The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.
We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

First get better informed..........then bitch.
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.
Can anyone show me where it is written in our Constitution that the Federal Fucking Government is responsible for providing and managing the private healthcare of individual citizens from cradle to fucking grave?
well, we could rape the intent of the general welfare clause :D

You mean the part where it says PROMOTE instead of PROVIDE?
The best thing for the nation would be a bipartisan move to restore funding to high risk pools, which the GOP purposely sabotaged years ago, expand Medicare, and work together tomake other fixes to the ACA as needed. Never going to happen though.

My friend, DE-FUNDING the high risk pools was precisely the plan by conservatives to undermine the ACA's intent......

Further, expanding Medicare access to 50 years old on up (meaning to let these individuals pay premiums into Medicare for their coverage) would be both a great boost to the Medicare coffers and better health care coverage.....

Want to guess WHO is against this latter idea?

let me just add this......

Lets just call it a “Public Option”..... allowing people 50-64 the option to buy into Medicare by paying premiums as if Medicare were an insurance company. This will create competition for insurance companies and offer an additional choice in every states' market.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?
You do realize if it was repealed I could buy a policy that caters to MY NEEDS and not a stupid fucking mandate right?

It would still be expensive. Healthcare costs were out of control long before the ACA.
No, the biggest problem is, it doesn't fucking work! It does nothing that it promised. It's a total clusterfuck

Not even that "little" fact that 24 MILLION more fellow citizens finally got coverage......LOL

Check out some testimonials from dumbed-down Trump backers themselves........

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

lmao.... you passed a bill that mandated people buy insurance or break the law... so yeah, when it's repealed, many of those people won't buy the insurance anymore because it's won't be breaking the law. DUH!
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

So your point was dead before you made it... see how that works, dingbat?
let me just add this......

Lets just call it a “Public Option”..... allowing people 50-64 the option to buy into Medicare by paying premiums as if Medicare were an insurance company. This will create competition for insurance companies and offer an additional choice in every states' market.

I actually think that's not a bad idea.
No, the biggest problem is, it doesn't fucking work! It does nothing that it promised. It's a total clusterfuck

Not even that "little" fact that 24 MILLION more fellow citizens finally got coverage......LOL

Check out some testimonials from dumbed-down Trump backers themselves........

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

lmao.... you passed a bill that mandated people buy insurance or break the law... so yeah, when it's repealed, many of those people won't buy the insurance anymore because it's won't be breaking the law. DUH!

And if you keep the pre existing conditions rules, how many don't buy insurance till they get sick? Isn't it better to have everyone insured?
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

So your point was dead before you made it... see how that works, dingbat?

Great comeback, but it would be better if it made some sort of sense.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

I have to totally agree Grampa... I'm getting so sick of these ASS CLOWNS I could shit an A-BOMB...

McConnell's New Obamacare Repeal Lacks GOP Votes to Pass
It would still be expensive. Healthcare costs were out of control long before the ACA

Here's the thing about that... Healthcare is going to be expensive. We need to either accept that fact of life or we need to get realistic with our expectation of quality in healthcare. When we DEMAND the very best state-of-the-art system, the best doctors, exemplary training, superior facilities, etc.... that's expensive... there is a cost.

if we built cars or houses at the same expected state-of-the-art standard, they would cost 100x more. The Best costs MORE... it doesn't matter who pays for it. What we've done is to set up a system where consumers aren't really concerned with the cost because someone else is paying it.
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

So your point was dead before you made it... see how that works, dingbat?

Great comeback, but it would be better if it made some sort of sense.

I agree.. your points should try to make more sense.
No, the biggest problem is, it doesn't fucking work! It does nothing that it promised. It's a total clusterfuck

Not even that "little" fact that 24 MILLION more fellow citizens finally got coverage......LOL

Check out some testimonials from dumbed-down Trump backers themselves........

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

lmao.... you passed a bill that mandated people buy insurance or break the law... so yeah, when it's repealed, many of those people won't buy the insurance anymore because it's won't be breaking the law. DUH!

And if you keep the pre existing conditions rules, how many don't buy insurance till they get sick? Isn't it better to have everyone insured?

I don't agree with the pre-existing conditions clause. With that, insurance ceases being insurance.
No, the biggest problem is, it doesn't fucking work! It does nothing that it promised. It's a total clusterfuck

Not even that "little" fact that 24 MILLION more fellow citizens finally got coverage......LOL

Check out some testimonials from dumbed-down Trump backers themselves........

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

lmao.... you passed a bill that mandated people buy insurance or break the law... so yeah, when it's repealed, many of those people won't buy the insurance anymore because it's won't be breaking the law. DUH!

And if you keep the pre existing conditions rules, how many don't buy insurance till they get sick? Isn't it better to have everyone insured?

I don't agree with the pre-existing conditions clause. With that, insurance ceases being insurance.

But it is very popular.
It would still be expensive. Healthcare costs were out of control long before the ACA

Here's the thing about that... Healthcare is going to be expensive. We need to either accept that fact of life or we need to get realistic with our expectation of quality in healthcare. When we DEMAND the very best state-of-the-art system, the best doctors, exemplary training, superior facilities, etc.... that's expensive... there is a cost.

if we built cars or houses at the same expected state-of-the-art standard, they would cost 100x more. The Best costs MORE... it doesn't matter who pays for it. What we've done is to set up a system where consumers aren't really concerned with the cost because someone else is paying it.

Yes but why have the costs skyrocketed? If you are already paying a lot and it continues to increase soon only the rich will have it.
there is a debate among us libertarains weather to strengthen our party or go the route of the Paul family and work from within the GOP to advance the ideas of liberty and free markets. One positive thing about the trump presidency is that the moral majority type social conservative seem to be losing ground internally
This is all John Roberts fault. Trust that. Many of you did not get the reality of the situation when obamacare was passed.

Not sure how many times this needs to be pointed out. I don't think ANY republican voted for obamacare.

Once it was passed however, there was nothing they could do politically.

The dems game plan here. If the republicans repealed obamacare with no replacement, the same morons that are attacking Trump for "breaking his promise" would be the ones claiming he is killing 40 million Americans.

They didn't repeal it and they attacking him for lying to the American people. Like that Mac loser.

I will say it again. Once obamacare was passed, there was no way a flat repeal would work. No way.

Cause as I pointed out, it is not that bums are sapping the system.

It is that hard working middle class America with peeexisting conditions were kicked off of their private insurance and no choice but to take obamacare. If they repealed that, they would have been left with nothing.

Trump tried to do away with the mandates (taxes) and Americans and business owners that are being killed by it.

It is all around mess and this is democrat socialist policies. Period.

Now they have you in the same trap they set when the housing bubble burst. Democrat policies and republicans got the blame.

Same thing here. Get a clue.
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How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

Oh no....this ol shit again?????

Look, young healthy people object to buying health insurance..UNTIL they get in a motorcycle accident and have to be placed in a coma...

Homeowner hate to buy fire and/or flood insurance....UNTIL the firemen are dowsing the flames or a hurricane floods their basements.

Most of us hate having to pay when we purchase gas for our cars, the tax on highway improvements....UNTIL our axles break in a pothole.

Its called the fucking SOCIAL CONTRACT.

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