The GOP, Cheaters, Ron Paul won the State of Maine

I would have thought real Ron Paul supporters would be outraged by this. It validates what they've claimed all along.

They are. But the OP many others on on this thread are Democrat frauds pretending to be upset about this. They are not Ron Paul supporters. They're just using him as a way to attack the Republican Party. They don't care about him or this issue. They've never voted for the man, and never intend to. Just Obamabots expressing faux outrage. Nothing more, nothing less.

You don't seem to be upset at all by this. You attacked Care for reporting it. The fact that she doesn't support Paul is a stupid reason to attack her motives for posting the OP. You act like you belong to a tight little clique of True Believers that shuns all outsiders.
I think the cons here are just too tired to care about Americans being cheated out of their vote.

maybe they will care if they are given free vactions
Oh my's worse than I had thought! that sob Webster also held the vote for delegates WITHOUT A QUORUM....he stuffed the delegates with romney guys and wouldn't let those gop'rs that were ron Paul supporters in the room when the election of delegates was taking place. and what is worse, is that the gop didn't throw webster out for all of his chaos and mistakes during the convention....

Let's talk about your SELECTIVE outrage.. There's a thread this week about DEM PARTY in Tenn throwing out the voters choice to oppose Bob Corker (R) in this upcoming election. They will do everything they can to punish their winner. OR the fact the DEMS are NOT GONNA SEAT delegates for 2 guys that had the GALL to oppose Obama in the primaries. One of whom almost won Arkansas and the other who nearly beat him in W. Virginia.

You a tad bit annoyed by that?

Imagine my outrage after working for a year to get Gary Johnson on all 50 state ballots and then having my candidate EXCLUDED from the debates.. Wonder why I'm not up in arms about INTERNAL REP/DEM party trickery?

You can't be selectively outraged with events like I noted above. I want everyone who's truly SHOCKED at these behaviours to get right in their heads and vote for Gary Johnson this November to tell your "major" parties that they DON'T OWN YOU... Gary has a better record in New Mexico and more qualifications than EITHER OF THEM coming into an election.. Yet -- you won't do that -- willya.. You'll just continue the partisian bickering and ignore the weakness of a 2 party system that constantly rewards the less sucky of the 2 choices..
haven't seen the thread and know nothing about it??? I didn't even know this kind of crap went on, other than seeing the DNC taking Hillary's delegates and john edwards' delegates and giving them to Obama, in a back door meeting....sure Hillary was present when it all happened, but I am certain it was not her choice.....and this was the first time that I was made aware that the DNC really chose who the candidate would a very close race and not allow the votes to fall where they were placed. It sickened me.

Well no wonder you think this is sooooo special.. Read a little about the Tenn case and the NAtional DNC not seating delegates won against Obama...

Last Thursday, Democrat Mark Clayton won his party's nomination for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, but Democrats aren't celebrating.

From the state party:

Mark Clayton is associated with a known hate group in Washington, D.C., and the Tennessee Democratic Party disavows his candidacy, will not do anything to promote or support him in any way, and urges Democrats to write-in a candidate of their choice in November.

The party said in a statement last week that the only time the insurance agent has voted in a Democratic primary "was when he was voting for himself" and that Clayton won simply because he was listed first on the ballot.

Once you get "it" -- that Americans need to punish BOTH PARTIES.. Then you should reread what I wrote about fixing it....
I would have thought real Ron Paul supporters would be outraged by this. It validates what they've claimed all along.

Yeah -- I'm outraged.. But I'm also tired of being discriminated against every time there's an election.. We work our ASSES OFF just to be on the ballot in all 50 states.. We're the only 3rd Party that consistently rises to that challenge.. MILLIONS of dollars, tons of lawyers, and petty bullshit from the REPS/DEMs later -- we start a campaign already exhausted.

Maine is CAUCUS -- not an audited election.. It's an INTERNAL PRIVATE PARTY function. It's indicative of what happens when there are not enough ACTIVE party members with principles to stop this kind of thievery. This is why Ron Paul is NOT BEHOLDING to his party. Because he has stronger PRINCIPLES they have...

