The GOP and their fear of debate

CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
It was on the topic of gambling, and lead to a light moment in the debate. Best question ever? Nope. But not something to make a federal case over either.

To call this the worst ever debate is just silly. It was very similar to all the other debates.
The first so-called FOX debate wasn't a real debate. It was a question and answer session.
Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years

that's because the debt Bush left is added into the national debt and passed on to the next POTUS .. some guy named Obama.


Enough of 'amateur hour'...

With a divided Congress controlling Congress, the US Congress actually passed a budget, which is required by law annually.

in Bush's 1st 6 years a total of $1.5 Trillion in new debt was added, and that is 6 years during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars.

In Bush's last 2 years the democrats took over Congress with a near Super Majority - 3 votes shy. It was THEIR Congress, and they controlled spending, the purse strings. In the last 2 years of the Bush administration $2.5 of the $4 trillion added over 8 years was added. Yes, Democrats controlling federal spending added $2.5 trillion in those last 2 years, $1 trillion more than Bush had in 6 years with a divided Congress. As an additional 'bonus' Democrats STOPPED passing anymore Budgets (again which were / are required by law annually) and another Budget would not be passed for 5 (FIVE) years.

It is argued that the economy started to go down in Bush's last 2 years...coincidently which is when Democrats took over and controlled federal spending. They controlled Congress with that near super majority for 4 years, until the end of Obama's 2nd year in office. SO THE FALLING ECONOMY OBAMA WHINED ABOUT INHERITIING WAS HIS OWN PARTY'S ECONOMY, NOT THAT OF BUSH! (Last 2 years of Bush + 1st 2 years of Obama!)

Obama went on to add $7.1 TRILLION in new debt in his 1st 4 years, setting US Records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending. Though Liberals whine that it isn't true, Obama also secured the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade. Despite being warned that if he did not accept the call for more / increased budget cute to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the credit rating would be cut. Obama ignored the warning, and the credit rating was down-graded. Obama responded by sending multiple agencies to audit and harass the bank.

Liberals now claim that Obama has not only balanced the deficit but has also CUT the deficit. Yeah, this is deceitful as hell because as shown the deficit has EXPANDED - it has not been cut. What he and Congress has done is to balance / cut the ANNUAL spending budget. We are still barely paying off what we owe and the interest on what we owe.

And in a move that does not look promising, the politicians in Washington just eliminated the debt ceiling and is granting Obama what amounts to be a blank check to add as much as he wants to it until the end of his term in office (through 2017, the budget for which is passed by the 2016 Congress).
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?
It started with Nixon.
national debt, Federal deficit .... soooooooooooooo confusing.

It started with Nixon.
Nixon lost his election to JFK because he sweat on camera, and the American people did not like that. If CNBC was asking him the questions he would never have had a reason to sweat and might have won. :p
Republicans are whining about the debate moderators and questions to take attention away from the endless lies they told during the whole debate. They are using their whining for an excuse to implement debate rules that will give them even more opportunities to lie and less opportunity to be held responsible for telling those lies.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p

Your thinking has to be pretty damn shallow to think a question to GOPers about "fantasy football" is about "fantasy football". (although I have to say Jeb seemed totally clueless about why the question was asked, at least one of the other candidates on that stage understood and immediately went into mock-mode)

To review:
-In 2012 Sheldon Adelson was the single largest contributor to political campaigns, 100% of which went to Republican candidates and causes
-Adelson made his billions running gambling houses
-online gambling is cutting into casino profits
-Fantasy football is a big profit center for online gambling

*Why would Adelson spend more dough than anyone else in 2012 to get his handpicked candidate(s) elected and why would he threaten this years GOP candidates that don't toe his line, with spending $100 million to get his proxy president elected?

*Right, investing that amount of money is chickenfeed/chump change compared to the ROI of billion$ if he has an advocate in the White House along with Republican gerrymandered ownership of the House of Representatives

When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?

This is the same bunch who finds teleprompters funny for some reason. Now they want questions given to them a week early because tough questions are unfair.

This is the bunch that will defeat terrorist with toughness and leadership. lolz
The new born parrot is "spoon fed":

Which is how they want their questions.
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?
Hildabeast fears the truth...
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
The GOP has Higher Standards????

Higher than what? Limbo?


We don't "claim" the GOP is afraid. We KNOW the GOP is afraid. By how loud the whine.
Remember when libs wouldnt go on Fox for a debate cause of something Ailes said...........hypocrites as usual.......btw who has had more debates
Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years

that's because the debt Bush left is added into the national debt and passed on to the next POTUS .. some guy named Obama.


Enough of 'amateur hour'...

With a divided Congress controlling Congress, the US Congress actually passed a budget, which is required by law annually.

in Bush's 1st 6 years a total of $1.5 Trillion in new debt was added, and that is 6 years during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars.

In Bush's last 2 years the democrats took over Congress with a near Super Majority - 3 votes shy. It was THEIR Congress, and they controlled spending, the purse strings. In the last 2 years of the Bush administration $2.5 of the $4 trillion added over 8 years was added. Yes, Democrats controlling federal spending added $2.5 trillion in those last 2 years, $1 trillion more than Bush had in 6 years with a divided Congress. As an additional 'bonus' Democrats STOPPED passing anymore Budgets (again which were / are required by law annually) and another Budget would not be passed for 5 (FIVE) years.

