The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

I don't pick on Welfare Ray much anymore because I'm more truth than he can handle.

Republican politicians have no control over wages or benefits. Remember who it was that took the most important employer provided benefit away from us, and that was your Kenyon clown.

Uh, most of us kept our insurance, Welfare Ray... the only ones who dropped insurance were fly-by-night operators like your boss, and you were too stubborn to get better insurance through ACA or actually getting off your ass and getting a better job.

What is middle-class? Middle-class are people who work jobs that pay a decent buck. Look around you, all kinds of those jobs out there. Mike Rowe calculated that there are over 10 million men alone of working age that are not working. How can that be? We all need money for shelter, food, utilities, medication and care, so how are these people securing these things if they are not working?

Some of them are college students.
Some of them can't get jobs because the Prison industrial complex has ruined their employment opporutunities.
Some of them are using bullshit disability claims to avoid work.
Oh, Mike Rowe is a lying sack of crap, so I wouldn't believe much of anything he says.

The Democrat party has been working on conditioning people not to work. Social programs exploding to keep people away from jobs. What better way to destroy the middle-class than to keep people from working those middle-class jobs.

again, the irony is that Ray is on disability, even though he is perfectly capable of getting on USMB for hours on end whining about people on welfare and his HUD neighbors.

So outside of the air traffic controllers, what other union did he bust?
That was enough, because it sent a clear signal to companies that they could break their union agreements, and the government wouldn't intervene.
Wow, doubling down on the stupidity.

Haha... the low information student who thinks they know everything, but only know what a faculty lounge leftist tell them to believe.
Like I said..
#1 Reason why people can't live with one blue collar worker with family - inflation outpaced wages. Significantly. Big time. And the reason for that is 3 fold....
a) Feminism. Women entering the workforce dramatically increased supply of workers. And what happens when there is too much supply? yeah. The price falls. In this case - wages became stagnant for years to come.

This is a fallacy. First, "Feminism" didn't increase the number of women in the workforce, economic realities did. My late mother worked in the 1970's, not because she was a feminist, but because our family simply needed the extra income.

Secondly, increasing the number of workers also increases the number of consumers, so it really doesn't drive demand down.

The reason why wages became stagnant is because the One Percenters got greedy once they realized they didn't have to pay their fair share in taxes.

b) NAFTA and outsourcing cheapened the value of labor. When manufacturing was outsourced... OBVIOUSLY the value of laborers decreased. Significantly.
Again, you are blaming working people for what the wealthy did to them.

c) Technology. Robotics/computerization replaced 60,000,000 laborers and support staff.
Yet is also created millions of additional new jobs. Jobs that often paid better because they required more technical skill.

So you can go ahead and keep drinking the kid stuff and become a party mushroom who knows jack shit.
And you can keep bending over the one percent hopping they give you a reach-around, but that isn't going to happen.
That isnt what they are teaching.:... they are teaching that if you are white you qill always be an opressor of minorities and if you are black you are always going ro be oppressed and there is no way to change this....

That os what they re teaching and why we oppose that crap

That is not what is being taught at all. Not even close.

The problem with Republicans is that they are taught so many things that are completely false by right wing media.
Haha... the low information student who thinks they know everything, but only know what a faculty lounge leftist tell them to believe.
Like I said..
#1 Reason why people can't live with one blue collar worker with family - inflation outpaced wages. Significantly. Big time. And the reason for that is 3 fold....
a) Feminism. Women entering the workforce dramatically increased supply of workers. And what happens when there is too much supply? yeah. The price falls. In this case - wages became stagnant for years to come.
b) NAFTA and outsourcing cheapened the value of labor. When manufacturing was outsourced... OBVIOUSLY the value of laborers decreased. Significantly.
c) Technology. Robotics/computerization replaced 60,000,000 laborers and support staff.

So you can go ahead and keep drinking the kid stuff and become a party mushroom who knows jack shit.

The reason that wages stagnated is because of the Reagan tax cuts, and Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage.

The American middle class is shrinking because wages have been stagnant. Everything come back to a tax code and labour laws which protect employers not employees.

The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is declining, life expectancy is decreasing, and mass shootings are a daily occurrence.

No other first world country uses “earned income credits” to supplement wages, which are insufficient to provide the most basic needs of workers.
The reason that wages stagnated is because of the Reagan tax cuts, and Republican refusal to raise the minimum wage.

The American middle class is shrinking because wages have been stagnant. Everything come back to a tax code and labour laws which protect employers not employees.

The USA is the only first world country where the middle class is declining, life expectancy is decreasing, and mass shootings are a daily occurrence.

No other first world country uses “earned income credits” to supplement wages, which are insufficient to provide the most basic needs of workers.
Under Trump, wages were rising over inflation for the first time in a long time. Under Biden, haven't wages taken a beating every single month he has been in office.? Isn't this a flaw in your ideological model? Government setting wages didn't seem to help. The only way to get wages to gain over inflation is to have a good economy. History seems to bear that out. Under Reagan, the false narrative is that only rich people did better. I'd look to see how wages vs inflation did at that time as well. I know the free market must be watched, but it is the only way for workers to prosper.
Up in the 5% I keep most of MY money. The greedy mooching assholes in the Dem party haven't been able to get their mooching vampire fangs into me, ha ha! (flips Dems the double birds)

As for the poor and middle class yes they are bleeding out with Dems vampire sucking them dry.
That is some funny stuff right there.
And totally wrong.
Why can't you do that now?
A little thing called inflation. Another thing called debt as income mentality. Another thing called materialism/consumerism. Another thing called feminism.

You're funny. Or in college.

You’re even funnier because you’re wrong.