Like I've said in other threads -- DISS the party and you'll be campaigning out of a phone booth with a rotary dial phone.. People need MORE CHOICES in the parties that back their candidacies. So that COMPLETE OBEDIENCE is not required to get and remain elected..

If America is too stupid to understand that ---- live with this kind of shoddy representation.

That's the response I expect from a real Ron Paul supporter.
paulites are just loony.

they dont have any real commitment to anything but seeing Ron Paul as their eternal Dadddy.

they are phonier than the entire system they claim to hate
paulites are just loony.

they dont have any real commitment to anything but seeing Ron Paul as their eternal Dadddy.

they are phonier than the entire system they claim to hate

I guess by that definition then I am not a Paulite. I must just be an american who loves liberty and expects honest and fair elections.
paulites are just loony.

they dont have any real commitment to anything but seeing Ron Paul as their eternal Dadddy.

they are phonier than the entire system they claim to hate

I guess by that definition then I am not a Paulite. I must just be an american who loves liberty and expects honest and fair elections.

Pauls ideas of "freedom" are based on looned out bullshit.
paulites are just loony.

they dont have any real commitment to anything but seeing Ron Paul as their eternal Dadddy.

they are phonier than the entire system they claim to hate

I guess by that definition then I am not a Paulite. I must just be an american who loves liberty and expects honest and fair elections.
Yeah... That's the great thing about being independent... Definitions don't matter.

Right or wrong you are truly a man with a pair of balls to do what is personally right... Or a women with a pair of tits... Whatever the case may be.
paulites are just loony.

they dont have any real commitment to anything but seeing Ron Paul as their eternal Dadddy.

they are phonier than the entire system they claim to hate

I guess by that definition then I am not a Paulite. I must just be an american who loves liberty and expects honest and fair elections.

Pauls ideas of "freedom" are based on looned out bullshit.

Please elaborate. Thanks.
Cares4All, there's no doubt that if true, this is a bad day for conservatives.

Our nation currently has 24 million voter registrations that have questionable validity, according to Judicial Watch. They're not blaming any particular party, but they are uncovering a lot of scams by groups that replace ACORN on the public nickel.

I'm sorry conservatives were somehow connected to 7 miscounted votes in your state, and that an unconscionable demand was made of conservatives that would be so easily used to discredit conservatives nationwide.

Gee, that is 7 frauds by conservatives v. 23,999,992 errors by liberals.

Let's take it all out on those evil, corrupt conservatives and overlook those mistakies by liberals who just made itsy bitsy miscalculations due to some unknown stress, probably caused by the way conservatives vote to stop spending of money we don't have.
Becky, you implying that it was ONLY 7 votes, means you CLEARLY have no idea what this voter fraud entailed.
I would have thought real Ron Paul supporters would be outraged by this. It validates what they've claimed all along.

Yeah -- I'm outraged.. But I'm also tired of being discriminated against every time there's an election.. We work our ASSES OFF just to be on the ballot in all 50 states.. We're the only 3rd Party that consistently rises to that challenge.. MILLIONS of dollars, tons of lawyers, and petty bullshit from the REPS/DEMs later -- we start a campaign already exhausted.

Maine is CAUCUS -- not an audited election.. It's an INTERNAL PRIVATE PARTY function. It's indicative of what happens when there are not enough ACTIVE party members with principles to stop this kind of thievery. This is why Ron Paul is NOT BEHOLDING to his party. Because he has stronger PRINCIPLES they have...

Like I've said in other threads -- DISS the party and you'll be campaigning out of a phone booth with a rotary dial phone.. People need MORE CHOICES in the parties that back their candidacies. So that COMPLETE OBEDIENCE is not required to get and remain elected..

If America is too stupid to understand that ---- live with this kind of shoddy representation.

That's the response I expect from a real Ron Paul supporter.

Don't know if I should react to that Toro... :eusa_shifty:

Could be a compliment --- Or NOT!! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time.. :razz:
Yeah -- I'm outraged.. But I'm also tired of being discriminated against every time there's an election.. We work our ASSES OFF just to be on the ballot in all 50 states.. We're the only 3rd Party that consistently rises to that challenge.. MILLIONS of dollars, tons of lawyers, and petty bullshit from the REPS/DEMs later -- we start a campaign already exhausted.