It is argued that the economy started to go down in Bush's last 2 years...coincidently which is when Democrats took over and controlled federal spending. They controlled Congress with that near super majority for 4 years, until the end of Obama's 2nd year in office. SO THE FALLING ECONOMY OBAMA WHINED ABOUT INHERITIING WAS HIS OWN PARTY'S ECONOMY, NOT THAT OF BUSH! (Last 2 years of Bush + 1st 2 years of Obama!)

Obama went on to add $7.1 TRILLION in new debt in his 1st 4 years, setting US Records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending. Though Liberals whine that it isn't true, Obama also secured the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade. Despite being warned that if he did not accept the call for more / increased budget cute to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the credit rating would be cut. Obama ignored the warning, and the credit rating was down-graded. Obama responded by sending multiple agencies to audit and harass the bank.

Liberals now claim that Obama has not only balanced the deficit but has also CUT the deficit. Yeah, this is deceitful as hell because as shown the deficit has EXPANDED - it has not been cut. What he and Congress has done is to balance / cut the ANNUAL spending budget. We are still barely paying off what we owe and the interest on what we owe.

And in a move that does not look promising, the politicians in Washington just eliminated the debt ceiling and is granting Obama what amounts to be a blank check to add as much as he wants to it until the end of his term in office (through 2017, the budget for which is passed by the 2016 Congress).

Thanks, very well said.
* The real unemployment rate, the U-6, remains at historic highs and is far higher on average than it was under Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., or Reagan.
Ummmmm the U-6 under Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, and Clinton's first year was "Total persons seeking full-time jobs, plus one-half of persons seeking part-time jobs, plus one half of persons employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force less one half of the part-time labor force."

In 1994, the 7 alternative measures were revamped: The U-1 and U-2 were unchanged, U-3, U-4, U-6 and U-7 were eliminated. The U-5 was renamed U-3, and new measures for U-4, U-5 and U-6 were introduced.

The current U-6 is "Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force

So how are you making your comparison?

The labor force participation rate is one at one of the worst levels that we've seen in decades.
It went steadily up form 1948 to 2000, and has been going down since then. The changes are mostly demographic and are not a reflection of the labor market......unless you want to claim we're better off now than anytime before 1978 since the current participation rate is higher than any time before then.

Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years

that's because the debt Bush left is added into the national debt and passed on to the next POTUS .. some guy named Obama.


Enough of 'amateur hour'...

With a divided Congress controlling Congress, the US Congress actually passed a budget, which is required by law annually.

in Bush's 1st 6 years a total of $1.5 Trillion in new debt was added, and that is 6 years during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars.

In Bush's last 2 years the democrats took over Congress with a near Super Majority - 3 votes shy. It was THEIR Congress, and they controlled spending, the purse strings. In the last 2 years of the Bush administration $2.5 of the $4 trillion added over 8 years was added. Yes, Democrats controlling federal spending added $2.5 trillion in those last 2 years, $1 trillion more than Bush had in 6 years with a divided Congress. As an additional 'bonus' Democrats STOPPED passing anymore Budgets (again which were / are required by law annually) and another Budget would not be passed for 5 (FIVE) years.

It is argued that the economy started to go down in Bush's last 2 years...coincidently which is when Democrats took over and controlled federal spending. They controlled Congress with that near super majority for 4 years, until the end of Obama's 2nd year in office. SO THE FALLING ECONOMY OBAMA WHINED ABOUT INHERITIING WAS HIS OWN PARTY'S ECONOMY, NOT THAT OF BUSH! (Last 2 years of Bush + 1st 2 years of Obama!)

Obama went on to add $7.1 TRILLION in new debt in his 1st 4 years, setting US Records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending. Though Liberals whine that it isn't true, Obama also secured the 1st US Credit Rating Downgrade. Despite being warned that if he did not accept the call for more / increased budget cute to show he was serious about reducing the deficit the credit rating would be cut. Obama ignored the warning, and the credit rating was down-graded. Obama responded by sending multiple agencies to audit and harass the bank.

Liberals now claim that Obama has not only balanced the deficit but has also CUT the deficit. Yeah, this is deceitful as hell because as shown the deficit has EXPANDED - it has not been cut. What he and Congress has done is to balance / cut the ANNUAL spending budget. We are still barely paying off what we owe and the interest on what we owe.

And in a move that does not look promising, the politicians in Washington just eliminated the debt ceiling and is granting Obama what amounts to be a blank check to add as much as he wants to it until the end of his term in office (through 2017, the budget for which is passed by the 2016 Congress).
Amazing, Republicans held the entire government for nearly five years and used reconciliation three times, yet all the mess was the fault of Democrats with a Republican president.. How is that possible?
Ailes: “The Candidates That Can’t Face Fox, Can’t Face Al Qaeda”
At an awards ceremony last night, Fox News chief Roger Ailes “had some choice words for Democratic candidates who have decided not to debate on Fox,” the Observer reports.

“The candidates that can’t face Fox, can’t face Al Qaeda. And that’s what’s coming,” Ailes said.

Phony equivalence fallacy, that FOX and CNBC are on equivalent ends of the spectrum. CNBC is moderate right, FOX is kook right.
Ailes: “The Candidates That Can’t Face Fox, Can’t Face Al Qaeda”
At an awards ceremony last night, Fox News chief Roger Ailes “had some choice words for Democratic candidates who have decided not to debate on Fox,” the Observer reports.

“The candidates that can’t face Fox, can’t face Al Qaeda. And that’s what’s coming,” Ailes said.

Phony equivalence fallacy, that FOX and CNBC are on equivalent ends of the spectrum. CNBC is moderate right, FOX is kook right.

which of course is why former Hilly employees are in high places at CNBC and everyone else knows they are kook left but you

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