The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

These douche-bags ran on repealing the ACA, now they are refusing to live up to their promises. Shocked I say!!! Fucking rtards of course voted to repeal when Obama was president; they know full well he'd never sign it. Fucking cowards.
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:^this^ :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Times ten
Trump threatened anti-Trumpcare Sen. Crooked Dean Heller: 'He wants to remain a senator, doesn't he?'
Trump threatened anti-Trumpcare Sen. Crooked Dean Heller: 'He wants to remain a senator, doesn't he?'
do you even understand what that means? It means, if you ran on repeal obummerfail and now aren't backing repeal, then your seat is in jeopardy. It's called consequences and President Donald is letting him know that. fk, don't you all ever socialize?
It's Vacation time. They out. Ole Trump truly underestimated the lack of work ethic in our Congress. They're only concerned with their lavish Vacation plans. They're all Millionaires and Billionaires. They're living the life of Royalty. Our Congress is a disgraceful mess. And i don't see that changing anytime soon. As long as we're stuck with this corrupt Two-Party System, nothing will change. I think Trump is now getting that.
BTW, trump will still win in 2020 landslide.

I don't see it. The NWO Globalist Elites won't allow it. In fact, i'll be surprised if he finishes out this term. The NWO powers-that-be truly despise the man. He's not going along with their NWO. He's a 'Nationalist', not a Globalist. And that's marked him for elimination. They're gonna work tirelessly to destroy him. And they control all the apparatuses that decide things.

My guess is, he'll either resign or go the way of JFK. I of course hope i'm wrong though. I like Trump. He's actually looking out for American Citizens. And it's been a very long time since we've seen a President do that. I'll definitely be rootin and prayin for him. I really hope he makes it.
I sure as hell fucking hope the Republican Party isn't as incompetent on taxes and deregulation as they have been so far.
Count on it. For the same reasons that they have failed with Obamacare. They're cowards and refuse to stand up and do what is right.
Nobody "failed". This was always going to be the way it was going to go.
It's Vacation time. They out. Ole Trump truly underestimated the lack of work ethic in our Congress. They're only concerned with their lavish Vacation plans. They're all Millionaires and Billionaires. They're living the life of Royalty. Our Congress is a disgraceful mess. And i don't see that changing anytime soon. As long as we're stuck with this corrupt Two-Party System, nothing will change. I think Trump is now getting that.
BTW, trump will still win in 2020 landslide.

I don't see it. The NWO Globalist Elites won't allow it. In fact, i'll be surprised if he finishes out this term. The NWO powers-that-be truly despise the man. He's not going along with their NWO. He's a 'Nationalist', not a Globalist. And that's marked him for elimination. They're gonna work tirelessly to destroy him. And they control all the apparatuses that decide things.

My guess is, he'll either resign or go the way of JFK. I of course hope i'm wrong though. I like Trump. He's actually looking out for American Citizens. And it's been a very long time since we've seen a President do that. I'll definitely be rootin and prayin for him. I really hope he makes it.
if he went the way of JFK he would be the revised version. I don't think libs want that.
These Jackwagons voted for Trump care in the House








why can't he just pay the doctor? seem reasonable to you?

I used to. I had a doctor, a urologist for kidney stones, he charged me $50 for the visit and $35 for x-rays. Now, he has to have a referral and since I now have insurance the visit costs me $125 and X-rays are a couple hundred dollars. This is all out of my pocket.
I know. the feds stuck their fingers in our business and it costs us more money. I was watching Tucker Carlson last night and he had on Charles Krauthammer and he agrees with me that tort reform is the only saving step to take. It's why you pay 125 today.

Yep, we need tort reform, insurance to have no borders, we need to simplify the way insurance works, standardize billing costs. The referral method is BS. I get stones, I know what to do, I need to make sure they are stones and maybe use some pain pills. But first I go to the standard doctor, he takes the urine, tests it and then he refers me to the urologist, who then takes a urine sample and then x-rays and then prescribes the pain pills. Crazy I have to go to two doctors to get the insurance to pay.

Sorry about stones bro.

If that is the answer why do republicans do nothing?

Thank you. They just need to repeal it, plain and simple. We aren't aware of health care costs. Why can't I shop for doctors? Why can't I change my health insurance like I do my auto or homeowners insurance? Maybe I am trying to keep it to simple, I don't know.


Yes. You are "trying to keep it too simple". Way too simple.
Republican Senators Who Voted For Clean Obamacare Repeal In 2015, But Won’t Vote For It Now


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And repealing will fix nothing.

And keeping it will fix nothing. It is a required purchase to remain a legal citizen of the United States.

And everyone should have health insurance in this country.

And I should not be forced to buy anything to remain a citizen in good standing in my own country, that is absurd. What a bunch of control freaks, freedom is no longer free is it.
Fine. Don't seek care when you become ill or injured.
Other premium holders should not be forced
to pay more to cover for you free riders.

We are currently! What do you think Obamacare does? If one cannot afford insurance, it is given to them and premium payers pay for it. Man, you are clueless.

You honestly have no idea of how any of this works. No wonder you're so susceptible to the prevailing rw narratives.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?
You do realize if it was repealed I could buy a policy that caters to MY NEEDS and not a stupid fucking mandate right?

