The "good thief" was actually a revolutionary and the only person in the Bible we know for sure...

Penelope you are confusing everyone with your totally erroneous statements regarding the differences between what Catholics believe and what Protestants believe. Please stop.

When I have Baptist come to my door from their local church, and I tell them I'm RC, they proceed to tell me how I am not saved as all I have to do is confess Jesus as my lord and savior and will be (when I feel like telling them to go to hell, but they come with their kids), I slam the door, now the Mormon guys, are so nice and just invite me to their church. The Baptist know not to come to my door. Same with JW.

Many soldiers, sailors and airmen experience Jesus in the height of battle without reading the Good Book. I will tell your for a fact that Jesus is real.

I am sure many do or think they do. Did you see Jesus?
Penelope you are confusing everyone with your totally erroneous statements regarding the differences between what Catholics believe and what Protestants believe. Please stop.

When I have Baptist come to my door from their local church, and I tell them I'm RC, they proceed to tell me how I am not saved as all I have to do is confess Jesus as my lord and savior and will be (when I feel like telling them to go to hell, but they come with their kids), I slam the door, now the Mormon guys, are so nice and just invite me to their church. The Baptist know not to come to my door. Same with JW.

Many soldiers, sailors and airmen experience Jesus in the height of battle without reading the Good Book. I will tell your for a fact that Jesus is real.

I am sure many do or think they do. Did you see Jesus?

I don't want to go into detail but will say yes I saw Jesus for a moment which seemed like fifteen minutes. Jesus berated me at first and then said I have nothing to worry about which built courage.
I would suggest that Martin Luther was wrong in the way he took his ideas to the extreme, but he wasn't wrong about the basic teaching he was trying to convey.

And I would have to agree, that my review of the Bible indicates that Jesus cared a lot more about faith than he did about good works.

However, the Parable of the Rich Man indicates that a man who does not act while others suffer will be denied the Kingdom of God.

Also, James says quite clearly that faith without good works is dead, for even the demons have faith.

Really, you know what he told the rich man, who kept all the commandments, and then Jesus says to him sell all you own and give to the poor and follow me.

so?? you make Jesus seem like a typical cult leader-------JIM JONES said the same thing

That is what he said. The difference is Jesus is the son of God.

"the son of "god" " said ----sell all your stuff----give me the money----and becom my
follower" WHY??
Penelope you are confusing everyone with your totally erroneous statements regarding the differences between what Catholics believe and what Protestants believe. Please stop.

When I have Baptist come to my door from their local church, and I tell them I'm RC, they proceed to tell me how I am not saved as all I have to do is confess Jesus as my lord and savior and will be (when I feel like telling them to go to hell, but they come with their kids), I slam the door, now the Mormon guys, are so nice and just invite me to their church. The Baptist know not to come to my door. Same with JW.

Many soldiers, sailors and airmen experience Jesus in the height of battle without reading the Good Book. I will tell your for a fact that Jesus is real.

I am sure many do or think they do. Did you see Jesus?

I don't want to go into detail but will say yes I saw Jesus for a moment which seemed like fifteen minutes. Jesus berated me at first and then said I have nothing to worry about which built courage.

Sounds like you were in defense of your life at the time.
...went to heaven.

The Catholic Church tells us all the Apostles but Judas went to heaven, but looking only at the Bible, the only person we know for sure went to heaven was the "good thief."

But he wasn't a thief, he was a revolutionary, crucified by the Romans for violently resisting the occupation of Israel.

And he did not go to heaven for a life of good deeds. On the contrary, he was a soldier in a war that could never be won, and in that war, he might have committed terrible atrocities to further his cause.

In the modern era, he might even have qualified as a terrorist, for certainly he was a terrorist in the eyes of the Roman occupation army.

And he did not ask to go to heaven. All he asked of Jesus was that he remember him, when he "entered into his Kingdom."

But in that one profession of faith, all of this man's sins were wiped out, and not only did he go to heaven, he went immediately to heaven, not even spending time in purgatory, where the Catholic Church tells us sinners go to be purified of their sins.

The story tells us a few simple truths.

That faith is so important to God, that even one profession of faith will wipe out a lifetime of sin.

That there is no such thing as a sinner who cannot be redeemed.

That God does not keep a balance sheet of sins and good deeds, the slate can be wiped clean in the moment before death simply by acknowledging Jesus as Lord.

You boldly claim that “The 'good thief' was actually a revolutionary and the only person in the Bible we know for sure went to Heaven. Anyone who has read the Bible all the way though just once knows you are wrong. The Bible tells of others who went to heaven. Apparently you never heard of Enoch and Elijah.

