The GOP and their fear of debate

You’ll recall that Donald Trump savaged Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly in the most sexist way after the first debate. These guys are first-rate cry babies, working the refs by crying “liberal media bias!” like conservatives have for going on 50 years.

They'll just say she's part of the liberal media too. At this point it doesnt have to make sense. Just keep crying
CNBC did not live up to any of their debate commitments.

Consequently the moderators got the shit kicked out of them by the candidates themselves.

that's ok ... Trump kicked some mod ass, Hillary will kick his ass. Just keep it up.
So if they don't let leftist hacks demean them, very publicly, they are fearful of debates?
News flash for you libtards, the debates are supposed to be between the candidates, not Republicans vs. leftist moderators.
I read the transcript. It was a very fair debate, and most of the talking was by the candidates. You whiners are too funny.
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?

Yes you Democrats have had ONE debate. ONE. It was dubbed the "I Love Hillary Show". It was dull and boring and only offered more taxes and more give aways. The American taxpayer will not buy into that.
Did it ever occur to you that nobody cares about the Democrat debate because Clinton is the only serious candidate?
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?

Yes you Democrats have had ONE debate. ONE. It was dubbed the "I Love Hillary Show". It was dull and boring and only offered more taxes and more give aways. The American taxpayer will not buy into that.
Did it ever occur to you that nobody cares about the Democrat debate because Clinton is the only serious candidate?

Yes, and that chronic liar and totally incompetent former Secretary of State is all you have to offer. Sad.
You almost gotta laugh. The hardest question democrat candidates had to face so far was something like "what's your favorite color". Hillary actually roped off the media from an event.
You almost gotta laugh. The hardest question democrat candidates had to face so far was something like "what's your favorite color". Hillary actually roped off the media from an event.
So if they don't let leftist hacks demean them, very publicly, they are fearful of debates?
News flash for you libtards, the debates are supposed to be between the candidates, not Republicans vs. leftist moderators.
I read the transcript. It was a very fair debate, and most of the talking was by the candidates. You whiners are too funny.

I posted the ENTIRE transcript on this board ... not ONE single response from any of the whiners ... NOT ONE.

pathetically funny.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
So if they don't let leftist hacks demean them, very publicly, they are fearful of debates?
News flash for you libtards, the debates are supposed to be between the candidates, not Republicans vs. leftist moderators.
I read the transcript. It was a very fair debate, and most of the talking was by the candidates. You whiners are too funny.

I posted the ENTIRE transcript on this board ... not ONE single response from any of the whiners ... NOT ONE.

pathetically funny.
That's the transcript I read. Thank you for posting the link!
Roger Ailes picked Trump over Megan Kelly ... so there's your fact.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
It was on the topic of gambling, and lead to a light moment in the debate. Best question ever? Nope. But not something to make a federal case over either.

To call this the worst ever debate is just silly. It was very similar to all the other debates.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
It was on the topic of gambling, and lead to a light moment in the debate. Best question ever? Nope. But not something to make a federal case over either.

To call this the worst ever debate is just silly. It was very similar to all the other debates.

Republicans have been on the war path against gambling since 43 put a stop to Indian casinos in Texas. Republicans shut down internet gambling.

soooooooo, a gambling question isn't worth talking about?

uh huh, got it.
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?

There are so many falsehoods and distortions packed into your OP that it would take a couple pages' worth of reply to deal with them all.

If you think the moderators "went after Hillary with GOP talking points," I'm guessing no amount of fact or logic would change your mind. How on earth you could think that Hillary was seriously challenged at that debate is beyond rational comprehension. Not once was there any substantive follow-up or meaningful challenge to her answers. She was not asked about a single substantive point regarding Benghazi. She was never once asked about the many bald-faced lies she's been caught telling over the years. She was never once asked about the influence peddling that she clearly engaged in as Secretary of State. And on and on we could go.

As for how well the country is doing under Obama, let's see:

* The real unemployment rate, the U-6, remains at historic highs and is far higher on average than it was under Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., or Reagan.

* The labor force participation rate is one at one of the worst levels that we've seen in decades.

