The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

Democrats must have had a hint that the ironically named ACA bill they signed without reading was terribly flawed especially when the figures started coming in and yet the media and left wingers blame republicans for not coming up with a timely solution to the problem that democrats created. Democrats stonewall and continue to refuse to cooperate with republicans in a plan to make the thing better or start over and republicans still get the blame while democrats get a pass. All we get on the forum from the left wing is photo shopped cartoons or unflattering photos of republican leaders and not a single rational argument that doesn't contain the "f" word. . Are we going crazy out there or are left wingers as freaking stupid as they have been for the last eight years?
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Didn't democrats also have seven years to prepare to change the mess they created? Why do democrats get a pass even when they stonewall meaningful changes?
Republicans aren't interested in anything Democrats bring to the table. Heck, Democrats aren't even allowed at the table. Then repugs expect them to vote for some POS bill that fucks over 20 million Americans?
I sure as hell fucking hope the Republican Party isn't as incompetent on taxes and deregulation as they have been so far.
Democrats must have had a hint that the ironically named ACA bill they signed without reading was terribly flawed especially when the figures started coming in and yet the media and left wingers blame republicans for not coming up with a timely solution to the problem that democrats created. Yet democrats stonewall and continue to refuse to cooperate with republicans in a plan to make the thing better or start over and republicans get the blame. Are we going crazy out there?

They may or may not have, remember no one really read it. What went wrong first was insurance companies were allowed to keep grandfathered plans, but some went a head and canceled the damn things. In the years between March 2010 and up until around September of 2013 the companies sold what is now known as grandmothered plans but at some point would be canceled. Well, obama let companies keep extending those grandmother plans, but again companies canceled on you. The company I work for still has both and never canceled anyone. But all these plans, because of people thinking they had to go to obamacare, have also gone up in premiums. Then the 2nd big mistake was the family glitch. They should have read the GD bill before it was signed. Many mistakes made while putting this together.
As the GOP & Trump sit by happy to watch Obamacare collapse, average Americans are left out to hang and watch their premiums skyrocket.
Health insurance is not healthcare…
No shit. I outlined that in the op. Having said that I still have to buy insurance via the law that the GOP PROMISED TO FIX/CHANGE

Yep, the only country in the world where you have to buy a product to remain a legal. Crazy.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?

You realize that when Obamacare was enacted our premiums didn't go down by $2400 like we were promised? Did you realize our deductibles went up and not down. Now citizens of this country have to buy a product because the government requires it to remain legal.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?
You do realize if it was repealed I could buy a policy that caters to MY NEEDS and not a stupid fucking mandate right?
Lol um the plan options would not change if there was no longer a mandate.

Yes they would, just like it was before the mandate.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

You do realize of course that if Republicans repealed ACA, your premiums would not go down right?
You do realize if it was repealed I could buy a policy that caters to MY NEEDS and not a stupid fucking mandate right?

It would still be expensive. Healthcare costs were out of control long before the ACA.

And ACA has done nothing to change it and you weren't required by law to purchase it.
No, the biggest problem is, it doesn't fucking work! It does nothing that it promised. It's a total clusterfuck

Not even that "little" fact that 24 MILLION more fellow citizens finally got coverage......LOL

Check out some testimonials from dumbed-down Trump backers themselves........

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

lmao.... you passed a bill that mandated people buy insurance or break the law... so yeah, when it's repealed, many of those people won't buy the insurance anymore because it's won't be breaking the law. DUH!

And if you keep the pre existing conditions rules, how many don't buy insurance till they get sick? Isn't it better to have everyone insured?

You mean forced to purchase insurance?
As Senate health bill collapses, Trump takes credit for winning over most Republicans: "would have been 48-4. impressive by any standard"
How is the question repubs can't answer. Has anyone done a real study to understand where all the money goes?