“And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him”” (Geneis 5:23, 24, KJV).

“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2 Kings 2:11, KJV).

I have been studying the Bible for about 65 years and I know it fairly well. I am going to give you a link to the best Bible study tool available. The site has dozens of different versions in multiple languages. The best thing is that it has easy to use word-search and verse-search which enables you to quickly compare one version to another. Here's the link A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.

the one you got right as a "sure thing" is Elijah-----not enoch------- " "G-d" took him" is more like
a standard way of saying the guy died. As to people being crucified--------that was done for
people who committed a crime AGAINST -----ROME--------sedition. Not for shop lifting

Elijah, the bald guy who cursed the kids that teased him so the bears killed the kids, yep we can be sure he went to heaven, probably before he was thrown into the pit of endless fire.

Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?
I would suggest that Martin Luther was wrong in the way he took his ideas to the extreme, but he wasn't wrong about the basic teaching he was trying to convey.

And I would have to agree, that my review of the Bible indicates that Jesus cared a lot more about faith than he did about good works.

However, the Parable of the Rich Man indicates that a man who does not act while others suffer will be denied the Kingdom of God.

Also, James says quite clearly that faith without good works is dead, for even the demons have faith.

Really, you know what he told the rich man, who kept all the commandments, and then Jesus says to him sell all you own and give to the poor and follow me.

so?? you make Jesus seem like a typical cult leader-------JIM JONES said the same thing

That is what he said. The difference is Jesus is the son of God.

"the son of "god" " said ----sell all your stuff----give me the money----and becom my
follower" WHY??

No, give to the poor!! big difference.
I would suggest that Martin Luther was wrong in the way he took his ideas to the extreme, but he wasn't wrong about the basic teaching he was trying to convey.

And I would have to agree, that my review of the Bible indicates that Jesus cared a lot more about faith than he did about good works.

However, the Parable of the Rich Man indicates that a man who does not act while others suffer will be denied the Kingdom of God.

Also, James says quite clearly that faith without good works is dead, for even the demons have faith.

Really, you know what he told the rich man, who kept all the commandments, and then Jesus says to him sell all you own and give to the poor and follow me.

so?? you make Jesus seem like a typical cult leader-------JIM JONES said the same thing

That is what he said. The difference is Jesus is the son of God.

"the son of "god" " said ----sell all your stuff----give me the money----and becom my
follower" WHY??

No, give to the poor!! big difference.

oh----you got a link? "sell your stuff and donate the proceeds to 'the poor' I will google
oh----that's in MATTHEW------the person said to be a TAX COLLECTOR----the guy who
collected all the sales tax Jesus was throwing business his way
oh----that's in MATTHEW------the person said to be a TAX COLLECTOR----the guy who
collected all the sales tax Jesus was throwing business his way

Something happened to Paul on the road to Damascus.
Really, you know what he told the rich man, who kept all the commandments, and then Jesus says to him sell all you own and give to the poor and follow me.

so?? you make Jesus seem like a typical cult leader-------JIM JONES said the same thing

That is what he said. The difference is Jesus is the son of God.

"the son of "god" " said ----sell all your stuff----give me the money----and becom my
follower" WHY??

No, give to the poor!! big difference.

oh----you got a link? "sell your stuff and donate the proceeds to 'the poor' I will google
18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,

19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
oh----that's in MATTHEW------the person said to be a TAX COLLECTOR----the guy who
collected all the sales tax Jesus was throwing business his way

No the rich young salesman who had lots of stuff. Matthew gave up tax collecting to his money and followed Jesus.
oh----that's in MATTHEW------the person said to be a TAX COLLECTOR----the guy who
collected all the sales tax Jesus was throwing business his way

No the rich young salesman who had lots of stuff. Matthew gave up tax collecting to his money and followed Jesus.

how do you know that Matthew stopped collecting the roman taxes? The rich guy was a salesman?
What did he sell?
The Bible is quite clear that faith is what's required to be saved. James says, we also need good works, because faith without good works is dead. But there is no part of the Bible, not anywhere, that says good works alone will save you, if you don't have faith.

Honestly, that's kind of fucked up.

So by your logic, Ann Frank goes directly to Hell, because she didn't think that Jesus was the messiah. No reason for her to think so when Christians with "Gott Mitt Uns" belt buckles yanked her out of an attic she had been hiding in for years before killing her in a concentration camp.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Damhner, who after having gay sex and cannibalism, found Jesus in prison and he went directly to heaven.

I mean, seriously, dude, how fucked up is that? What kind of needy psycho is your Sky Pixie, anyway?