Every other first world country in the world has dealt with all of these things, and NONE of these countries have the wage or income inequity of the United States of America.

You tie self into knots coming up with explanations for this in equity which blame everything but the real cause, which is Reoublican economic policies.

The Republican party has raised the minimum wage once in the past 40 years. The USA is the only first world country in the world, which uses tax breaks to supplement inadequate, wages, to the benefit of the richest corporations and individuals in the in the nation.

The rest of the first world has not crashed their economies every time a conservative gets into office. The rest of the world has inflation, feminism and consumerism.

We also have reasonable wages, and a tax code, which benefits all of our citizens, not just the wealthy.
A communist revolution can't happen if there is a healthy middle class, or what Marx called petite bourgeoisie.
Under Trump, wages were rising over inflation for the first time in a long time. Under Biden, haven't wages taken a beating every single month he has been in office.? Isn't this a flaw in your ideological model? Government setting wages didn't seem to help. The only way to get wages to gain over inflation is to have a good economy. History seems to bear that out. Under Reagan, the false narrative is that only rich people did better. I'd look to see how wages vs inflation did at that time as well. I know the free market must be watched, but it is the only way for workers to prosper.

Under Donald Trump, more than a trillion dollars of dollars moved from the working and middle class to the American billionaires. 8 million people fell into poverty under Donald Trump.

Republicans point to the economic success under Reagan after the tax cuts, or the wage increases under Trump after the tax cuts, and completely ignore the economic damage done by the crashes of the US economy that have followed ever single one of those tax cuts.

I’m starting to believe that the Republican economic crashes are a deliberate strategy to impoverish workers and keep them in beholding to whatever crumbs the corporations are willling to throw them.

The changes to student debt financing under successive Republican governments, I have ensure that students will never be able to clear that that debt or raise their standard of living, even with a college degree.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are determined to give the American workers a better cut of the pie. The corporatists are howling that this will lead to “communism” and turn your country into Venezuela.

And yet Republicans continue to pursue the same economic policies that turn the entire South American continent into “shit hole countries”, in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
The war on the middle class started when Reagan was elected.
Teabaggers have been trying to kill them off ever since.
haha yeah that’s why he created policies expanding the middle class and even creating a new middle class, called the upper middle class

the war on the middle class started when the democrat party was taken over by rhe demafasict
haha yeah that’s why he created policies expanding the middle class and even creating a new middle class, called the upper middle class

the war on the middle class started when the democrat party was taken over by rhe demafasict
As're delusional.
haha yeah that’s why he created policies expanding the middle class and even creating a new middle class, called the upper middle class

the war on the middle class started when the democrat party was taken over by rhe demafasict

The data simply does not support any of your statements about the effect of the Reagan tax cuts on the US economy. Most of the positive affects that you’ve noted were as a result of increased defence spending, and his doubling of the federal deficit, not the tax cuts.

Food stamp usage doubled within 12 months of the tax cuts taking effect, even with amendments tightening eligibility requirements.

One economist likened the Reagan economy to your neighbor buying a new car, new furniture, and the new fur coat with it for his wife and looking very prosperous, but all of it was bought on credit and the bill would soon come due.

That bill was the 1987 stock market crash.

It does no good to tout the economic gains which the tax cuts initially appear to provide without also looking at the damage caused by the economic collapses that have resulted after each of these tax cuts.

And in each and every case, the wealthy and the corporations have ended up much better off at the end of the financial collapse, than they were at the beginning. Both the working and the middle class have been further impoverished.
Trump turned a few million into billions. You have to be pretty smart and business savvy to do that. I've seen companies handed down to the kids and they were closed in less than four years. Not a lot of people can handle money.

It's much easier to turn millions into billions when you're born into a wealthy family, with all of the resources and privileges that come with it. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous at best, if not delusional. The fact that the children of wealthy parents fail to be successful business-wise doesn't necessarily, if rarely, lead to poverty or homelessness. Those failures don't have the same devastating consequences for the rich, as it does for a working-class person who after working a nine-to-five for twenty-plus years, saving their money, and building their credit, fails and loses their business. The former most likely has a better education, is a beneficiary in a family trust, and owns millions in assets, hence will continue to be financially secure. I know this is the case because I'm born into wealth and I'm well familiar with how the rich think and operate.

Since you put on your "contrarian hat" whenever you interact with me, I know you're going to continue pretending children born into wealth have no advantage to those born in poverty or in a working-class family, but you're the only one convinced of that stupid shit opinion, and perhaps a few other deluded "MAGA"-right-wingers like yourself. No rational person with half a brain agrees with you.
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It's much easier to turn millions into billions when you're born into a wealthy family, with all of the resources and privileges that come with it. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous at best, if not delusional. The fact that the children of wealthy parents fail to be successful business-wise doesn't necessarily, if rarely, lead to poverty or homelessness. Those failures don't have the same devastating consequences for the rich, as it does for a working-class person who after working a nine-to-five for twenty-plus years, saving their money, and building their credit, fails and loses their business. The former most likely has a better education, is a beneficiary in a family trust, and owns millions in assets, hence will continue to be financially secure. I know this is the case because I'm born into wealth and I'm well familiar with how the rich think and operate.

Since you put on your "contrarian hat" whenever you interact with me, I know you're going to continue pretending children born into wealth have no advantage to those born in poverty or in a working-class family, but you're the only one convinced of that stupid shit opinion, and perhaps a few other deluded "MAGA"-right-wingers like yourself. No rational person with half a brain agrees with you.

Yeah, the rational people believe if you turn millions into billions you must be dumb.
They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.
So is the fake independent label finally put to rest, unions had a place, not anymore. Unions take your money, and tell you who to vote for, whether it's in your best interest or not. How do they gut the middle class?

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