The Goon in the Oval Office is getting us into a war, just as I predicted.

Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war
nah, they will all fall in line to support merika, if they decide to go to war. it is the only way to save this trumpresidency.
I'm hopeful that he's listening to the many calmer and more experienced voices around him.

My guess is that he's self-aware enough to do that.
Bombing the shit out of NK is the instinctual and emotional reaction. Just turn the bastard to dust and get it over with, never mind the destruction of allies' countries and the civilian toll of such a decision.

The longer we wait, the more that mutual destruction will be, I fear. The UN security counsel met again this morning to denounce NK's nuclear test and say little else.

We should not be lulled into believing that war is the only solution. The U.S. is being as stiff necked as NK in its demands prior to beginning talks again. I think others will have to find a solution here. The world in general seems to feel NK with nukes is a bad thing. So let them sort it out. Because right now we're just adding fuel to the fire with our grumblings about military fire and fury. If we will not be part of the solution, step aside, I say.
How would talking help things? Weve talked to them MANY times over the years. We talk to them, they promise to stop building nukes, then they continue building nukes after the "talks". Im open to solutions that dont involve us nuking them, but get the fuck out of here with this "talk" bullshit. Its childish nonsense. Grow up.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.

Anybody that thinks "talking" to this guy will solve the problem, they are kidding themselves. What happened all the other times we "talked" with NK?
So bomb 'em, Ray?
As an international community, we have talked quite a few countries out of nukes. No one who has them is currently threatening to use them and a good number of countries are devoted to getting rid of the damned things for good.
There is hope NK could be one of those countries that comes into the fold, but we have to give them something they want in order to get them to the table. Or starve them out, which it doesn't appear China is willing to do. Sanctions are like an old fashioned seige, except the main gate is being kept open by China. So bomb them, resulting in the deaths of possibly millions and WWIII, or talk to them. Hell, bribe them if we have to. Just get the goddamned things out of there.

No, I think we should send nukes to SK and also antimissile technology. Every time he launches a rocket, shoot the damn thing out of the sky. If possible, hack their computers so the missile turns around and lands on the little imps head.
If possible, hack their computers so the missile turns around and lands on the little imps head.
Boomerang ICBM's. I like it. LOL
I hope we do arm SK sufficiently. I wonder about the antimissile technology, though. We did some tests out over the Pacific ourselves this summer, trying to shoot down our own, and half missed. Since NK has its missiles launching from mobile launchers that can be moved around the country so we don't have an exact point of departure, I'm afraid we can't always count on them.
I'm hopeful that he's listening to the many calmer and more experienced voices around him.

My guess is that he's self-aware enough to do that.
Trump is also willing to listen and ACT if these same "calmer" voices like 'Mad dog' tell him it's 'go-time' against the Pervert.
IF the pervert's zombies on the border accidently shoot off a few rockets into SK the US will turn the pervert's palaces into 30' thick molten glass skating rinks within ten minutes.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.

It got Obama a Nobel Peace Prize going into Libya, maybe Trump will get one as well.
Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea
Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea
Isn't that what the THAAD systems are? We have them there, I heard.
Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea
Isn't that what the THAAD systems are? We have them there, I heard.

Not sure
I know there are both long range and short range systems
Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea

They had nukes before, it's just that GHB pulled them out. If they want nukes (which they are considering) then I say give them nukes. It's not that they will use them, but to send a message to Ding-Dong Un.
How would talking help things? Weve talked to them MANY times over the years. We talk to them, they promise to stop building nukes, then they continue building nukes after the "talks". Im open to solutions that dont involve us nuking them, but get the fuck out of here with this "talk" bullshit. Its childish nonsense. Grow up.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.

Anybody that thinks "talking" to this guy will solve the problem, they are kidding themselves. What happened all the other times we "talked" with NK?
So bomb 'em, Ray?
As an international community, we have talked quite a few countries out of nukes. No one who has them is currently threatening to use them and a good number of countries are devoted to getting rid of the damned things for good.
There is hope NK could be one of those countries that comes into the fold, but we have to give them something they want in order to get them to the table. Or starve them out, which it doesn't appear China is willing to do. Sanctions are like an old fashioned seige, except the main gate is being kept open by China. So bomb them, resulting in the deaths of possibly millions and WWIII, or talk to them. Hell, bribe them if we have to. Just get the goddamned things out of there.