Maine is CAUCUS -- not an audited election.. It's an INTERNAL PRIVATE PARTY function. It's indicative of what happens when there are not enough ACTIVE party members with principles to stop this kind of thievery. This is why Ron Paul is NOT BEHOLDING to his party. Because he has stronger PRINCIPLES they have...

Like I've said in other threads -- DISS the party and you'll be campaigning out of a phone booth with a rotary dial phone.. People need MORE CHOICES in the parties that back their candidacies. So that COMPLETE OBEDIENCE is not required to get and remain elected..

If America is too stupid to understand that ---- live with this kind of shoddy representation.

That's the response I expect from a real Ron Paul supporter.

Don't know if I should react to that Toro... :eusa_shifty:

Could be a compliment --- Or NOT!! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time.. :razz:
It was a compliment, and I feel you deserve the compliment and I praise you for your concerns and telling it like it is...
I guess by that definition then I am not a Paulite. I must just be an american who loves liberty and expects honest and fair elections.

Pauls ideas of "freedom" are based on looned out bullshit.

Please elaborate. Thanks.

Won't happen.. Because TM doesn't know that the best way to avoid wars for oil, the Patriotic Act, ending corporate welfare and all those other things it cares about would be to listen to libertarians like Ron Paul.. Yeah -- all THAT is looned out bullshit..

That and I suspect it doesn't really want freedom, it wants risk-free guarantees and Scooby snacks..
how about his big thing for years about the gold standard?

we left the gold standard because the gold market was being manipulated you fools
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Get a fucking life.

We understand you never won a trophy as a kid, but this is insane.

Psst....Romney will still win the GOP no matter what happened in Maine, SC, MT, IL, PA, CA, etc.

Some here may be wondering why I have taken such a strong stance against Romney recently and apparent support for Obama...even though I just could not stomach voting for him after what the DNC did to Hillary....(another long story)

well, I'm going to tell you why....

It's because the GOP here in Maine Cheated. FLAT OUT CHEATED.

Mainers or Mainiacs if you don't like us, are very independent people....they work hard with 2-3 jobs each, and mind their own business kind of people.

My husband is a life long Republican, he has voted in every election since he was 18 years old, local and national, primaries and elections....he's the most honest person I have ever met in my entire life, and I am not saying this because I love him and am married to him....anyone who knows him, knows this about him....he is liked by everyone he meets, Republican, Democrat, just can't help but like him...that's how he won me over :D, that and his music and some of the love songs he had written (another long story :) )

The hubby has a young, honest, friend, who used to be an employee of his...he worked with Matt until he got the job he wanted, being a Pastor. His name is Matthew also, Matthew McDonald. I am giving you his name because I want you to do some googling yourself, to read up on the situation here with the Maine Caucus and I certainly have Matthew McDonald's permission to shout what happened here in Maine with the GOP from the rooftops.

Matthew McDonald was elected the head of the Caucus for the GOP Caucus that took place in a small town called Belfast, Maine. Right before the Caucus, he got a phone call from the head of the GOP in Maine, as did ALL OTHER caucus heads for the GOP in Maine, and was told to NOT TO DO A PUBLIC COUNT on the caucus result and to just forward the votes to to the head quarters. Well, Matthew McDonald did not follow the GOP's request to not count the votes in public, and in his district, they counted the votes one by one, out loud in front of the voters and crowd, the vote went something like this.....8 votes for Ron Paul, 7 votes for Santorum, and 5 votes for Romney, then they forwarded them to the headquarters as requested. A few days later he went to the website where the votes were being displayed by district and he saw that they did not have any votes for his town or his county in the tally. He then called the party headquarters and asked why the votes for his small town were not showing...they hymned and hawed, for a bit, but then he asked them to tell him what the votes were that they had on Belfast....and the person came back and said something like 9 votes for Romney, 2 votes for Ron Paul and 5 votes for Santorum.....THEY CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then said to them, NOOOOOOOO, that is not what the vote tally came to....and the Gop person said nastily, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS WRONG?

(she or he felt confident in confronting Matthew McDonald on the vote tally because all the Caucus heads were INSTRUCTED BY THE GOP, TO NOT COUNT THEIR VOTES IN THE PUBLIC)

And he told her, because WE DID A PUBLIC COUNT, our votes were tallied in front of the citizens of the town. She or He about fell over....and could not hang up on him quick enough...