If you had a friend who had a constant need to be praised, who did horrible things to you because he could, and was constantly threatening you with harm if you didn't do things his way, would you want that person in your life. Fuck, no, you'd get a restraining order against that person!!!

But you are perfectly happy to have that with your Imaginary Friend in the Sky.
You boldly claim that “The 'good thief' was actually a revolutionary and the only person in the Bible we know for sure went to Heaven. Anyone who has read the Bible all the way though just once knows you are wrong. The Bible tells of others who went to heaven. Apparently you never heard of Enoch and Elijah.

“And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him”” (Geneis 5:23, 24, KJV).

“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2 Kings 2:11, KJV).

I have been studying the Bible for about 65 years and I know it fairly well. I am going to give you a link to the best Bible study tool available. The site has dozens of different versions in multiple languages. The best thing is that it has easy to use word-search and verse-search which enables you to quickly compare one version to another. Here's the link A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.

the one you got right as a "sure thing" is Elijah-----not enoch------- " "G-d" took him" is more like
a standard way of saying the guy died. As to people being crucified--------that was done for
people who committed a crime AGAINST -----ROME--------sedition. Not for shop lifting

Elijah, the bald guy who cursed the kids that teased him so the bears killed the kids, yep we can be sure he went to heaven, probably before he was thrown into the pit of endless fire.

Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?

I am use to a parable being an analogy, but its a fable or tale or whatever. The point is Elijah cursed the kids.
the one you got right as a "sure thing" is Elijah-----not enoch------- " "G-d" took him" is more like
a standard way of saying the guy died. As to people being crucified--------that was done for
people who committed a crime AGAINST -----ROME--------sedition. Not for shop lifting

Elijah, the bald guy who cursed the kids that teased him so the bears killed the kids, yep we can be sure he went to heaven, probably before he was thrown into the pit of endless fire.

Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?

I am use to a parable being an analogy, but its a fable or tale or whatever. The point is Elijah cursed the kids.

you are very confused. ' a parable is an analogy ' ???? what does 'Elijah cursed the kids'
mean in your fevered mind? He stuck a pin in voodoo dolls and magically conjured up a bear
Elijah, the bald guy who cursed the kids that teased him so the bears killed the kids, yep we can be sure he went to heaven, probably before he was thrown into the pit of endless fire.

Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?

I am use to a parable being an analogy, but its a fable or tale or whatever. The point is Elijah cursed the kids.

you are very confused. ' a parable is an analogy ' ???? what does 'Elijah cursed the kids'
mean in your fevered mind? He stuck a pin in voodoo dolls and magically conjured up a bear

That story is just a story, it has no comparison, Jesus used parables, read some of them.
the one you got right as a "sure thing" is Elijah-----not enoch------- " "G-d" took him" is more like
a standard way of saying the guy died. As to people being crucified--------that was done for
people who committed a crime AGAINST -----ROME--------sedition. Not for shop lifting

Elijah, the bald guy who cursed the kids that teased him so the bears killed the kids, yep we can be sure he went to heaven, probably before he was thrown into the pit of endless fire.

Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?

I am use to a parable being an analogy, but its a fable or tale or whatever. The point is Elijah cursed the kids.

It is written in Proverbs, let a drunkard drink his wine to ease the troubled soul.
oh----that's in MATTHEW------the person said to be a TAX COLLECTOR----the guy who
collected all the sales tax Jesus was throwing business his way

No the rich young salesman who had lots of stuff. Matthew gave up tax collecting to his money and followed Jesus.

how do you know that Matthew stopped collecting the roman taxes? The rich guy was a salesman?
What did he sell?
Because he followed Jesus in the story, and well maybe the rich young man was not a salesman, but he has a lot of possessions, but you are right, he could not sell them so he was not a salesman, thank you!!!
Yes----Elijah -----As to bears killing kids------Elijah did not kill anyone-----you are citing
a parable---- Ask your catechism whore who Elijah was (hint-----think "the Baptist")

So you believe in reincarnation, many did back then. (PS: the Elijah story is not a parable)

we are discussing that which is written in the bible. The bear story is a parable----are you
suggesting VOODOO?

I am use to a parable being an analogy, but its a fable or tale or whatever. The point is Elijah cursed the kids.

you are very confused. ' a parable is an analogy ' ???? what does 'Elijah cursed the kids'
mean in your fevered mind? He stuck a pin in voodoo dolls and magically conjured up a bear

That story is just a story, it has no comparison, Jesus used parables, read some of them.

Right-----it is a parable-----a very much used technique in instruction in Hebrew literature.
THE ENTIRE MIDRASH is FULL of them and ---there are lots in the Talmud. Many of
them show up in the New Testament in various forms. <<< I know that because unlike you,
I did read the NT

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