The GOP Has a Problem: My Generation Isn't Conservative

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Your impression of the approval of Gay Marriage is based on the news outlets; many are run by gays.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Your impression of the approval of Gay Marriage is based on the news outlets; many are run by gays.

I mean they may have employees who are gay...but RUN by gays? Nah, no way.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


This might save the middle class. Right now the rich have never been richer. Meanwhile young people are graduating college with $100,000 in loans and getting low-paying jobs. Or even worse they don't have a college degree. Bottom line is the middle class isn't what it once was especially if you are 22 and you have $100,000 student loan to deal with.

If Republicans can't sucker you guys into voting with them over gays, racism, guns or god, they'll be forced to do things that help you financially. Lower healthcare costs, higher wages,


You want to level the field and make everyone earn their wealth equally.

You're pretty stupid.

The whole idea of taking wealth away from the rich to make the poor richer is contradictory to the whole premise of wealth redistribution.

Make the rich poorer and the poorer richer. And then the cycle begins again. Now the people you made poorer will now demand wealth from those you made richer. A vicious cycle.

It will never end.

No. Back when american labor organized into unions we made the rich give workers their fair share. It created a middle class the world had never seen before. It brought up wages even for non union workers. And so the rich weren’t so rich but the middle class was strong and there werent so many poor people. There will always be poor people but how many and how poor? Those things matter. And since corporations sent all those high paying union jobs overseas, the rich have gotten richer but middle class poorer and smaller.

Thats one way the rich got richer at our expense.

Then they hired illegals. Saved the rich billions every year and costs us billions.

Then all the tax breaks they’ve gotten from reagan bush and trump.

No class warfare never ends and we’re losing

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Your impression of the approval of Gay Marriage is based on the news outlets; many are run by gays.

Like the Vatican
Yup, we had a golden age of Unionization and employee rights

But it's been so long...politicians have been shredding those rights for 60 or 70 years until there's almostnothing left.
Yup, we had a golden age of Unionization and employee rights

But it's been so long...politicians have been shredding those rights for 60 or 70 years until there's almostnothing left.
Walmart and Fast Food Employees need to unionize.

Eventually Toyota and Honda employees

Amazon employees.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Yes, I know it is a thing. And it is a thing that is not without serious opposition. There is still plenty of homophobic hate mongers out there.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Yes, I know it is a thing. And it is a thing that is not without serious opposition. There is still plenty of homophobic hate mongers out there.

Re-read your first post again.


Now realize the truth: It already is legal.
We've already won, WinterBorn . The culture war was won by the left.

I cringe when reading your posts.
”The Left” has done nothing but cause mass degredation in this country....NOTHING they’ve done has been something good for America as a whole or for the future of this once great nation.
I genuinely feel real bad for your father and grandfather...
We've already won, WinterBorn . The culture war was won by the left.

I cringe when reading your posts.
”The Left” has done nothing but cause mass degredation in this country....NOTHING they’ve done has been something good for America as a whole or for the future of this once great nation.
I genuinely feel real bad for your father and grandfather...
Gay marriage: Legal
Marijuana: Every election season another state adds it
Trans rights: Yes
The President: Leftist

We are on our way to bringing the culture to the left!

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


I think a lot of this has to do more with the shift of the ideological "center" of the country. It has been pushed right. So normal, functioning, educated, moderate people are now considered "left", because, for example, they want a few basic things for society that every other developed country provides. That would not be considered "leftist" in any other modern society. It would just be considered basic, common sense possessed by any functioning adult.
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Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


I think a lot of this has to do more with the shift of the ideological "center" of the country. It has been pushed right. So Normal, functioning, educated, moderate people are now considered "left", because, for example they want a few basic things for people that every other developed country provides. That would not be considered "leftist" in any other modern society. It would just be considered basic, common sense possessed by any functioning adult..

Well said :)
Yeah. You kids have been bred to be lazy authoritarians.
Dont know what will happen when all of you useless deadweights start arguing over who has to do all the work and who gets to sit on their fat asses jerking off to anime porn all day.
He doesn't realize when all the takers take over, their screwed and French is too stupid to see it. Especially when he can't tell if he is dating a man or a woman. We are screwed big time.
Yeah. You kids have been bred to be lazy authoritarians.
Dont know what will happen when all of you useless deadweights start arguing over who has to do all the work and who gets to sit on their fat asses jerking off to anime porn all day.
He doesn't realize when all the takers take over, their screwed and French is too stupid to see it. Especially when he can't tell if he is dating a man or a woman. We are screwed big time.
Oooh, scary! Same talking point since 1920... good grief, get some new material, guys...

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


I think a lot of this has to do more with the shift of the ideological "center" of the country. It has been pushed right. So Normal, functioning, educated, moderate people are now considered "left", because, for example they want a few basic things for people that every other developed country provides. That would not be considered "leftist" in any other modern society. It would just be considered basic, common sense possessed by any functioning adult..

Well considering you want 2 million more illegals in this country in 9 months at tax payers expense. Your plan fails, and so does our country.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


The problem with your generation is that it is so dumb it cannot define the word conservative...

Indeed , it cannot define

Due process
Yeah. You kids have been bred to be lazy authoritarians.
Dont know what will happen when all of you useless deadweights start arguing over who has to do all the work and who gets to sit on their fat asses jerking off to anime porn all day.
He doesn't realize when all the takers take over, their screwed and French is too stupid to see it. Especially when he can't tell if he is dating a man or a woman. We are screwed big time.
Oooh, scary! Same talking point since 1920... good grief, get some new material, guys...
In 1920 we didn't have more takers than provider's, you dumbass. In fact most people would be embarrassed to take a handout, but now we have scum like. Yourself.

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