The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

Yet the far left drones here would never vote for anyone on that stage..

Apparently you don't fully understand the primary game.

So who are you going to vote for on that stage, far left drone?

The DNC hasn't yet finalized the strategy they will employ.

Exactly you will not vote for anyone on that stage..

Just like all far left drones, you are trolling!

I'll vote according to the instructions I receive from the DNC. The end goal is to elect Hillary Clinton.

Yes we know that! So why watch this debate since you will not listen and hear what they say?

See the far left drones admit to trolling!
Yes posting a self portrait just shows how narcissistic you far left drones are..

I agree a no fly zone risks going to war against Russia.
ISIS has no planes, it isn't effected vs someone who has no planes.
Christie is an idiot. Nothing like having a war with ISIS but also take on RUssia? Moron. "Potential WW3". Um. Hello? We ARE ALREADY in WW3!

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