The GOP has become the party of "WE CAN'T DO IT!"

Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

So what's the regressivecrats excuse, we won't do it? It's time to get someone who wasn't indoctrinated inside the DC beltway the majority of their adult lives.
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.
america is still # 1 in spite of republican efforts to tear us down
its still number one in spite of the other side too....both parties and all die hard party people should go straight to a hand basket....
I ALMOST agree with you
except what part?.....
Slogans are boring and destructive. It's how you get an Anti-American Muslim foreigner for a President. We don't need anymore stupid slogans
We had an
Anti-American Muslim foreigner for president? You must have been talking about Bush. Obama is a pro American Christian born in Hawaii. But that doesn't really describe Bush either. Oh, you're a delusional tard. Sorry, I don't always recognize them right off. Sometimes it takes a second.
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.

AGAIN??? What POS said we weren't great now?

No. We are mired in debt, had our credit rating downgraded more than once, first time in history, people have not recovered from recession and the real unemployment rates are still too high. Add that to the divisiveness brought about by this administration, the answer is absolutely "NO!"

The leaders have failed us.
Republicans are 90% white. That's why they can't be the dividers. Democrats are everyone else.
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?
Spot on. Repubs are useless scumbags. What bewilders me is why USMB cons can't admit that. All they can do is say "well they aren't democrats! Derp derp derp!"
Republicans have become the party that wants to turn America into a failed state. They don't believe in any government and don't believe in any solutions.

Pretty sad...But, I guess that is the only way for such religious people to continue to have power over peoples minds.
Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

do you mean can Republicans in govt fire Republican Americans in the private sector??? Dear, they don't have that authority.

Do you have any idea what point you are trying to make? Rather than think on your own you should simply say: I'm a communist like Bernie and here is why.

Do you understand?
Derp derp derp we go....
Explain why he's wrong.

You can't.
Explain why your an equally stupid idiot.

You can't.
I guess that means I'm not an idiot. Thanks!
You labeled an entire segment of the country scumbags just two minutes ago.

You're definitely an idiot
Well to be fair, only repubs in office are scumbags and their base are just morons.

Derp derp derp we go....
Explain why he's wrong.

You can't.
Explain why your an equally stupid idiot.

You can't.
I guess that means I'm not an idiot. Thanks!
You labeled an entire segment of the country scumbags just two minutes ago.

You're definitely an idiot
Well to be fair, only repubs in office are scumbags and their base are just morons.


You're still an idiot, sorry.
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

Why would anyone want someone,anyone with an approach to doing things based on how a business is run......

The running of a business has the responsibility to shareholders usually and need to answer for the bottom line.....
Running the government by a politician...Well not so much....

Spend money they didn't earn.... they get it from the taxpayers who did earn it despite the Democrat's saying they didn't...
And when the money they take in is spent....
Well, they spend more.
Politicians love to spend....
They feel that voters love when they spend...
Because Democrats feel that the only way out of trouble is to spend more....

Then at some point Democrats blame everyone for what is wrong....
That they didn't spend enough...that's why things are bad.
That's the issue...

So now the answer is to tax more so they can spend more.

Why in the world would we want to take a different approach.
The one's we have been taking so far have worked so well....
Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

do you mean can Republicans in govt fire Republican Americans in the private sector??? Dear, they don't have that authority.

Do you have any idea what point you are trying to make? Rather than think on your own you should simply say: I'm a communist like Bernie and here is why.

Do you understand?
That's the problem with your kind. Everything is either/or and black/white. There is nothing in between. Nothing subtle. No compromise. And you call such a limited outlook "thinking on your own"????? That's why you're insane, or is it inane. Fortunately for you, you can be both.
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

Why would anyone want someone,anyone with an approach to doing things based on how a business is run......

The running of a business has the responsibility to shareholders usually and need to answer for the bottom line.....
Running the government by a politician...Well not so much....

Spend money they didn't earn.... they get it from the taxpayers who did earn it despite the Democrat's saying they didn't...
And when the money they take in is spent....
Well, they spend more.
Politicians love to spend....
They feel that voters love when they spend...
Because Democrats feel that the only way out of trouble is to spend more....

Then at some point Democrats blame everyone for what is wrong....
That they didn't spend enough...that's why things are bad.
That's the issue...

So now the answer is to tax more so they can spend more.

Why in the world would we want to take a different approach.
The one's we have been taking so far have worked so well....
Why lie? You said:

they get it from the taxpayers who did earn it despite the Democrat's saying they didn't...

When you know most of the money comes from those liberals EARNING it.

This is your kind:


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