The GOP Has a Problem: My Generation Isn't Conservative

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


I think a lot of this has to do more with the shift of the ideological "center" of the country. It has been pushed right. So normal, functioning, educated, moderate people are now considered "left", because, for example, they want a few basic things for society that every other developed country provides. That would not be considered "leftist" in any other modern society. It would just be considered basic, common sense possessed by any functioning adult.

What other “developed“ country has 20-40 million illegal wetbacks residing in it?
What “functioning adult” begs for free shit?
Look, legitimate self sufficient folks want less government involvement...degenerate lowlifes want more .gov involvement. The Left tends to be quite illegitimate.
In 1920 we didn't have more takers than provider's
Yes, idiot, I get that.That was the talking point against social programs, when people were growing tired of watching people starve in the streets and started having aa serious conversation about a social safety net.
You're an idiot, they say at the rate of illegals coming across the border by September will be at 2 million. Thanks Biden.
And somehow that turned into me WANTING that. because you are whiny and intellectually incapable and have to make stuff up to get whiny about and to which to respond.
We've already won, WinterBorn . The culture war was won by the left.

I cringe when reading your posts.
”The Left” has done nothing but cause mass degredation in this country....NOTHING they’ve done has been something good for America as a whole or for the future of this once great nation.
I genuinely feel real bad for your father and grandfather...
Gay marriage: Legal
Marijuana: Every election season another state adds it
Trans rights: Yes
The President: Leftist

We are on our way to bringing the culture to the left!

And you’re too stupid to realize that none of that ADVANCES America and American society. All of you “Leftist” cities are divided, dangerous, disgusting, taxpayer dependent shitholes...why do you think that is?
We've already won, WinterBorn . The culture war was won by the left.

I cringe when reading your posts.
”The Left” has done nothing but cause mass degredation in this country....NOTHING they’ve done has been something good for America as a whole or for the future of this once great nation.
I genuinely feel real bad for your father and grandfather...
Gay marriage: Legal
Marijuana: Every election season another state adds it
Trans rights: Yes
The President: Leftist

We are on our way to bringing the culture to the left!

And you’re too stupid to realize that none of that ADVANCES America and American society. All of you “Leftist” cities are divided, dangerous, disgusting, taxpayer dependent shitholes...why do you think that is?
ok dude
The persecution conservative students face on college campuses might have something to do with the erroneous perception that conservatism is diminishing. Conservative groups are hounded off university grounds. Conservative young people are more numerous than communists like to admit. They just won't tell you. The anti abortion movement is driven by the young who see the issue as the murder of their sisters and brothers. You would never know how many there are because communists chase them away.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Yup. You kids are going to starve real fast when the bubble bursts.
I see a lot of grumpy old people complaining about the younger generation.

Seems like that happens with every generation.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*



Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Ah yes, the "Victory by Attrition" idea. I remember hearing that the bulk of racists are old white guys. When they die out the racism would die out. The majority of homophobes are old white men. When they die out LGBT people will be accepted.

How is any of that working out so far?

You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Yes, I know it is a thing. And it is a thing that is not without serious opposition. There is still plenty of homophobic hate mongers out there.

Re-read your first post again.


Now realize the truth: It already is legal.

I recommend that you reread my first post. If for no other reason than to see I did not ask when gay marriage would be legal. In fact, I never mentioned gay marriage at all. I mentioned LGBT people being accepted.
You do know Gay Marriage is legal, right?


As in, the old white people that hated it died, and now it's a thing.

Gay marriage is legal in the Country of the United States Of America??


Let's not talk about old white people --- they currently run the USA
The fact is employers have never had such an easy time finding good workers. They produce so very much for so little compensation.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


I think Generation Z is going to surprise everyone.
Generation Z is more economically conservative as they were primarily brought up during the recession. Many of them went through periods of having to do without. Many of them don't care for either political party. They are more socially liberal as long as people aren't overly demanding jackholes about it. I actually came across a much longer article that discussed how long they have been studying that generation and how to cater to them. I will see if I can hunt it down later but for right now:

“These young folks that are coming through, Gen Z’s, the way they look at the world, in so many ways, I would call really more like a moderate Republican. They’re definitely much more moderate to conservative when it comes to fiscal issues and to security issues. They’re more liberal when it comes to some of the social issues, the civil rights type of issues because they’re very diverse, it’s a very diverse population. Their friends are diverse. That, kind of, fits the mold of a very traditional, moderate Republican.”

“The Republican party, in general, really has an opportunity here to bring young folks into the fold, which they’ve had a very difficult time over the last couple of decades to do. They can do it early. Usually, Republicans attract folks as they get older but if Republicans play their cards right, Gen Z is primed to go into and embrace the Republican party.”

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