable, less efficient fuel for all our needs.

The average EV is about 60k which many families can't afford. Okay, so what are these families supposed to do if they remove all fossil fuel vehicles and you can't afford an EV? Public transportation, a Democrat dream.

Control fuel, food, and healthcare and no one can say a word against you...or you simply cut them off....which is why a digital currency is a nightmare too....
Support a family with one breadwinner, working a blue-collar job, and buying a house cash after only four years of work? Not in the real world under this economy, but maybe in your dream world. As far as inflation and debt, it's the Republicans who plunged America into heavy debt, look at the stats since 1981.
The welfare state took off and has never looked back. Trade deals eliminated employment in millions and millions in the manufacturing sector. Social Security and Medicare has gone up in a meteoric rise. The military/industrial complex is worse than ever. The poverty/poverty service complex is worse. City, state and local taxes are like the top of the mountain instead of the mole hill in those years. And they were high than in many states. Unions were uneven in benefits for its members. Still is.
I remember when Reagan promised, every worker in America would get a raise when they got rid of the unions, and they could negotiate their own wages and benefits. The working people believed him, got rid of the private sector unions, and they’re expecting that raise any day.

Along with the huge raise that Donald Trump promised them would be coming their way after he cut corporate taxes. One percent of American workers got a small one-time bonus, generally around $1000, and the rest was spent on stock buybacks. This raised the value of the stocks, and further concentrated wealth at the top, pushing smaller, middle-class investors out of the market.

Failure to raise the minimum wage is also transferring wealth from the middle class to the top, to supplement minimum wages paid to workers by some of the most profitable companies in America.

If some of those profits were going to the workers in the form of higher wages, the companies would still be very profitable, shareholders would still receive healthy dividends, and the workers would not require income supplements. Entire levels of bureaucracy will be eliminated, dealing with applications, assessing qualifications, collection of funds and paying to recipients. Win/win, Especially for the workers and the taxpayers who have been on the short end of the stick since Reagan was elected.

Even wikipedia can't hide the truth of the Reagan boom.....

The unemployment rate rose from 7% in 1980 to 11% in 1982, then declined to 5% in 1988. The inflation rate declined from 10% in 1980 to 4% in 1988.[6]

Some economists have stated that Reagan's policies were an important part of bringing about the third longest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history.[43][44]

During the Reagan administration, real GDP growth averaged 3.5%, compared to 2.9% during the preceding eight years.[45] The annual average unemployment rate declined by 1.7 percentage points, from 7.2% in 1980 to 5.5% in 1988, after it had increased by 1.6 percentage points over the preceding eight years.[46][47] Nonfarm employment increased by 16.1 million during Reagan's presidency, compared to 15.4 million during the preceding eight years,[48] while manufacturing employment declined by 582,000 after rising 363,000 during the preceding eight years.[49] Reagan's administration is the only one not to have raised the minimum wage.[50] The inflation rate, 13.5% in 1980, fell to 4.1% in 1988, in part because the Federal Reserve increased interest rates (prime rate peaking at 20.5% in August 1981[51]).[52][53] The latter contributed to a recession from July 1981 to November 1982 during which unemployment rose to 9.7% and GDP fell by 1.9%. Additionally, income growth slowed for middle- and lower-class (2.4% to 1.8%) and rose for the upper-class (2.2% to 4.83%).[54]

The misery index, defined as the inflation rate added to the unemployment rate, shrank from 19.33 when he began his administration to 9.72 when he left, the greatest improvement record for a President since Harry S. Truman left office.[55]

In terms of American households, the percentage of total households making less than $10,000 a year (in real 2007 dollars) shrank from 8.8% in 1980 to 8.3% in 1988 while the percentage of households making over $75,000 went from 20.2% to 25.7% during that period, both signs of progress.[56]

Income and wealth

In nominal terms, median household income grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during the Reagan presidency, compared to 8.5% during the preceding five years (pre-1975 data are unavailable).[66]Real median family income grew by $4,492 during the Reagan period, compared to a $1,270 increase during the preceding eight years.[67] After declining from 1973 through 1980, real mean personal income rose $4,708 by 1988.[68] Nominal household net worth increased by a CAGR of 8.4%, compared to 9.3% during the preceding eight years.[69]

So if you don't have the government determine wages, you aren't for working people? You can't really believe that. The argument against setting wages is pretty strong. How many get laid off whenever they try this? Doesn't help inflation either.

