The Gold and Silver Thread

...You can buy gas, food, etc with gold at many places...
I'd say we could buy stuff with gold virtually anywhere.

All we have to do is convince the vendor the gold's real and that they'd be able to dump the gold without losing time or money. Most people don't want to buy stuff with gold and are glad we haven't had to for decades.

Here's how gas prices in gold compare to dollar prices since 1980:

Sure, gold peddlers say the gas/gold price is almost as low as it was 30 years ago. That's true, it's a fluke, it's almost always a lot higher, and month/month changes with gold are much worse than changes in dollars.
Huh. Looks like I ruined all the fun when I burst the 'bubble' everyone was playing with.

Sorry about that.
I'd say have some gold in you portfolio

When rates go back up, I'm afraid gold will plummet.

i'd say if rates go up because of real growth you're right but if they go up because the fed can no longer hold them down artificially with liberal gimmicks then you're wrong.

The Fed can't hold rates down with gimmicks, except the overnight rate.
If the market wants higher longer term rates, those rates will rise.

except the point of QE2- infinity and "operation twist" is to hold down long tern rates. Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!
...the Fed can do anything it wants!!!
--except control the free market.

OK, so they can 'affect' market interest rates when they buy/sell debt, but so can you and I; and sure, the Fed's got more to spend than either you or I but you, me, and the rest of the world have got a lot more power than any gov't.

Just ask the Bank of England about Soros.
i'd say if rates go up because of real growth you're right but if they go up because the fed can no longer hold them down artificially with liberal gimmicks then you're wrong.

The Fed can't hold rates down with gimmicks, except the overnight rate.
If the market wants higher longer term rates, those rates will rise.

except the point of QE2- infinity and "operation twist" is to hold down long tern rates. Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

They can try.
The Fed can't hold rates down with gimmicks, except the overnight rate.
If the market wants higher longer term rates, those rates will rise.

except the point of QE2- infinity and "operation twist" is to hold down long tern rates. Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

They can try.

who would stop them? Who even feels qualified to know what they do? They are free as a bird I'm afraid. Chuck Schumer told Bernanke that Congress was gridlocked and the Fed was the only game in town!!
except the point of QE2- infinity and "operation twist" is to hold down long tern rates. Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

Under section 13 (3) the Fed can do anything it wants!!!

They can try.

who would stop them? Who even feels qualified to know what they do? They are free as a bird I'm afraid. Chuck Schumer told Bernanke that Congress was gridlocked and the Fed was the only game in town!!

who would stop them?

The market.

They can flap their arms and try to fly, doen't mean they can.
the Fed can do anything it wants!!!
except control the free market.
they can do that too!! They caused the Great Depression, 21% interest rates in 1981, and the current housing depression.

Did the Fed also cause the prosperity before and after the Great Depression, win two world wars, defeat the USSR, and create America's wealth totaling $60T?
the Fed can do anything it wants!!!
except control the free market.
they can do that too!! They caused the Great Depression, 21% interest rates in 1981, and the current housing depression.

Did the Fed also cause the prosperity before and after the Great Depression, win two world wars, defeat the USSR, and create America's wealth totaling $60T?
Looks like "The Fed" had a hand in creating 1,500 Trillion in Derivatives.
the Fed can do anything it wants!!!they can do that too!! They caused the Great Depression, 21% interest rates in 1981, and the current housing depression.

Did the Fed also cause the prosperity before and after the Great Depression, win two world wars, defeat the USSR, and create America's wealth totaling $60T?
Looks like "The Fed" had a hand in creating 1,500 Trillion in Derivatives.

They did? How?
It's been 5 days since you were able to last sell your stock. Even if the stock market opens the price will be down & you will have to wait 3+ days for the trade to clear & 2+ more days to get cash in hand. If you are in the north east & need cash right now due to the frankenstorm disaster & your money is tied up in stock, you are SOL. You are 2+ weeks away from getting any money.

If you have gold, already you have a hot meal, a warm place to stay, TV, computer, power & transportation.
...your money is tied up in stock, you are SOL. You are 2+ weeks away from getting any money. If you have gold, already you have a hot meal,
Let's separate fantasy from reality and piece together what's real. I'll start a list of points I imagine we could agree on, and you tell me where and if we diverge.

  1. Some buy stocks, some land, some metals.
  2. People go for what they're comfortable with.
  3. Just because one person says his "x" is easier to buy and sell doesn't mean it's that much easier for anyone else.
  4. Individuals decide for themselves what's best to suit their own needs.
  5. Nobody ever convinced anyone else by strutting and running off at the mouth.

Did the Fed also cause the prosperity before and after the Great Depression, win two world wars, defeat the USSR, and create America's wealth totaling $60T?
Looks like "The Fed" had a hand in creating 1,500 Trillion in Derivatives.

They did? How?
By printing money for banks to play in Casinos (Stock Market) with.
The total world GDP is roughly 60-70 Trillion, The Derivatives Market is at least 1,600 Trillion.
...your money is tied up in stock, you are SOL. You are 2+ weeks away from getting any money. If you have gold, already you have a hot meal,
Let's separate fantasy from reality and piece together what's real. I'll start a list of points I imagine we could agree on, and you tell me where and if we diverge.

  1. Some buy stocks, some land, some metals.
  2. People go for what they're comfortable with.
  3. Just because one person says his "x" is easier to buy and sell doesn't mean it's that much easier for anyone else.
  4. Individuals decide for themselves what's best to suit their own needs.
  5. Nobody ever convinced anyone else by strutting and running off at the mouth.
Which is exactly what YOU do.
...your money is tied up in stock, you are SOL. You are 2+ weeks away from getting any money. If you have gold, already you have a hot meal,
Let's separate fantasy from reality and piece together what's real. I'll start a list of points I imagine we could agree on, and you tell me where and if we diverge.

  1. Some buy stocks, some land, some metals.
  2. People go for what they're comfortable with.
  3. Just because one person says his "x" is easier to buy and sell doesn't mean it's that much easier for anyone else.
  4. Individuals decide for themselves what's best to suit their own needs.
  5. Nobody ever convinced anyone else by strutting and running off at the mouth.

I was not talking not about your list. I was stating a fact about gold usefulness in the event of an economic collapse, currency crisis, natural disaster, peak oil, war or political unrest.

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