This is how liberal socialists think about things.. where does all the money go? Well, the money goes to capitalists who are paying all the expenses and turning a profit for their shareholders. The socialist thinks that's awful because people are making a profit off the sick. But businesses have to make profits to have the incentive to remain in business.

Doctors are expensive. They've gone to school for 12-16 years where they had to study hard and intern long hours. They wouldn't go through all that if they couldn't earn a good living. Most health care workers aren't there to work for nothing. They expect to be paid and paid well. Hospitals compete with other hospitals for the very best doctors and professionals. Companies that make and sell hospital equipment have to meet various standards of quality expected. Same for drug companies and medical devices. It makes their products expensive and this is passed on.

There are literally thousands of factors. None of that is changed by changing who pays for it. Unless the actual consumer of the product is paying, nothing is controlling the price. You have to reconnect free market principles. You have competition already, once you reestablish laws of supply and demand, the prices become more reasonable.

The pay of doctors and other healthcare workers isn't increasing at the same rate as healthcare costs. That's not it.
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

They won't have the votes for repeal either.
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

They won't have the votes for repeal either.

They know repealing brings us back to where we were before: skyrocketing costs, lots of uninsured, bankruptcies due to healthcare costs...
Yep... The GOP "failed" to take full ownership of this colossal shit sandwich, despite every effort of people like McConnell to do so! As a Conservative, I've never been happier to see a GOP failure! NOW, they can do what the fuck they promised to do and REPEAL this nonsense!

And I guarantee you... once they do that, the Democrats will suddenly be willing to work together on sensible health care reforms.

Thank you, Senators Lee, Paul and Moran, for standing strong!

Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

They won't have the votes for repeal either.

They know repealing brings us back to where we were before: skyrocketing costs, lots of uninsured, bankruptcies due to healthcare costs...

Skyrocketing cost are still going on, Medical is still the leading cause of bankruptcies.
Why do you want to repeal ? How about tweet?

Ocare does well in certain parts of the Us . Not so in others . Sabotage of the aca helps no one .

It helps those who keep telling the lie that it's "collapsing".

Nothing so vile as Repubs who want their constituents to die so they can blame Obama.

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This is proof that the Republicans and Democrats truly are the flip side of the same coin. The political elite does not want anything to change.
Democrats are happy to work on sensible reforms now if republicans wanted to be reasonable. The right are the ones insisting on turning the whole thing into tax breaks for the rich, and reductions in medicaid.

Well not any more... that bill is DEAD! DONE! FINISHED!

All that's left now is to completely REPEAL this stupid thing and start over.

We've got to deal with the Medicaid issue because the system is insolvent. We can't afford to just sign everyone up for Medicare/Medicaid.

It was dead before it started.

They won't have the votes for repeal either.

They know repealing brings us back to where we were before: skyrocketing costs, lots of uninsured, bankruptcies due to healthcare costs...

Skyrocketing cost are still going on, Medical is still the leading cause of bankruptcies.

And repealing will fix nothing.
Honestly, Trump and a few of his successful business leader appointments must look at both sides of the aisles,and say "how do some of these guys have a job"? Even as an outsider living in a socialist nation, even I shake my head at this.

Ironically, the Democrats have as much if not more to lose by this, as Obamacare is going to falter and the GOP can rightfully suggest that from Day One Schumer said that repeal had to be off the table or he would direct his Groupthink minions to not vote. The GOP have received exactly zero votes and zero support from the Dems who surely realise that Obamacare was a great big, socialist scam meant to trap all future governments and societies within the ACA Bill.

I will say this, two important issues, one, trying to roll back once earned benefits that are now deemed entitlements is very hard to do, two, the costs of healthcare from doctors on down is quite expensive and thus unsustainable as a socialised option. Especially when you are already stretched with 11 million illegal immigrants and foreign government abuses against U.S businesses.
I look at these people and wonder how they have a job. We have the dumbest assholes on the planet running our country and we don't seem to care.

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