The problem is that the argument against setting wages is a right wing trope, and it’s a big fat fucking lie.

Every time the minimum wage has been raised, unemployment has gone down, GDP has gone up, and inflation has been stable. Conservatives know that you’re not gonna fact check this lie, and that they can get away with it.

They’ve repeated this lie so often that they don’t even have to tell you this anymore. Everybody knows.

When I did a Google search, every right wing tank out there opposes raising the minimum wage, which is pretty much guarantees it’s probably a very good thing for the people.

I live in a country with a $16.50 an hour, minimum wage, universal healthcare, and a guaranteed income for seniors. Fair wages for all, or a pillar of a democratic society.
Again, all the unions in the world won't help when a ruling class wants to take more and more of working people's checks. I'm curious about your strategy to inflate wages, and then how much of those wages you want the government to confiscate.
My strategy?

I'd like to get back to the time when the CEO in the executive suite has some understanding of what the gal on the shop floor is going through. Executive dining rooms, retreats, yachts named "Overdraft" (many of which were paid by his own employees)... It used to be where everyone who worked for ACME were on the same team. That isn't the case any more. CEOs are more concerned with shareholders and their severance packages than the long term survival of their company. Far down on the list is the welfare of their employees.

Essentially, if you want my strategy, it is to care less about investors and their dividends and are more about the folks making the products.
Tax cuts have increased the standard of living for all Americans....

How the fuck is it smart to give the most corrupt humans on the planet...politicians, more and more money through our taxes...which they use for their own personal gain, or they waste the money or lose the are an idiot.

The democrats want to destroy our healthcare system so they can take it over.....with no plan on ever making it better...the socialised medial systems around the world are falling apart....

The public sector unions have bankrupted states, and are going to end up leaving their members with nothing....

40% sales tax? Go fuck yourself and your lies.....

You need to understand the actual Fair Tax and how it gets rid of the income moron....which means you keep everything you earn....instead of giving it to the worst people on the planet....

30% is the number on the sales tax and that is too high, but it is a starting point to get the tax lower....

You know who likes the simple clod? VOX....

Otherwise, it’s a great idea.
But sales taxes can still be good policy if used to fund progressive programs, as the Nordic countries do. The FairTax, for its part, tries to offset some of the negative impact on poor people by including what it calls a tax “prebate.” Each household would get a monthly check worth 23 percent of the poverty threshold for a household their size.
In 2023, that’s $279.45 a month for a single adult, with an extra $98.52 per month for each additional person in the house. For a family of four, this adds up to $6,900 in no-strings-attached cash payments every year.

So the government would just be mailing checks to people with no strings attached. Isn’t that a basic income?

I think so, yes. The FairTax would create the first permanent, unconditional cash program for which all Americans are eligible. That’s an enormous step toward basic income, even if it’s not enough money to live on.

You are one of the useful idiots they need to wreck the country...
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

Correct, further they want an elite ruling class and serfdom/slavery for the rest.
Republicans have been trying to kill the middle class since Reagan. Starving it with low wages, no benefits, no unions, no worker protections.

Their promise of “Trickle Down” never panned out

Republican politicians have no control over wages or benefits. Remember who it was that took the most important employer provided benefit away from us, and that was your Kenyon clown.

What is middle-class? Middle-class are people who work jobs that pay a decent buck. Look around you, all kinds of those jobs out there. Mike Rowe calculated that there are over 10 million men alone of working age that are not working. How can that be? We all need money for shelter, food, utilities, medication and care, so how are these people securing these things if they are not working?

The Democrat party has been working on conditioning people not to work. Social programs exploding to keep people away from jobs. What better way to destroy the middle-class than to keep people from working those middle-class jobs.
My strategy?