* Median family income has declined. Under Bush it rose.

* Small business creation is now in the negative--that means we are losing more small businesses than we are creating.

* Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years, and we are now over $18 trillion in debt, and just last week once again decided to get another credit card, just like Greece kept doing.

Etc., etc., etc.
These liberals are human filth who support Hillary, they have no business moderating GOP debates or any debates. The one important qualification to be a debate moderator is to be unbiased, none of these lying left scum qualify.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p

How about if the GOP candidates just beat the living shit out of the next liberal debate moderator who starts asking these stupid pro Hillary/Democratic party questions right on national tv. Maybe that's what the left needs a good old fashioned beating.
When you look at the Democratic Debate and how they went after Hillary with ALL the GOP taking points and after Bernie on his pro gun stance and his message of socialism.

Then you look at the Republicans and one simple question on the debt ceiling caused a meltdown into a full blown whine.

Now, Republicans have cancelled a debate for the Hispanic network "Telemundo". Wow, that should help them out with Hispanics.

Republicans said they want questions with "integrity". Meaning "not too hard".

Republicans cancelled debates on Hispanic networks. Meaning protect Donald Trump.

Republicans don't want to talk immigration. Paul Ryan has flat out refused to work with the president on this, period.

Republicans once again want to present their tax cuts on the rich creates jobs and pay for themselves. Historically, the opposite has been true. So let's present the idea, but not debate it.

Republicans have told their base that Obama is destroying the country. To debate that would uncover how much the country has improved after 8 years of Bush and failed GOP policies.

Republicans want no more moderators that want to debate GOP fantasy policies cherished by the party elite.

If they can't even debate, how would any of the run a country. We see the crying, but where is the leadership?

There are so many falsehoods and distortions packed into your OP that it would take a couple pages' worth of reply to deal with them all.

If you think the moderators "went after Hillary with GOP talking points," I'm guessing no amount of fact or logic would change your mind. How on earth you could think that Hillary was seriously challenged at that debate is beyond rational comprehension. Not once was there any substantive follow-up or meaningful challenge to her answers. She was not asked about a single substantive point regarding Benghazi. She was never once asked about the many bald-faced lies she's been caught telling over the years. She was never once asked about the influence peddling that she clearly engaged in as Secretary of State. And on and on we could go.

As for how well the country is doing under Obama, let's see:

* The real unemployment rate, the U-6, remains at historic highs and is far higher on average than it was under Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., or Reagan.

* The labor force participation rate is one at one of the worst levels that we've seen in decades.

* Median family income has declined. Under Bush it rose.

* Small business creation is now in the negative--that means we are losing more small businesses than we are creating.

* Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years, and we are now over $18 trillion in debt, and just last week once again decided to get another credit card, just like Greece kept doing.

Etc., etc., etc.

Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years

that's because the debt Bush left is added into the national debt and passed on to the next POTUS .. some guy named Obama.

the next POTUS will be responsible for all the debt HISTORY too.

so I think its fair to say Obama has piled up more debt in 7 years than Bush did in 8 years.
CNBC successfully pulled off the WORST, MOST BIASED Presidential 'debate-like thing' ever held, drawing deserved criticism - AND RIDICULE - from AROUND THE GLOBE ... and the OP starts a RIDICULOUS thread claiming the GOP is 'afraid' of Liberally-biased debates.

No...the FACT is the GOP has HIGHER STANDARDS and think there are more important issues this country faces that 'Fantasy football'. we'll let you save those kinds of questions for Hillary's and Bernie's next 'riveting' debate. :p
It was on the topic of gambling, and lead to a light moment in the debate. Best question ever? Nope. But not something to make a federal case over either.

To call this the worst ever debate is just silly. It was very similar to all the other debates.

Republicans have been on the war path against gambling since 43 put a stop to Indian casinos in Texas. Republicans shut down internet gambling.

soooooooo, a gambling question isn't worth talking about?

uh huh, got it.

good one leftard. you contorted your self and mind-phucked yourself into making a case the question wasnt idiotic and irrelevant. now where do you think gambling will appear on ANYBODY'S list of important issues facing Americans???

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