So, the GOP HERE IN MAINE, CHEATED to make Romney the winner...they PLANNED IT ahead of time by instructing the Caucus heads not to do a Public count.

RON PAUL WON MY STATE, NOT ROMNEY. It was set up to cheat, and give the State to Romney.

Then at their state convention in May, the GOP CHEATED AGAIN, and voted on the delegates to send to the national convention and did this WITHOUT A was a madhouse and craziness that you would think only happens in movies...keeping the Ron Paul voters from choosing delegates to the electoral collage.....Ron Paul supporters were outraged. And somehow the gop romney supporters are suing for something, and Ron Paul voters are calling BS and a whole mess of things that I truly do not understand????maybe one of you guys who have participated in a Caucus before can make Reason out of this???

And also, the gop called the win for romney in a close race with Ron Paul right up there, before 1 county even voted. They had a pending snow storm and had to put their caucus voting off until later. Of which the GOP apologized for later on, but sheesh...whoopdee doo....

Matthew McDonald is just a kid to me...I think he is in his late 20's....and he's been thrown in to this mess, via his own honesty.

You would think this would have been front page news across this Nation....?

I realize that Maine is a low populated State and we really don't count for much in the overall picture of things but SINCE the gop CHEATED here in Maine, via telling their caucuses not to do a public count so they could CHANGE the republican voter's tallies, YOU KNOW these instruction to not do a public count, ALSO TOOK PLACE in other States.

Here are some links I found on the subject.....

these 2 are Rachel Maddow, i know, i know...ugh rachel maddow
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(1-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube
Maddow -On Republican Election Vote Rigging (15-Feb-12)(2-2)(POLITICS IN ACTION series) - YouTube

Exclusive Report: GOP Chair. Matt McDonald talks to RevPac's Aaron Jones | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Civilians News - Civilians News Media - By the People For the People

Ron Paul supporters fight back as Romney backers allege voter fraud at Maine GOP convention — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

State committee votes to keep Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster in place despite caucus mess — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

RP Supporter Chairman of Belfast Maine Caucus Calls State GOP to Confirm Vote Tally, result "not even close" to the actual vote! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution


Regardless of what you may think of Ron Paul, this issue with Romney cheating is something I just can't's how I felt when the DNC screwed Hillary. I'm sickened over it.

Honesty is the Best Policy....yes Honesty. And cheating is NOT ACCEPTABLE under ANY circumstance. You all may be able to go on with your lives, while the lies swirl around you....but as human being, who does care for other fellow human beings and the truth....this happening in my home State, has blown my faith in mankind.
Yeah -- I'm outraged.. But I'm also tired of being discriminated against every time there's an election.. We work our ASSES OFF just to be on the ballot in all 50 states.. We're the only 3rd Party that consistently rises to that challenge.. MILLIONS of dollars, tons of lawyers, and petty bullshit from the REPS/DEMs later -- we start a campaign already exhausted.

Maine is CAUCUS -- not an audited election.. It's an INTERNAL PRIVATE PARTY function. It's indicative of what happens when there are not enough ACTIVE party members with principles to stop this kind of thievery. This is why Ron Paul is NOT BEHOLDING to his party. Because he has stronger PRINCIPLES they have...

Like I've said in other threads -- DISS the party and you'll be campaigning out of a phone booth with a rotary dial phone.. People need MORE CHOICES in the parties that back their candidacies. So that COMPLETE OBEDIENCE is not required to get and remain elected..

If America is too stupid to understand that ---- live with this kind of shoddy representation.

That's the response I expect from a real Ron Paul supporter.

Don't know if I should react to that Toro... :eusa_shifty:

Could be a compliment --- Or NOT!! I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time.. :razz:
I would have took it as a compliment. But then... Even if Toro didn't mean it that way I would have taken it as a compliment. *shrugs*
Get a fucking life.

We understand you never won a trophy as a kid, but this is insane.

Psst....Romney will still win the GOP no matter what happened in Maine, SC, MT, IL, PA, CA, etc.
IA. Not IL

Illinois is all kinds of fucked up. Personal opinion.

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