The GOP FAILED. There is no excuse for where we find ourselves.

How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

Oh no....this ol shit again?????

Look, young healthy people object to buying health insurance..UNTIL they get in a motorcycle accident and have to be placed in a coma...

Homeowner hate to buy fire and/or flood insurance....UNTIL the firemen are dowsing the flames or a hurricane floods their basements.

Most of us hate having to pay when we purchase gas for our cars, the tax on highway improvements....UNTIL our axles break in a pothole.

Its called the fucking SOCIAL CONTRACT.
so fuck individual rights huh........real american of you
if someone doesnt want to buy insureance, thats their business; then let them live or die with the consequenses of their actions
I don't agree with the pre-existing conditions clause. With that, insurance ceases being insurance.

Let me may be anti abortion......and then a baby is born with an underdeveloped heart and has to send his/her life early years in a hospital.......THAT is then labeled a pre-existing condition...what is your "solution"?
The best thing for the nation would be a bipartisan move to restore funding to high risk pools, which the GOP purposely sabotaged years ago, expand Medicare, and work together tomake other fixes to the ACA as needed. Never going to happen though.

Flag those are risk corridors they started withholding, there are no high risk pools
so fuck individual rights huh........real american of you
if someone doesnt want to buy insureance, thats their business; then let them live or die with the consequenses of their actions

I know you heard this often....but you are an asshole.......
Don't breed any more assholes....we have enough
Yes but why have the costs skyrocketed? If you are already paying a lot and it continues to increase soon only the rich will have it.

I would argue it's because of government replacing the free market. This has been done in numerous ways. This is why it's crucial for us to get back to free market solutions and away from government regulations and mandates. The consumer of health care (and insurance) needs some skin in the game to drive competition.

Imagine if there were no insurance companies or gov't. programs to pay your health care costs... hospitals and doctors would go under trying to charge exorbitant rates only the wealthy could afford. They would HAVE to lower costs to attract more middle-income people to stay in business. Now, I'm not proposing we get rid of insurance or programs but we must find a way to return consumer-driven competition in the market. THAT will solve the spiraling cost problem.
The best thing for the nation would be a bipartisan move to restore funding to high risk pools, which the GOP purposely sabotaged years ago, expand Medicare, and work together tomake other fixes to the ACA as needed. Never going to happen though.

Flag those are risk corridors they started withholding, there are no high risk pools
Yes corridors is what I meant. Regardless, it was GOP sabotage, plain and simple.
so fuck individual rights huh........real american of you
if someone doesnt want to buy insureance, thats their business; then let them live or die with the consequenses of their actions

I know you heard this often....but you are an asshole.......
Don't breed any more assholes....we have enough
are you trying to talk about my kids? cuz let me tell yousomething you little piece of shit, I dont give a damn about being called a redneck asshi=ole, mainly because I am one, but dont you ever, in your rabid ass life bring my kids into it ever again.
It would still be expensive. Healthcare costs were out of control long before the ACA

Here's the thing about that... Healthcare is going to be expensive. We need to either accept that fact of life or we need to get realistic with our expectation of quality in healthcare. When we DEMAND the very best state-of-the-art system, the best doctors, exemplary training, superior facilities, etc.... that's expensive... there is a cost.

if we built cars or houses at the same expected state-of-the-art standard, they would cost 100x more. The Best costs MORE... it doesn't matter who pays for it. What we've done is to set up a system where consumers aren't really concerned with the cost because someone else is paying it.

Yes but why have the costs skyrocketed? If you are already paying a lot and it continues to increase soon only the rich will have it.
I live in a country with socialized healthcare but my wife is American. These are the differences I can identify. My healthcare is roughly half the price of yours. First of becoming a doctor doesn't entail debt in my country, nor does a doctor need high malpractice insurances. This means a doctor needs to charge less money for it to be profitable. Our administration is simpler. No cornucopia of different insurance companies with different plans, coverages, charges. Here everybody is covered in the same way for the same costs. This saves a bundle on red tape. We get our medicine immediately at our pharmacies. Because they don't have to find out if the medicine is covered or not. Very few of our general practitioners have secretaries. My town pop around 35000 is served by about 20 people at our health insurance place. Etc. All these people that handle administration that we don't need drive prices down. And lastly the for profit motive only is there for the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors. Nurses, hospitals and the like are government paid/owned. This means another cost eliminated. In short healthcare doesn't need to be unaffordable but it takes more than calling for single payer. It is a completely different philosophy towards health care.
How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

Oh no....this ol shit again?????

Look, young healthy people object to buying health insurance..UNTIL they get in a motorcycle accident and have to be placed in a coma...