No, I think we should send nukes to SK and also antimissile technology. Every time he launches a rocket, shoot the damn thing out of the sky. If possible, hack their computers so the missile turns around and lands on the little imps head.
If possible, hack their computers so the missile turns around and lands on the little imps head.
Boomerang ICBM's. I like it. LOL
I hope we do arm SK sufficiently. I wonder about the antimissile technology, though. We did some tests out over the Pacific ourselves this summer, trying to shoot down our own, and half missed. Since NK has its missiles launching from mobile launchers that can be moved around the country so we don't have an exact point of departure, I'm afraid we can't always count on them.

Not yet, but even if we can get half of them, that will really piss off the little squirt. Missiles cost money--money they don't really have.

I also think we should fund better technology in missile defense.
The solution to every single political problem on Earth is WAR.

Problem: "Man-Made" Climate Change = 5 billion too many people
Solution: WAR

Problem: Not enough resources on Earth to support free market = 5 billion too many people
Solution: WAR

Problem: Threat of war
Solution: WAR

Problem: Racism
Solution: WAR

Problem: Too many Christians
Solution: WAR

Problem: Not enough Christians
Solution: WAR

I could go on all day, but what we really need is WAR!!!!!

Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea

They had nukes before, it's just that GHB pulled them out. If they want nukes (which they are considering) then I say give them nukes. It's not that they will use them, but to send a message to Ding-Dong Un.
Even though I trust S Korea with nukes more than I trust Trump

I would prefer the decision to use them reside with the US
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
You guys voted for Obama. What did HE do to stop Kim? Just shut up you dumb fucking hypocrite.

No bro it doesn't work that way. Obama applied several sanctions but NK was less threat and less missile launch last 8 years. Not even close to war.

Trump first 8 months applied few sanctions. But Kim launches several missiles, aggressive and threatening US and neighbors more than ever. We are now in the brink of war. Because of Trump.

Trump is doing a bad job.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.

Should he surrender, retard?

No Trump should step down to save this country from embarrassment, ignorance and hypocrisy.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
You guys voted for Obama. What did HE do to stop Kim? Just shut up you dumb fucking hypocrite.

How many times did KJU threaten the U.S. when Obama was in office compared to Trump?
Everybody in the world sees how thin-skinned and easy to anger Trump is. He gets into public fights with ex-beauty contestant queens.
All it takes is just one crazy dictator with nukes to put us in danger when you have such a petulant, impulsive STUPID child in the Oval Office.
And look what he beat out to get there! LMAO!
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
You guys voted for Obama. What did HE do to stop Kim? Just shut up you dumb fucking hypocrite.

No bro it doesn't work that way. Obama applied several sanctions but NK was less threat and less missile launch last 8 years. Not even close to war.

Trump first 8 months applied few sanctions. But Kim launches several missiles, aggressive and threatening US and neighbors more than ever. We are now in the brink of war. Because of Trump.

Trump is doing a bad job.

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia

Sorry, but NK has been working on missile technology since the 70's and nothing really stopped them including Obama.
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Barring an attack from North Korea, which I seriously doubt they would do......Trump lacks the political capital at home and abroad to support his war

Maybe, but that doesn't stop him from sending SK our nukes and antimissile technology to blast NKs missiles out of the sky.

I don't think we will give S Korea nukes. We will retaliate on their behalf
I don't see why we haven't already deployed missile defense systems in S Korea

They had nukes before, it's just that GHB pulled them out. If they want nukes (which they are considering) then I say give them nukes. It's not that they will use them, but to send a message to Ding-Dong Un.
Even though I trust S Korea with nukes more than I trust Trump

I would prefer the decision to use them reside with the US

I think we can agree on that. It doesn't matter who pushes the button if needed, at least they are right there.
Years of weakened diplomacy, capitulation, and appeasement brought us to this point. So tell me what should the Donald do, sacrifice South Korea's independence, freedom, provide the nut case an unobstructed opportunity to invade the South? Face it, if the mini nut pushes the wrong button it will be the last thing he will remember, then China will have to contend with a uninhabitable wasteland along its boarder.
Years of weakened diplomacy, capitulation, and appeasement brought us to this point. So tell me what should the Donald do, sacrifice South Korea's independence, freedom, provide the nut case an unobstructed opportunity to invade the South? Face it, if the mini nut pushes the wrong button it will be the last thing he will remember, then China will have to contend with a uninhabitable wasteland along its boarder.

That's the problem when you allow goofballs to have weapons like this. You never know what they're going to do. I don't think it would happen, but if some people try to depose that little runt, he just may launch an attack against somebody expecting us to make it a wasteland. Iran is another one where their religion believes at the end of the world, the fifth imam will come to life as their savior.

Kooks shouldn't have nukes.

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