I'd like to get back to the time when the CEO in the executive suite has some understanding of what the gal on the shop floor is going through. Executive dining rooms, retreats, yachts named "Overdraft" (many of which were paid by his own employees)... It used to be where everyone who worked for ACME were on the same team. That isn't the case any more. CEOs are more concerned with shareholders and their severance packages than the long term survival of their company. Far down on the list is the welfare of their employees.

Essentially, if you want my strategy, it is to care less about investors and their dividends and are more about the folks making the products.
And democrats will do this how?
That's absurd. The middle class has been shrinking since Dubya. Even Trump said he was going to turn the GOP into the Worker's Party... right before he cut taxes for the rich.

I can't wait to tell my family I'm rich, because me and all my coworkers got a tax break as well.
I remember when Reagan promised, every worker in America would get a raise when they got rid of the unions, and they could negotiate their own wages and benefits. The working people believed him, got rid of the private sector unions, and they’re expecting that raise any day.

Along with the huge raise that Donald Trump promised them would be coming their way after he cut corporate taxes. One percent of American workers got a small one-time bonus, generally around $1000, and the rest was spent on stock buybacks. This raised the value of the stocks, and further concentrated wealth at the top, pushing smaller, middle-class investors out of the market.

Failure to raise the minimum wage is also transferring wealth from the middle class to the top, to supplement minimum wages paid to workers by some of the most profitable companies in America.

If some of those profits were going to the workers in the form of higher wages, the companies would still be very profitable, shareholders would still receive healthy dividends, and the workers would not require income supplements. Entire levels of bureaucracy will be eliminated, dealing with applications, assessing qualifications, collection of funds and paying to recipients. Win/win, Especially for the workers and the taxpayers who have been on the short end of the stick since Reagan was elected.

Wages are determined by the worker, not the President. If you believe you are not getting paid enough, then you find somebody that will pay you more. If you can't find anybody to pay you more, it means your skills are lacking for the kind of money you want to get paid. The solution is to get into a field of work that does pay more. A President can't make you do that.
In what way?

It's the Democrats that loathe the middle-class because middle-class people are generally self-reliant. Democrats don't like self-reliant people. They like people that depend on the federal government. That's what gives them the power.

As per the OP, they are trying to take away a good, reliable and affordable fuel from the people. Why is that? So they say it's to save the planet. But looking at the man behind the curtain, the reason they want to take this fuel away from us is it's controlled by the private market. Electricity isn't. It's not a commodity. You can't buy or sell it on the market. Electricity is controlled by the government meaning we would all need government to provide us with this less reliable, less efficient fuel for all our needs.

The average EV is about 60k which many families can't afford. Okay, so what are these families supposed to do if they remove all fossil fuel vehicles and you can't afford an EV? Public transportation, a Democrat dream.

When you start your post by saying that “Democrats loathe the middle class”, I stopped reading.

All of your posts start with the false claims the Democrats “hate something” and they’re out to destroy it, take it away from you, or end it.

The vast majority of Democrats are members of the middle class who are sick of being screwed over by conservatives, looking to line their donors pockets on the backs of the middle class.

Reagan’s tax cuts started a trend of wealth rising from working and middle class voters to the top 10%. The rate of transfer of wealth to the top has accelerated with each succeeding tax cut.

Each Republican tax cut has been followed by a economic crash a few years later, which further reduced the wealth of the working and middle classes, and the further enriched the wealthy.

When Reagan was elected, working, Americans owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today they own 0%, and they’re dependent upon government income supplements in order to provide the basic necessities for their families.

The middle class is now shrinking with more people falling back into poverty that are rising into wealth.

The wealth gap in the United States, is the most extreme in the first world. Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age before there was a union movement in the USA.

If Wallmark can pay $16.50 per hour wages, with 2 weeks paid vacation, 1 yr. maternity/paternity leave with job security, CPP and EI payments, Worker’s Compensation for on the job injuries, with no unions, and still be the most profitable company in Canada, why can’t American workers get the same deal?
How the fuck is it smart to give the most corrupt humans on the planet...politicians, more and more money through our taxes...which they use for their own personal gain, or they waste the money or lose the are an idiot.
Taxes pay for the necessities for the MIDDLE CLASS. You have some very strange ideas

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