The God question is embarassing

If God has a place in governing....ask yourself

which God? Allah?

Whichever God the policy maker believes in will influence his actions, and you can't prevent that.
Actually one can – by not voting for him.

One is at liberty to allow the myths and fables of religion to influence his personal life, but one is not at liberty to seek to make the law of the land those same myths and fables as president of the United States.
No place for this in a political debate.....

Of course there is.

Check the constitution....what you believe doesnt matter.
we are a nation of laws

Wrong. What you believe does matter. Everybody has freedom of belief, and their beliefs shape their views on myriad issues related to government.

In America, you can't force people to suppress their beliefs because the Constitution guarantees free exercise of religion.
In America one cannot compel others to believe as they do through force of law.

The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion, where errant, subjective religious dogma cannot be codified into secular law.

It's called separation of church and state, as mandated by the Framing Generation, and as acknowledged by Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

If a law were passed that said, "though shalt not kill", would it be unconstitutional? What if instead it defined various forms of homicide ad all illegal?

If you took your argument to its absurd conclusion, we could have no laws at all, because all of them would have some kind of tie in to religion.

Of course you can't compell others to believe as you do, but you are guaranteed the right to fully exercise your beliefs.
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The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

Freedom OF religion.
Freedom FROM religion – where the people are free to believe as they wish – or to be free from faith altogether – absent coercion from government, absent punitive measures by government, and where theists are prohibited from using government to compel adherence to religious dogma.

It's known as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, found in the US Constitution.
If God has a place in governing....ask yourself

which God? Allah?

Whichever God the policy maker believes in will influence his actions, and you can't prevent that.
Actually one can – by not voting for him.

One is at liberty to allow the myths and fables of religion to influence his personal life, but one is not at liberty to seek to make the law of the land those same myths and fables as president of the United States.

Wrong again. The right to free exercise of religion means you can allow it to influence your public life and public actions as well.

Of course you can vote for whomever you like, but you can't pass a law compelling him to suppress his religious beliefs in the exercise of his public function.

E.g. it is illegal to prohibit school teachers from stating their personal belief in God, but they are not allowed to use their position to indoctrinate youths with a religious belief in the exercise of teaching.
We have a motto that is still in effect, "In God we trust" . The words are inscribed on our currency and Americans take an oath "to God" when they are sworn in to a post. God ain't your freaking enemy. Bigotry is.

God is not your freakin' president either.
You cannot run a country on your religious beliefs..
You run a country on laws..
........that's not open for debate..unless you live in Iran..Where they run their country on their religon
Of course rulersyour faith comes into
Of course a rulers faith affects his governing. Don't be such a narrow minded dolt.
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

Freedom OF religion.
Freedom FROM religion – where the people are free to believe as they wish – or to be free from faith altogether – absent coercion from government, absent punitive measures by government, and where theists are prohibited from using government to compel adherence to religious dogma.

It's known as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, found in the US Constitution.

How do you get "freedom from religion" from "free exercise thereof"? It's freedom of religion, which of course includes the right to follow no religion at all.

You sound like you want to force atheism on all the believers in the public square, such that they can only freely practice religion when they're cloistered away in the dungeon of their home or church.

That is not Constitutional.
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

Freedom OF religion.
Freedom FROM religion – where the people are free to believe as they wish – or to be free from faith altogether – absent coercion from government, absent punitive measures by government, and where theists are prohibited from using government to compel adherence to religious dogma.

It's known as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, found in the US Constitution.

How do you get "freedom from religion" from "free exercise thereof"? It's freedom of religion, which of course includes the right to follow no religion at all.

You sound like you want to force atheism on all the believers in the public square, such that they can only freely practice religion when they're cloistered away in the dungeon of their home or church.

That is not Constitutional.
Do you want to see Korans and/or Muslim religious rhetoric on government property?

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The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

Freedom OF religion.
Freedom FROM religion – where the people are free to believe as they wish – or to be free from faith altogether – absent coercion from government, absent punitive measures by government, and where theists are prohibited from using government to compel adherence to religious dogma.

It's known as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, found in the US Constitution.

How do you get "freedom from religion" from "free exercise thereof"? It's freedom of religion, which of course includes the right to follow no religion at all.

You sound like you want to force atheism on all the believers in the public square, such that they can only freely practice religion when they're cloistered away in the dungeon of their home or church.

That is not Constitutional.
Do you want to see Korans and/or Muslim religious rhetoric on government property?

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That's not what this thread is about, now is it? But just for you I'll take 1 post down the rabbit hole.

I wouldn't care personally, but that would be unconstitutional depending on the context because it would be "establishment of religion" which the government is prohibited from doing.

Now do try to get back on topic ...
No place for this in a political debate..
Running a nation on your religious beliefs has been done

Its called Iran
You think having a Muslim in the White House has done us any favors? :slap:
Haven't had one yet.....are you making up stuff again?

You sound Muslim...only they want God involved in the government
What a ridiculous person you are
Spoken like a true Baptist. :thup:
You think having a Muslim in the White House has done us any favors? :slap:
You actually think obama is a muslim, when he is a practicing christian?
I actually think his father was a Muslim, his Pastor was an American-hating Socialist, and he himself was a dope-smoking coke-snorting loser.

Oh yeah- and here's your Brotch slap. :slap:
Yet factual. :slap:
Yet, somehow, this makes obama a muslim? Fucking idiot.
Let me trim those sideburns, Brotch. :slap:
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

Freedom OF religion.
Freedom FROM religion – where the people are free to believe as they wish – or to be free from faith altogether – absent coercion from government, absent punitive measures by government, and where theists are prohibited from using government to compel adherence to religious dogma.

It's known as the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, found in the US Constitution.

How do you get "freedom from religion" from "free exercise thereof"? It's freedom of religion, which of course includes the right to follow no religion at all.

You sound like you want to force atheism on all the believers in the public square, such that they can only freely practice religion when they're cloistered away in the dungeon of their home or church.

That is not Constitutional.
Do you want to see Korans and/or Muslim religious rhetoric on government property?

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That's not what this thread is about, now is it? But just for you I'll take 1 post down the rabbit hole.

I wouldn't care personally, but that would be unconstitutional depending on the context because it would be "establishment of religion" which the government is prohibited from doing.

Now do try to get back on topic ...
Glad you answered. However, why do you think my question isn't relevant?

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What's truly embarrssing is the moronic Lefts' moral equivalency mind-phuk

Are American Christians the same as Iranian Islamo-fascists?
C_Clayton_Jones said: ↑
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

"Freedom OF religion." Uk

Yes Uk.
You are 100% correct on the wording.

BUT !!

You are 100% wrong on the MEANING.

SCOTUS has already ruled that "... freedom of religion" includes freedom from religion. It's as fundamental as Marbury v. Madison.
C_Clayton_Jones said: ↑
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion....

"Freedom OF religion." Uk

Yes Uk.
You are 100% correct on the wording.

BUT !!

You are 100% wrong on the MEANING.

SCOTUS has already ruled that "... freedom of religion" includes freedom from religion. It's as fundamental as Marbury v. Madison.


and far too many on the Left see freedom FROM religion as the right to impose on others their desire to not have to be bothered even seeing anything with religious implications in the public square

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