Homeowner hate to buy fire and/or flood insurance....UNTIL the firemen are dowsing the flames or a hurricane floods their basements.

Most of us hate having to pay when we purchase gas for our cars, the tax on highway improvements....UNTIL our axles break in a pothole.

Its called the fucking SOCIAL CONTRACT.
The "old shit again" is YOU yammering about 22 million being "kicked off" their insurance because we repealed a law which mandated they buy it!
As the GOP & Trump sit by happy to watch Obamacare collapse, average Americans are left out to hang and watch their premiums skyrocket.
Health insurance is not healthcare…
No shit. I outlined that in the op. Having said that I still have to buy insurance via the law that the GOP PROMISED TO FIX/CHANGE

Are you self employed?
The best thing for the nation would be a bipartisan move to restore funding to high risk pools, which the GOP purposely sabotaged years ago, expand Medicare, and work together tomake other fixes to the ACA as needed. Never going to happen though.

My friend, DE-FUNDING the high risk pools was precisely the plan by conservatives to undermine the ACA's intent......

Further, expanding Medicare access to 50 years old on up (meaning to let these individuals pay premiums into Medicare for their coverage) would be both a great boost to the Medicare coffers and better health care coverage.....

Want to guess WHO is against this latter idea?

let me just add this......

Lets just call it a “Public Option”..... allowing people 50-64 the option to buy into Medicare by paying premiums as if Medicare were an insurance company. This will create competition for insurance companies and offer an additional choice in every states' market.

Nope, allowing puts only the sick people in, you have to make it mandatory for 50-64 into Medicare to get the healthy ones. This along with a 1% hike in payroll taxes saves the program for the younger people down the road. Anyone under 50 gets asked health questions which would lower premiums and if one was declined then they could have the option to buy into Medicare.
How many of those millions are forced to buy insurance against their will?

Oh no....this ol shit again?????

Look, young healthy people object to buying health insurance..UNTIL they get in a motorcycle accident and have to be placed in a coma...

Homeowner hate to buy fire and/or flood insurance....UNTIL the firemen are dowsing the flames or a hurricane floods their basements.

Most of us hate having to pay when we purchase gas for our cars, the tax on highway improvements....UNTIL our axles break in a pothole.

Its called the fucking SOCIAL CONTRACT.
The "old shit again" is YOU yammering about 22 million being "kicked off" their insurance because we repealed a law which mandated they buy it!

No one is really forced to purchase it because of the mandate and in most instances, the penalty was cheaper than paying for health insurance along with the deductible.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

I have to totally agree Grampa... I'm getting so sick of these ASS CLOWNS I could shit an A-BOMB...

McConnell's New Obamacare Repeal Lacks GOP Votes to Pass

That would hurt and probably give you hemorrhoids.
2/3rds of the RussianWingers dont know wtf they're yammering about .. 1/3rd doesnt give a shit, they just like to bitch.

F'em all.
These asshats ON BOTH SIDES are playing with fire. We are on the road to a total collapse of our healthcare system & not just the insurance side that the left already wrecked.

I full heartedly supported the GOP and their plan to repeal & or replace. They had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to prepare for this. In the meantime my premiums skyrocketed right along with my out of pocket expenses.

And for what???

I am nearing 50 years of age and medical needs are likely to begin setting in at some point. Meanwhile these jackasses play partisan reelection politics. At this point who got us here is almost irrelevant to the actual needs I'm likely to start facing so the blame game does nothing to help me.

This entire issue is the product of placing political dogma and the quest for power far ahead of the desire and needs of the electorate and the good of the Nation that all GOP members of Congress in both houses swore to protect and defend. Their collective fraud and duplicity has become manifest for all to witness for even the most stubborn and staunch GOP followers . What the electorate will feel about this dog and pony show the GOP has been running for the last seven(7) years will be displayed in the 2018 election and the change will likely come if folks sober up from their intoxication of holding such power with their titular leader piping them down the road to ruin.
Yes but why have the costs skyrocketed? If you are already paying a lot and it continues to increase soon only the rich will have it.

I would argue it's because of government replacing the free market. This has been done in numerous ways. This is why it's crucial for us to get back to free market solutions and away from government regulations and mandates. The consumer of health care (and insurance) needs some skin in the game to drive competition.

Imagine if there were no insurance companies or gov't. programs to pay your health care costs... hospitals and doctors would go under trying to charge exorbitant rates only the wealthy could afford. They would HAVE to lower costs to attract more middle-income people to stay in business. Now, I'm not proposing we get rid of insurance or programs but we must find a way to return consumer-driven competition in the market. THAT will solve the spiraling cost problem.

How is the question repubs can't answer. Has anyone done a real study to understand where all the money goes?

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