The Gold and Silver Thread

can someone explain why QE is pushing up commodities but not causing general inflation? It seems initially it might not cause general inflation but by this time you'd think it would have??

Slowing Velocity of Money & Low Lending (Money Multiplying) is masking the currency printing.

Write. Plus, that money has to go somewhere, and it has bled into the commodities markets. Same as the 00s when we didn't get CPI but got a housing bubble. The excess cash went into mortgages and housing. That's why modern general equilibrium economics is a heap of epic fail.
Morgan Stanley: QE3 Not Enough to Help Equities, Look For QE4

MORGAN STANLEY: We Could See QE4 By The End Of The Year

Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on
Japan has launched an eighth round of quantitative easing to weaken the yen and cushion a slide back into recession. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is to buy a further 10 trillion yen (£79bn) of bonds, bringing the total accumulated so far in its battle against deflation to 80 trillion yen, or 20pc of Japanese GDP.

Paul Krugman says we must print more than $85 Billion a month. State pensions are underfunded by $Trillions.

Could Municipal Bonds Be the Next Financial Titanic?
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York just found that municipal bond defaults are in fact much greater than rating agencies have reported. For example, Standard & Poor’s reported 47 defaults between 1986 and 2011, but according to the New York Fed, there were in fact 2,366. After a two-year study, the Securities and Exchange Commission released a report at the end of July that properly emphasized the need for improved disclosure of municipalities’ finances and pricing transparency.
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can someone explain why QE is pushing up commodities but not causing general inflation? It seems initially it might not cause general inflation but by this time you'd think it would have??

Slowing Velocity of Money & Low Lending (Money Multiplying) is masking the currency printing.

Write. Plus, that money has to go somewhere, and it has bled into the commodities markets. Same as the 00s when we didn't get CPI but got a housing bubble. The excess cash went into mortgages and housing. That's why modern general equilibrium economics is a heap of epic fail.

Of course, I meant to say "Right."


Does anyone know if the Fed can roll over it's government bonds 10 years from now at near zero interest even if the going interest rate at that time is 10+%?
can someone explain why QE is pushing up commodities but not causing general inflation? It seems initially it might not cause general inflation but by this time you'd think it would have??

Slowing Velocity of Money & Low Lending (Money Multiplying) is masking the currency printing.

Write. Plus, that money has to go somewhere, and it has bled into the commodities markets. Same as the 00s when we didn't get CPI but got a housing bubble. The excess cash went into mortgages and housing. That's why modern general equilibrium economics is a heap of epic fail.

I see how you can create a mortgage bubble because Fed money often enters the market as mortgage money but not how you create a commodity bubble.

I heard a Brazilian Fed official say he was going to defend against QE3. Maybe he meant raising raw material prices out of a certainty that QE3 was ultimately inflationary??

Romney Says No To Gold In Monetary Policies

I know that in the past when we had a gold standard, the idea that somehow it was detached from or free from any interference by Congress was simply wrong because even with the gold standard someone has to decide what is the conversion rate between the gold and the dollar...

And Congress can inflate the dollar simply by changing the exchange rate, as was done in the past. So I don't think there's any, if you will, magic bullet substitute for economic restraint, for not spending more money than you take in, for having the nation that's the most productive in the entire world. That's how you get wealth for the middle class is making America a more productive nation with high savings rates and a government that only spends what it takes in...

I'd like to appoint my own person. If I became president of the United States, I'd like to have a Fed chairman that shares my views and that I have confidence in. And there are things that, obviously, in the past, I think the Fed has made a number of mistakes. I don't know that you're going to avoid making mistakes, but I'd like to have someone new in that position.
Romney Says No To Gold In Monetary Policies
If I became president of the United States, I'd like to have a Fed chairman that shares my views and that I have confidence in. And there are things that, obviously, in the past, I think the Fed has made a number of mistakes. I don't know that you're going to avoid making mistakes, but I'd like to have someone new in that position.
That's funny! He knows that The Fed Reserve System sends him names that they want and that he'll have no say in the whole process.

The Gov't is set up like the Mafia with the Banking "Godfathers" on top issuing orders and appointing people. Mitt Romney is like a "Don", he has power but he's not the top of the food chain.

The big scam is that the American people (who know more about Sports than Politics) think he's "The Godfather" and has all the power when he's really just a puppet. That's how he can get away with telling a lie, that if he actually tried to implement, would get him "JFK'd" or Arkancided".
The Gov't is set up like the Mafia with the Banking "Godfathers" on top issuing orders and appointing people.

Another liberal conspiracy nut job!!

Bernanke is a mild mannered college professor; as such he can be easily controlled by the dark forces- right! Pity he wasted his entire life studying monetary policy when the puppet masters are in control. But, then again, it's the perfect cover too!! I'm sure if Bernanke let's on he's doomed for sure!!

Liberals lack the IQ to understand monetary policy but do have a accurate feeling it is sort of foundational to the entire economy. Hence, nut job liberal conspiracy theories abound.
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Dick Cheney said to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill: "You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due."

Japan has also proven that deficits don't matter.

Cheney Was Right About One Thing: Deficits Don't Matter

too stupid!! Cheney is not an economist and does not pretend to speak for Republican/libertarian economists and if he did everyone would laugh!!!

See why we are positve a liberal will be slow???
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Investors today are going big time on the US dollar over gold on fears of Europe again. Bro in law said his orders just now after the close for Monday are top heavy on US dollar.
Get ready for the gold nose dive.
Investors today are going big time on the US dollar over gold on fears of Europe again. Bro in law said his orders just now after the close for Monday are top heavy on US dollar.
Get ready for the gold nose dive.

with Europe and/or the US facing a possible economic implosion I see no reason for gold to nose dive versus currency when implosion will almost certainly trigger currency inflation.

Let's not forget its far easier for the Fed to expand its balance sheet than contract it, especially now that it is full of junk mortgages!

THe Europe/USA divide is hard to call since they face a EU breakup but they also have more incentive to balance their books than we do. We can merely print money while austerity or fiscal responsibility is their first option! When you see riots there you know they are doing the right thing. Don't look for them here. In a real sense their riots demonstrate they're more conservative than they are
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holy shit, I am a liberal?

I gotta ask my wife about this:eusa_think:

this guy says you are.


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