The Goon in the Oval Office is getting us into a war, just as I predicted.

Firstly you need to post a verifiable link to your prediction. Secondly; he hasn't gotten us into the war that your post suggests...
So... Why no link to your prediction? I'd love to have it. It will come in handy later.

Your avatar is utterly disgusting. Trump has disavowed you repeated;y.

Go join the democrats if you want to praise the enemies of America.
What in the name of fuck, are you blabbering about. Democrats are my mortal enemy, and no Trump has never disavowed me. So... You off your meds; or what?

{"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.}
Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Trump called you "repugnant," which in fact you are.
There again... "No he didn't"... Why do you keep repeating such fallacious nonsense? Slow Saturday on the boards?

What is wrong with you?

Are you a leftist trying to establish a link that does no exist?

Yes, you certainly are. That avatar is something straight off the leftist hate sites. You are a fraud trying to slander the right by pretending that any of us would put up with Nazi filth.

Trump loudly declare you Nazis to be repugnant, which indeed you are.
Except I'm neither a fraud, leftist, Nazi, or repugnant... Do try again. What do you dislike about my avatar? Seeing it has clearly upset you... Why?
Every military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. .


Why spread false information?

Grenada was the first time you had ever been beaten. Though a tiny conflict, it was huge for you Bolsheviks. You had never before been driven back from lands you had conquered. It devastated the mystique of the march of Communism as unstoppable.

You have again arisen, evil is never completely vanquished. But already you see your defeat is at hand. You have awoken the sleeping giant. The corrupt and lying press will not be able to tell enough lies to aid you in your treason.

Oh, Grenada was not a war. But the liberation of Kuwait was, which psuedo-Republican Bush engaged in during the 90's.
So Trump is having to deal with Clinton's failure to stop NK from getting nukes and obie being a pussy letting them get away with missile testing yet somehow it's Trump getting us in a war. It's not those two morons fault or the only fat kid in NK sending missiles over Japan. It's all Trump in the last eight months.

You're an idiot.

He is an idiot of the first order.
Your avatar is utterly disgusting. Trump has disavowed you repeated;y.

Go join the democrats if you want to praise the enemies of America.
What in the name of fuck, are you blabbering about. Democrats are my mortal enemy, and no Trump has never disavowed me. So... You off your meds; or what?

{"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.}
Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Trump called you "repugnant," which in fact you are.
There again... "No he didn't"... Why do you keep repeating such fallacious nonsense? Slow Saturday on the boards?

What is wrong with you?

Are you a leftist trying to establish a link that does no exist?

Yes, you certainly are. That avatar is something straight off the leftist hate sites. You are a fraud trying to slander the right by pretending that any of us would put up with Nazi filth.

Trump loudly declare you Nazis to be repugnant, which indeed you are.
Except I'm neither a fraud, leftist, Nazi, or repugnant... Do try again. What do you dislike about my avatar? Seeing it has clearly upset you... Why?


You are indeed a leftist. You downloaded a graphic from DailyKOS or one of the other leftist hate sites in an attempt to tie Trump to Nazism.

You are a fraud.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
You guys voted for Obama. What did HE do to stop Kim? Just shut up you dumb fucking hypocrite.

How many times did KJU threaten the U.S. when Obama was in office compared to Trump?
Everybody in the world sees how thin-skinned and easy to anger Trump is. He gets into public fights with ex-beauty contestant queens.
All it takes is just one crazy dictator with nukes to put us in danger when you have such a petulant, impulsive STUPID child in the Oval Office.

Somebody needs this:
Each day liberals show what worthless appeasing cowards they are.
The point is we've tried everything outside of military action to stop this country from producing WMD's. .

Bush did everything he could to encourage N Korea's nuclear program. After putting them into the axis of evil, Bush proceeded to invade the one without WMD's.


What was that?

Jimmy Carter gave them a Nuclear production facility and the means to produce weapons grade plutonium. Bill Clinton took bribes to look the other way. What is it you allege Bush did?

Oh, you're just lying - you're a Stalinist and think lies are equal to facts. I get it.
Except I'm neither a fraud, leftist, Nazi, or repugnant... Do try again. What do you dislike about my avatar? Seeing it has clearly upset you... Why?

I don't like your avatar either. But it both rings true, and is a 1st amendment political statement. So yours gets a thumbs up.

There are plenty of avatars of photoshopped or outtake photos that I disagree with, but again, are protected by the 1st amendment.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
How do people like you expect to be taken seriously? Not a peep when Obama invaded other countries but here you are freaking out over a fucking TWEET.
What in the name of fuck, are you blabbering about. Democrats are my mortal enemy, and no Trump has never disavowed me. So... You off your meds; or what?

{"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.}
Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Trump called you "repugnant," which in fact you are.
There again... "No he didn't"... Why do you keep repeating such fallacious nonsense? Slow Saturday on the boards?

What is wrong with you?

Are you a leftist trying to establish a link that does no exist?

Yes, you certainly are. That avatar is something straight off the leftist hate sites. You are a fraud trying to slander the right by pretending that any of us would put up with Nazi filth.

