The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

I can't believe there was applause when Rubio suggested we wouldn't read US Citizens their rights.

Not as bad as when they applauded letting someone die four years ago.

Says the far left drone that celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq!

I would be angry, but I know you can't help lying.

Now the far left portends that noting happened pre 2009..

You mean when the republican president lied to get us into an unnecessary war?

Iraq 1991 was an unnecessary war?

See how they run their debunked religious narratives without question or hesitation?
Not as bad as when they applauded letting someone die four years ago.

Says the far left drone that celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq!

I would be angry, but I know you can't help lying.

Now the far left portends that noting happened pre 2009..

You mean when the republican president lied to get us into an unnecessary war?

Iraq 1991 was an unnecessary war?

See how they run their debunked religious narratives without question or hesitation?
These clowns want to be president - and all they can do is blame Obama for everything that's wrong in the world. Why don't they mention the Bush clusterfuck that created this mess? They are all full of shit.
Says the far left drone that celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq!

I would be angry, but I know you can't help lying.

Now the far left portends that noting happened pre 2009..

You mean when the republican president lied to get us into an unnecessary war?

Iraq 1991 was an unnecessary war?

See how they run their debunked religious narratives without question or hesitation?

See how the far left will lie to support their religious narratives as they support Obama's illegal wars..
These clowns want to be president - and all they can do is blame Obama for everything that's wrong in the world. Why don't they mention the Bush clusterfuck that created this mess? They are all full of shit.

Oh look another drone chimes in and makes the predictable narratives..
It would be nice if this thread was restricted to those people who are actually going to be voting in the Republican Primary.
Carly pointed out the generals and military experts being kicked to the curb. I liked that.
Carson said if the military commanders say YES to boots on the ground, he would go with what they say. Good. They know more than anyone else what is going on and what will work.

Rubio and Carly both have impressed me. Trump slid way down.
It would be nice if this thread was restricted to those people who are actually going to be voting in the Republican Primary.
It would be nice if the trolls would go find another thread to bitch at each other and let those watching the debate discuss what is going on instead of having to scroll past their bullshit kiddie fights.
Patreus retired early cause he was fucking his whore .

And letting her peak into his bloomers.

The far left did not like this guy anyway until he was needed, then made sure he could not stand up against them..

You do know that fucking your skank while your married is illegal for a military man? Not to mention telling her national secrets to get her panties wet .

He shouldve been court martialed !
Trump lost me a bit when he talked about wanting to censor the internet.

I think he specifically said he wanted to stop places under ISIS control from having access.

I'm not a Trump supporter though. He isn't presidential material. He had no response for Bush when he brought up Trump saying "ISIS isn't our fight".

Trump is a clown, a very skilled clown, but still a clown.

Ted Cruz has rocked the stage.


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