The Goon in the Oval Office is getting us into a war, just as I predicted.

Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
NoKo had nukes the past 65 years?

We have dealt with North Korea posturing and threatening for 65 years
Only Trump seems to struggle
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
That is somewhat unfair. The NK's toys are getting much more serious now than they were when past Presidents had to deal with them.

NK hasn't used any of their other toys for 65 years

Trump seems to want to give them a reason.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.
The same people who let Kim get nukes in the first place? Not good company if you ask me.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
No...last 30 years. Clinton's gave the $$$ to build the program.
Clinton actually got close to getting NK to end their nuke program

Bush and Cheney messed it up
Hey Neville...this is what you get when you negotiate with crazy dictators. All they know is force.
Munich Pact signed - Sep 30, 1938 -
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
NoKo had nukes the past 65 years?

We have dealt with North Korea posturing and threatening for 65 years
Only Trump seems to struggle

Yes, because everybody else kept letting them get stronger and stronger. Now they are strong enough to launch a nuke at the US. Somebody has to deal with them because the can has been kicked down the road for so long.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
NoKo had nukes the past 65 years?

We have dealt with North Korea posturing and threatening for 65 years
Only Trump seems to struggle
Only because Obama let NoKo get nukes -- game changer
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump inherited a fucking mess in NoKo
Same mess every President in the last 65 years has managed to deal with

Only Trump seems incapable of handling it
That is somewhat unfair. The NK's toys are getting much more serious now than they were when past Presidents had to deal with them.

NK hasn't used any of their other toys for 65 years

Trump seems to want to give them a reason.
I think Trump's handling of the situation so far has sucked.
It sure looks like the threat situation is being exaggerated, but you cannot deny that his missiles and nuclear capabilities have made a big jump forward this past year.
Bombing the shit out of NK is the instinctual and emotional reaction. Just turn the bastard to dust and get it over with, never mind the destruction of allies' countries and the civilian toll of such a decision.

The longer we wait, the more that mutual destruction will be, I fear. The UN security counsel met again this morning to denounce NK's nuclear test and say little else.

We should not be lulled into believing that war is the only solution. The U.S. is being as stiff necked as NK in its demands prior to beginning talks again. I think others will have to find a solution here. The world in general seems to feel NK with nukes is a bad thing. So let them sort it out. Because right now we're just adding fuel to the fire with our grumblings about military fire and fury. If we will not be part of the solution, step aside, I say.
How would talking help things? Weve talked to them MANY times over the years. We talk to them, they promise to stop building nukes, then they continue building nukes after the "talks". Im open to solutions that dont involve us nuking them, but get the fuck out of here with this "talk" bullshit. Its childish nonsense. Grow up.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.

Anybody that thinks "talking" to this guy will solve the problem, they are kidding themselves. What happened all the other times we "talked" with NK?
The Goon in the Oval Office is getting us into a war, just as I predicted

Really? And here I thought it was the man lobbing missiles over Japan who is about to bring everyone into a war.

Yet again, the American left defends a murderous dictator over their own nation. Shocking.........

Is that all the provocation you need to send our nation to war?

A few missiles splashing into the Pacific

If it was Cuba or Venezuela lobbing them over Florida is that the opinion you would have?
So Trump is having to deal with Clinton's failure to stop NK from getting nukes and obie being a pussy letting them get away with missile testing yet somehow it's Trump getting us in a war. It's not those two morons fault or the only fat kid in NK sending missiles over Japan. It's all Trump in the last eight months.

You're an idiot.

Ah, a Trumpie voter.
I have quoted Duh Donald three times on what he has said about NK since 2016. My point, which goes right over your pointy head, is that Duh Donald said he would handle it. ANOTHER LIE because he's so fucking out of his depth he's drowning in his own shit.
He is handling it you retard. What do you want him to do? Send obie to bow like a twat and suck the fat kids dick? That got us here after eight years.
The Goon in the Oval Office is getting us into a war, just as I predicted

Really? And here I thought it was the man lobbing missiles over Japan who is about to bring everyone into a war.

Yet again, the American left defends a murderous dictator over their own nation. Shocking.........
They want to wait until there is a mushroom cloud over major U.S. city.

KJU was ecstatic when Trump was elected, finally a new toy. He knew he couldn't rattle Obama. He has been patient waiting for just the right fucking idiot to get into the Oval Office to begin what he perceives as fulfilling his legacy.

You mean he wanted to deal with a US leader with balls than the ones without? I'd like you to explain that one.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.

Were you half as intelligent as you think you are you'd know that the Money people want it. It's why we're in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

Neither North Korea or Iran have a Central Bank yet, THAT'S why war is coming.
Here's what the dipwad said on Twitter in January:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
3:05 PM - 2 Jan 2017

In July he said he would handle North Korea:
President Donald Trump appears confident in the United States' ability to stifle Pyongyang's nuclear pursuits.

On the campaign trail in 2016 he promised he would make us a great deal with Kim Jong Un.