Trump loudly declare you Nazis to be repugnant, which indeed you are.
Except I'm neither a fraud, leftist, Nazi, or repugnant... Do try again. What do you dislike about my avatar? Seeing it has clearly upset you... Why?


You are indeed a leftist. You downloaded a graphic from DailyKOS or one of the other leftist hate sites in an attempt to tie Trump to Nazism.

You are a fraud.
No. I'm firmly on the right. And actually I didn't... why do you make assumptions about things you cannot actually verify?
So far in the course of our discourse; you were the only one to try and form some connection between Trump, his supporter, and Nazis... Why? Do you think smearing Trump will help your fellow lefties regain control? Why the use of emoticons instead of answering the simple questions posed to you? Are you trolling for fun? Or do you get paid based on how many times you use the words Nazi, and Trump in the same post?
Obama was at war with someone his entire 8 years, but all of a sudden now the dick comes out of the "anti war" Leftists mouths
Jimmy Carter gave them a Nuclear production facility and the means to produce weapons grade plutonium. Bill Clinton took bribes to look the other way. What is it you allege Bush did?.

Liar, Liar, Liar, Liar.

They were signatories to the NNPT, and the UN IAEA had cameras, inspectors, and seals on all the spent fuel, preventing them from producing even a milligram of plutonium.

That was from 1994 right up until Bush broke the framework in 2001.
Each day liberals show what worthless appeasing cowards they are.

They are not liberals, they are leftists, Stalinists to be accurate. And I don't think they are cowards, they are becoming increasingly bold in their open treason.

These Stalinist democrats are the most dangerous enemy this nation has ever faced. They are a cancer eating away from the inside, with one goal, to destroy the Constitutional Republic.
Obama was at war with someone his entire 8 years, but all of a sudden now the dick comes out of the "anti war" Leftists mouths

Obama didn't start a war. He inherited the two that Bush started. In fact, Obama left half as many wars as he inherited.
Except I'm neither a fraud, leftist, Nazi, or repugnant... Do try again. What do you dislike about my avatar? Seeing it has clearly upset you... Why?

I don't like your avatar either. But it both rings true, and is a 1st amendment political statement. So yours gets a thumbs up.

There are plenty of avatars of photoshopped or outtake photos that I disagree with, but again, are protected by the 1st amendment.
Why does the word Trump bother you?
Each day liberals show what worthless appeasing cowards they are.

They are not liberals, they are leftists, Stalinists to be accurate. And I don't think they are cowards, they are becoming increasingly bold in their open treason.

These Stalinist democrats are the most dangerous enemy this nation has ever faced. They are a cancer eating away from the inside, with one goal, to destroy the Constitutional Republic.
They are not bold, they are indeed cowards. ANYONE can hide behind free speech laws. The first amendment does not make you brave or noble but is gives you every opportunity to express exactly how dumb you are.
Jimmy Carter gave them a Nuclear production facility and the means to produce weapons grade plutonium. Bill Clinton took bribes to look the other way. What is it you allege Bush did?.

Liar, Liar, Liar, Liar.

They were signatories to the NNPT, and the UN IAEA had cameras, inspectors, and seals on all the spent fuel, preventing them from producing even a milligram of plutonium.

That was from 1994 right up until Bush broke the framework in 2001.

As always, you are an ignorant stooge offering nothing in the way of fact to support the idiocy that your treasonous party promotes;

{For the most part, the deal appears "front loaded" in favor of Pyongyang. A consortium of nations, led by the United States, is responsible for constructing a modem nu- clear power infrastructure for the well-armed, repressive communist state. The same consortium will bolster the North's faltering economy by easing its immediate energy bur- dens with large quantities of free fuel oil. In an October 20 letter to North Korean strong- man Kim Jong Il, moreover, President Clinton vastly expanded America's commitments under the formal agreement. The U.S., said Clinton, would finance the fuel shipments and the reactors if the consortium fails to do so. The total value of the U.S. pledge is estimated conservatively at more than $4 billion. In addition to leading the international energy assistance consortium, Washington has pledged to ease its long-standing trade embargo and move toward first-ever diplomatic relations with the North. These concessions provide Pyongyang a degree of political recognition by the U.S. and its allies that it long has sought. }

The Clinton Nuclear Deal with Pyongyang: Road Map to Progress or Dead End Street?

Carter brokered a deal to give North Korea nuclear weapons, fact. From the start it was designed to aid the Marxist regime.

{ U.S. intelligence and defense officials estimate that the North has enough enriched fuel to produce nuclear weapons. Secretary of Defense William Perry has stated, "it is possible they could make one or even two devices, perhaps even nuclear bombs."5 Even assuming smooth implementation of the October 21 agreement, however, its goals cannot possibly be fulfilled completely for at least a decade.}

We knew what was going on, Carter deliberately maneuvered to proved his Marxist allies with nuclear arms. Clinton went along because someone paid him off, Clinton was ALWAYS for sale.
Obama was at war with someone his entire 8 years, but all of a sudden now the dick comes out of the "anti war" Leftists mouths

This is typical carefully framed to be true, but completely misleading statement.

Obama didn't start a war. He inherited the two that Bush started. In fact, Obama left half as many wars as he inherited.
Another moron to disregard.

The Trump administration was under FBI investigation for his entire term.

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