No. You could be ripped off by an insurance company who will convince you that a catastrophic cheapo plan suits your needs. When you get sick, they will fuck you over.

Did ya a 50 year old you'll need a colonoscopy ($3000 if no complications ) every three years. The ACA mandates that any policy you buy covers them.

Fuck that, The fucking federal government does not know what anybody needs. They need to stay the fuck out of people's personal business. No one should be paying for other people shit
No one should be paying for other people shit

I agree. Buy yourself some insurance.
And repealing will fix nothing.

And keeping it will fix nothing. It is a required purchase to remain a legal citizen of the United States.

And everyone should have health insurance in this country.

And I should not be forced to buy anything to remain a citizen in good standing in my own country, that is absurd. What a bunch of control freaks, freedom is no longer free is it.
Fine. Don't seek care when you become ill or injured.
Other premium holders should not be forced
to pay more to cover for you free riders.
why can't he just pay the doctor? seem reasonable to you?

Do you have $250K+ to cover your surgery, week long stay in the ICU, another week in a regular room and all of the follow up care after your accident?
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


Repubs better get their shit together. Right now they are staring at a huge losses in the House, Ryan has thus far proven to be an ineffective Speaker. But even worse is that turtle headed McConnell in the senate. He will likely keep his job as majority leader after the mid terms only because 23 of the 33 seats up are already held by Dems.

At this point, the Repubs own BOcare just as much as the Dems do, so if Turtle head can't build some sort of coalition among his own party and reach across the aisle to find a few level headed Dems, the GOP will get the blame for any healthcare failures, and rightly so. But then why would any Dem want to bail McConnell out of this shit storm?
Honestly, Trump and a few of his successful business leader appointments must look at both sides of the aisles,and say "how do some of these guys have a job"? Even as an outsider living in a socialist nation, even I shake my head at this.

Ironically, the Democrats have as much if not more to lose by this, as Obamacare is going to falter and the GOP can rightfully suggest that from Day One Schumer said that repeal had to be off the table or he would direct his Groupthink minions to not vote. The GOP have received exactly zero votes and zero support from the Dems who surely realise that Obamacare was a great big, socialist scam meant to trap all future governments and societies within the ACA Bill.

I will say this, two important issues, one, trying to roll back once earned benefits that are now deemed entitlements is very hard to do, two, the costs of healthcare from doctors on down is quite expensive and thus unsustainable as a socialised option. Especially when you are already stretched with 11 million illegal immigrants and foreign government abuses against U.S businesses.

I concur with most of your takes here, but disagree that the Dems have as much to lose as the Repubs. The Dems passed BOcare and hence owned it. Owned it until the Repubs won control by promising repeal and replace. Now that the Repubs have proven they can't even get their own majority to a vote on their R&R promise, they can hardly blame the Dems for obstruction. If they could at least vote and show support in their own party on a bill, then they could point at the Dems for not allowing a change. Some have speculated that the GOP could get to 60 seats in the senate after the midterms. The way things look now, even if they had the filibuster proof majority, they wouldn't be able to pass a healthcare bill.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?

There is nothing in the constitution that gives the Feds responsibility for healthcare (or social security and education for that matter), but that ship has sailed. We have government healthcare and always will. Wait! What is that I see in the looks like...yes it is, SINGLE PAYER!
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?
You do realize if it was repealed I could buy a policy that caters to MY NEEDS and not a stupid fucking mandate right?

No. You could be ripped off by an insurance company who will convince you that a catastrophic cheapo plan suits your needs. When you get sick, they will fuck you over.

Did ya a 50 year old you'll need a colonoscopy ($3000 if no complications ) every three years. The ACA mandates that any policy you buy covers them.

Fuck that, The fucking federal government does not know what anybody needs. They need to stay the fuck out of people's personal business. No one should be paying for other people shit
No one should be paying for other people shit

I agree. Buy yourself some insurance.
Why would I buy something I would never use?
And keeping it will fix nothing. It is a required purchase to remain a legal citizen of the United States.

And everyone should have health insurance in this country.

And I should not be forced to buy anything to remain a citizen in good standing in my own country, that is absurd. What a bunch of control freaks, freedom is no longer free is it.
Fine. Don't seek care when you become ill or injured.
Other premium holders should not be forced
to pay more to cover for you free riders.

We are currently! What do you think Obamacare does? If one cannot afford insurance, it is given to them and premium payers pay for it. Man, you are clueless.

You honestly have no idea of how any of this works. No wonder you're so susceptible to the prevailing rw narratives.

Who,pays for healthcare for people that cannot afford healthcare?
And keeping it will fix nothing. It is a required purchase to remain a legal citizen of the United States.

And everyone should have health insurance in this country.

And I should not be forced to buy anything to remain a citizen in good standing in my own country, that is absurd. What a bunch of control freaks, freedom is no longer free is it.
Fine. Don't seek care when you become ill or injured.
Other premium holders should not be forced
to pay more to cover for you free riders.
why can't he just pay the doctor? seem reasonable to you?

Do you have $250K+ to cover your surgery, week long stay in the ICU, another week in a regular room and all of the follow up care after your accident?

I had a catastrophic policy, it was a great policy, cheap, didn't cover doctors visits but I didn't care, I rarely saw a doctor, just once a year. I still should not be forced by my government to buy anything, it's called freedom.

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