I told you fucking idiots not to vote for him. Two years ago.
Trump lacks the leadership to get us into war

After Bush lied to us to get us into Iraq, I doubt Congress or the public would believe anything a serial liar like Trump says on why we need to go to war

Unlike big ears, Trump will actually listen to his military advisors and act on their recommendations.
Bombing the shit out of NK is the instinctual and emotional reaction. Just turn the bastard to dust and get it over with, never mind the destruction of allies' countries and the civilian toll of such a decision.

The longer we wait, the more that mutual destruction will be, I fear. The UN security counsel met again this morning to denounce NK's nuclear test and say little else.

We should not be lulled into believing that war is the only solution. The U.S. is being as stiff necked as NK in its demands prior to beginning talks again. I think others will have to find a solution here. The world in general seems to feel NK with nukes is a bad thing. So let them sort it out. Because right now we're just adding fuel to the fire with our grumblings about military fire and fury. If we will not be part of the solution, step aside, I say.
How would talking help things? Weve talked to them MANY times over the years. We talk to them, they promise to stop building nukes, then they continue building nukes after the "talks". Im open to solutions that dont involve us nuking them, but get the fuck out of here with this "talk" bullshit. Its childish nonsense. Grow up.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.

Anybody that thinks "talking" to this guy will solve the problem, they are kidding themselves. What happened all the other times we "talked" with NK?
So bomb 'em, Ray?
As an international community, we have talked quite a few countries out of nukes. No one who has them is currently threatening to use them and a good number of countries are devoted to getting rid of the damned things for good.
There is hope NK could be one of those countries that comes into the fold, but we have to give them something they want in order to get them to the table. Or starve them out, which it doesn't appear China is willing to do. Sanctions are like an old fashioned seige, except the main gate is being kept open by China. So bomb them, resulting in the deaths of possibly millions and WWIII, or talk to them. Hell, bribe them if we have to. Just get the goddamned things out of there.
So Trump is having to deal with Clinton's failure to stop NK from getting nukes and obie being a pussy letting them get away with missile testing yet somehow it's Trump getting us in a war. It's not those two morons fault or the only fat kid in NK sending missiles over Japan. It's all Trump in the last eight months.

You're an idiot.

Ah, a Trumpie voter.
I have quoted Duh Donald three times on what he has said about NK since 2016. My point, which goes right over your pointy head, is that Duh Donald said he would handle it. ANOTHER LIE because he's so fucking out of his depth he's drowning in his own shit.
We've had eight years of incompetency… LOL

It was also eight years of veritable peace.

Eight years of peace he used to nuke up. Nice job hippy.
It's not as though pine trump didn't tell us he would start new wars.

He said he "loves wars" and that he couldn't understand why he couldn't use nukes.

The very real danger is that neither Kim nor pino trump cares about their country or people. They're both spoiled, entitled toddler with little tiny hands.

Kim has the added benefit that the US would spend generations "rebuilding" NK.

Sent from my iPad using
Bombing the shit out of NK is the instinctual and emotional reaction. Just turn the bastard to dust and get it over with, never mind the destruction of allies' countries and the civilian toll of such a decision.

The longer we wait, the more that mutual destruction will be, I fear. The UN security counsel met again this morning to denounce NK's nuclear test and say little else.

We should not be lulled into believing that war is the only solution. The U.S. is being as stiff necked as NK in its demands prior to beginning talks again. I think others will have to find a solution here. The world in general seems to feel NK with nukes is a bad thing. So let them sort it out. Because right now we're just adding fuel to the fire with our grumblings about military fire and fury. If we will not be part of the solution, step aside, I say.
How would talking help things? Weve talked to them MANY times over the years. We talk to them, they promise to stop building nukes, then they continue building nukes after the "talks". Im open to solutions that dont involve us nuking them, but get the fuck out of here with this "talk" bullshit. Its childish nonsense. Grow up.
Tell that to every single blessed nation in the U.N. I heard the countries on the Security Counsel and some others say their piece today and every one of them says that TALKS are the ONLY solution. No one but the U.S. is rattling their saber. So I guess if my thoughts on this are childish, I'm in good company with every other leader in the world.

Anybody that thinks "talking" to this guy will solve the problem, they are kidding themselves. What happened all the other times we "talked" with NK?
So bomb 'em, Ray?
As an international community, we have talked quite a few countries out of nukes. No one who has them is currently threatening to use them and a good number of countries are devoted to getting rid of the damned things for good.
There is hope NK could be one of those countries that comes into the fold, but we have to give them something they want in order to get them to the table. Or starve them out, which it doesn't appear China is willing to do. Sanctions are like an old fashioned seige, except the main gate is being kept open by China. So bomb them, resulting in the deaths of possibly millions and WWIII, or talk to them. Hell, bribe them if we have to. Just get the goddamned things out of there.

No, I think we should send nukes to SK and also antimissile technology. Every time he launches a rocket, shoot the damn thing out of the sky. If possible, hack their computers so the missile turns around and lands on the little imps head.

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