The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

GOP establishment RINO liars never intended to repeal Obamacare.
The biggest liar of all is Donald Trump. He never had a "beautiful" plan to replace it.

We have to repeal Obamacare, and it can be — and — and it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. Let it be for everybody. But much better and much less expensive for people and for the government. And we can do it.” [New York, NY, 6/15/15]

“Repeal and replace with something terrific…Other than that, it’s private. You will get great plans, you will have great competition, everything else. Now, at the lower end, where people have no money, I want to try and help those people. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But I want to try and help those people, so they can also can — now, it’s not going to be like a good plan. It’s not going to be like the finest plan that somebody that’s made some money or has a good living can do.” [CNN, 7/29/15]

“We get rid of Obamacare and we have a great life all together.” [GOP debate, Los Angeles, CA, 9/16/15]

We’re going to end, terminate, repeal Obamacare and replace it with something really, really great that works. That works.” [New Hampshire, 9/17/15]

“We are going to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something much better, much better much better.” [Waterloo, IA, 10/7/15]

“We’re gonna repeal Obamacare.” [Las Vegas, NV, 10/8/15]

“We are going to repeal and replace Obamacare which is a disaster.” [Norcross, GA, 10/10/15]

“We’re going to terminate Obamacare. We’re going to terminate it, it’s going to be terminated, it’s going to be replaced with something much better and something much less expensive for you and for the country.” [Burlington, IA

Someone said what’s the first thing you’re going to do? Well we’re going to work immediately on repealing Obamacare.” [Sioux City, IA, 10/27/15]

“I would work immediately on Obamacare repeal and replace, and we would do something terrific there.” [FOX, 11/3/15]

“… the repeal of Obamacare and replacing it with something so much better. So we will repeal.” [Aiken, SC, 12/12/15]

“Our health care is a horror show. Obamacare, we’re going to repeal it and replace it.” [North Charleston, SC, 1/14/16]

GOP establishment RINO liars never intended to repeal Obamacare.
The biggest liar of all is Donald Trump. He never had a "beautiful" plan to replace it.

We have to repeal Obamacare, and it can be — and — and it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. Let it be for everybody. But much better and much less expensive for people and for the government. And we can do it.” [New York, NY, 6/15/15]

“Repeal and replace with something terrific…Other than that, it’s private. You will get great plans, you will have great competition, everything else. Now, at the lower end, where people have no money, I want to try and help those people. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But I want to try and help those people, so they can also can — now, it’s not going to be like a good plan. It’s not going to be like the finest plan that somebody that’s made some money or has a good living can do.” [CNN, 7/29/15]

“We get rid of Obamacare and we have a great life all together.” [GOP debate, Los Angeles, CA, 9/16/15]

Trump last October: "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

The cucks just sit there and take it.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
I'm sure Mike Lee is a swell guy and a great Conservative, but he pushed us out of the airplane without a parachute on this one.
Trump's solution to our health care disaster was "freedom".

That is soooooo cool!

"And hot nurses. You deserve hot nurses, don't you? You better bleev it."
You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!")

And that's my plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.


The repubs are so used to losing that they don't know how to actually govern any more. They were content to play the political games that led to nowhere so long as they got their pensions. A more useless bunch of morons would be hard to find.
Didn't democrats also have seven years to prepare to change the mess they created? Why do democrats get a pass even when they stonewall meaningful changes?
How is the question repubs can't answer. Has anyone done a real study to understand where all the money goes?

This is how liberal socialists think about things.. where does all the money go? Well, the money goes to capitalists who are paying all the expenses and turning a profit for their shareholders. The socialist thinks that's awful because people are making a profit off the sick. But businesses have to make profits to have the incentive to remain in business.

Doctors are expensive. They've gone to school for 12-16 years where they had to study hard and intern long hours. They wouldn't go through all that if they couldn't earn a good living. Most health care workers aren't there to work for nothing. They expect to be paid and paid well. Hospitals compete with other hospitals for the very best doctors and professionals. Companies that make and sell hospital equipment have to meet various standards of quality expected. Same for drug companies and medical devices. It makes their products expensive and this is passed on.

There are literally thousands of factors. None of that is changed by changing who pays for it. Unless the actual consumer of the product is paying, nothing is controlling the price. You have to reconnect free market principles. You have competition already, once you reestablish laws of supply and demand, the prices become more reasonable.
The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves'

I completely agree.

Despite the GOP being UN-able to UN-Fu@k this nation and the damage the Democrats intentionally imposed on this country, there is no excuse for the Democrats' lying, deceit, treachery, and intentional passage of their minority-supported socialist agenda power-grabbing legislation in the wee hours of the morning, forcing this bill into law and down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

The Democrats shamelessly deceived and betrayed the American people while declaring Americans had no right to know what was in their treasonous document until it had been completely rammed into law.

As predicted, and as planned - just sooner than expected according to Harry Reid, the ACA began to collapse.

And now the very architects of the failed noghtmare seek to villainize those who have failed to clean up their mess / betrayal.

The snowflakes and Democrats are like the Captain and crew of the Titanic who rammed the iceberg with the ship, attempting to blame responders (had there been any) - who failed to prevent the ship from sinking - for the entire disaster.

Obama and Democrats never have been and never will be about personal accountability or about personal responsibility. As always, they do nothing but point fingers and blame others for THEIR f*-ups.
GOP establishment RINO liars never intended to repeal Obamacare. When they took a giant shit on the Tea Party representatives that gave them back control of the House it was clear they are allied with Democrats and Obama.
The GOP is useless at governing regardless of who gets shit on.
The GOP takes care of the people that matter most to them - the 1%. The rest don't really matter.

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