The GOP has become the party of "WE CAN'T DO IT!"

Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

They have became the party of the anarchist that believes we should go back to the glided age and the wild west all in one. These people are sick in the head and need to be stopped.

Reforms? We don't need no stinking reforms
Roads? We don't need no stinking roads
Science institutions? We don't need no stinking science institutions
Regulations to protect the workers, food, air and water quality..We don't need those either.

If this country is stupid enough to vote for this shit...Well, they deserve to live in a shit hole without government. I have no problem with the private sector but there's a lot of things that it can't do. Hell, many of these things they shouldn't be able to do.
Ah hell, the VA, Soc Sec, Med Care, and infrastructure were all toast along time before the GOP gained control of the House and Senate. The problem with rdean is he is too young to remember when both houses of congress ruled the nation. Its easier to fuck things up for 40+ years, piss off the tax payers , get voted out, and leave the mess for others, then blame them for the mess.
Take Soc Sec for example, who legislated and put a cap on the maximum earned income subject to Soc Sec tax, hint you need to go back to the origin of Soc Sec to get the picture. Honesty, morality, and justice in government is incongruous to the very nature of the new and improved version of a government bestowing rights and benefits, at a cost, to the people versus a government of the people based on the primary premise of freedom and justice for all.
Are you talking about when the budget was balanced under Clinton?

Republicans have never balanced shit...Hell, they're the ones that got us into the shitty trade deals and allowed the massive outsourcing in the first place. Yet, they have the nerve to become the party of fuck you and no?
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?
Let the establishment GOP burn to the ground, as well as the federal government in current form.
And then replace it with, what? And who is going to do the replacing?

You sure you thought this through?

A unregulated corporations of course.
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

They don't want to regulate Wall Street, even after the Bush Great Recession of 2008 which was caused by Wall Street.
Millions of lives ruined, trillions of dollars torched.

Yes, business is the entity to turn to. :ack-1:
The Democrat Party is the party of "We can do it!"

They believe we can do it and it doesn't matter how many lives are lost, how many rights are lost, how much money we spend, how far into debt we go, how many jobs we lose, etc., we can do it!
Except the jobs were lost under Bush and the GOP. How do you explain that?
The Democrat Party is the party of "We can do it!"

They believe we can do it and it doesn't matter how many lives are lost, how many rights are lost, how much money we spend, how far into debt we go, how many jobs we lose, etc., we can do it!
Except the jobs were lost under Bush and the GOP. How do you explain that?

Yep! The great recession like the great depression that was caused by Hover where both caused by deregulation's of the markets and economy. Yet, the republicans think it is so wonderful that we do it again!
The Democrat Party is the party of "We can do it!"

They believe we can do it and it doesn't matter how many lives are lost, how many rights are lost, how much money we spend, how far into debt we go, how many jobs we lose, etc., we can do it!
Except the jobs were lost under Bush and the GOP. How do you explain that?

The housing market stupid.
The Democrat Party is the party of "We can do it!"

They believe we can do it and it doesn't matter how many lives are lost, how many rights are lost, how much money we spend, how far into debt we go, how many jobs we lose, etc., we can do it!
Except the jobs were lost under Bush and the GOP. How do you explain that?
The gains in jobs over the past few years went to immigrants, not Americans.
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.
america is still # 1 in spite of republican efforts to tear us down
I think you have blamed the wrong party. Before Obama, there weren't blacks protesting, looting destroying property, We have a divisive country now, a pact with Iran that will enable them to get nukes, no more allies and we still have economic problems! Other countries chant, "Death to America!"
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.
america is still # 1 in spite of republican efforts to tear us down
I think you have blamed the wrong party. Before Obama, there weren't blacks protesting, looting destroying property, We have a divisive country now, a pact with Iran that will enable them to get nukes, no more allies and we still have economic problems! Other countries chant, "Death to America!"

blacks protest when unarmed blacks are gunned down or strangled and as far as Kerry told the nation, there will be NO NUKES in Iran for 15 years at least
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.
america is still # 1 in spite of republican efforts to tear us down
I think you have blamed the wrong party. Before Obama, there weren't blacks protesting, looting destroying property, We have a divisive country now, a pact with Iran that will enable them to get nukes, no more allies and we still have economic problems! Other countries chant, "Death to America!"

blacks protest when unarmed blacks are gunned down or strangled and as far as Kerry told the nation, there will be NO NUKES in Iran for 15 years at least

Why aren't they protesting black on black crime which is a severe problem?
The same foaming and rabid three who can't answer the question. Didn't see that coming.
dean over the last 6 years when you have brought this same stuff up again and again,you have gotten more than 1 answer to these questions....after seeing the answers to these same questions 5-6 times people started treating you like a dipshit for asking them over and over.....its not going to get any better for are not going to convince any righties here to see things your way....the only non-lefties who you can convince to see it your way are dipshits like matthew who is a republican one week and a democrat the next.....otherwise you are just FZ fodder like dottie is......nothing is going to change.....but you are a great dancer....
It seems as though the GOP is becoming the party of "Making America Great Again..."

Looks like you might have to get used to hearing that.
america is still # 1 in spite of republican efforts to tear us down
its still number one in spite of the other side too....both parties and all die hard party people should go straight to a hand basket....
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

Save Social Security? No, turn it over to business.

Save the VA? No, turn it over be business.

Save our infrastructure? No, it costs too much.

Save Medicare? No, turn it over to business.

Have an experience leader? No, hire a businessman.

How many businesses go bankrupt? With such poor odds, why are Republicans willing to take such a risk with the country? And what does business do? They fire people. Can you fire Americans? What if it's Republicans that get fired? Do they even think about things like that?

You lost us at "how many businesses go bankrupt?" What have you people done for small businesses in the last 60 years? Go ask small business owners and they are not aligned with you. In your world, no one is ever fired. It's always someone else's fault. To you people, accountability only applies to the other side.
Have you noticed, the GOP can't do anything. They refuse to even try.

What you miss is that the arguement isn't that the Government Can't (is not capable of) but rather Can't (isn't legally allowed to) do these things. Of course for those of you on the Left who use the US Constitution as toilet paper, that's probably a tough thing to understand.
By doing the federal government's bidding??
Let's hope the socialism dies a painful death...

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