The GOP hates Obama so much, they are trying to endanger his children?

It's pretty obvious the the far right media has a problem with black people being on the beach and ski slopes. They might as well just say it in so many words.

Do turds like you ever tire of accusing Obama's critics of being racist?

what else could it be Bri?.....if you disagree with anything the President does....Dean and his groupies tell you its because the guy is black.....even if Dean disagrees with Obama......he would not say shit because he would be afraid people like himself.....are going to call him a he would let the President do whatever he wants.....Dean and those like him.....NEVER QUESTION the just do....
i was gonna respond m9stly in agreement that this was uncalled for but then i saw you go off on your racist nonsense as usual.

Enjoy the neg derp

listen monkeybutt, when the only black president in history is attacked again and again in ways that have never before happened in the history of the us by a party that's 90% white and based in the confederate south, suggesting it's based on race is not only not nonsense, it's both extremely plausible and reasonable. Unless you have some other explanation, which we both know you don't. If you did have an explanation not based on race, you would have explained what that is but you haven't. That means, you are supporting racist behavior and everyone knows it. Everyone.

Like i said in a previous post:

republicans think obama and his wife are "uppity".

scream: We are not racist!



Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

Then there's "confederate month".

black leaders call for governor to resign over confederate month

oh "confederate month". What "fun"!

I linked to it in the first post. Are you going to come back with that lame "but not every single Republican in the US called them uppity" excuse white wingers use over and over again? If not every single Republicans says it, then it doesn't count.

Oh it counts all white.
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Breitbart News has learned.
A source tipped Breitbart News off to the First Daughters’ spring vacation, which was not publicly announced or reported.

Exclusive: Sasha, Malia Obama Vacation at Bahamas' 'Atlantis' Resort

Breitbart Ignores Obama Daughters? Security By Publishing Vacation Location | The New Civil Rights Movement

So Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle — the same hack who “reported” for The Daily Caller the now shot-to-hell bogus story about Democratic Senator Bob Menendez supposedly having sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic — just published at Breitbart (because, Obama,) an “article” revealing the exact location of Sasha and Malia, President Obama’s daughters, because, Obama.


The right wing has attacked the presidents children for the school they go to, for having security. Even the NRA has attacked them publicly.

And now they publish these children's where-a-bouts just so they could put them in danger? What is it the right wing wants to happen to these two little girls?

Just when you think the right has gotten as despicable and they can be, they go a little lower.

GOP calls Obama Uppity

and other Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

The lowest of the low....they have no shame.

like you do.....another one of the dipshits who have said if you question the President.....its because he is black.....
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Breitbart News has learned.
A source tipped Breitbart News off to the First Daughters’ spring vacation, which was not publicly announced or reported.

Exclusive: Sasha, Malia Obama Vacation at Bahamas' 'Atlantis' Resort

Breitbart Ignores Obama Daughters? Security By Publishing Vacation Location | The New Civil Rights Movement

So Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle — the same hack who “reported” for The Daily Caller the now shot-to-hell bogus story about Democratic Senator Bob Menendez supposedly having sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic — just published at Breitbart (because, Obama,) an “article” revealing the exact location of Sasha and Malia, President Obama’s daughters, because, Obama.


The right wing has attacked the presidents children for the school they go to, for having security. Even the NRA has attacked them publicly.

And now they publish these children's where-a-bouts just so they could put them in danger? What is it the right wing wants to happen to these two little girls?

Just when you think the right has gotten as despicable and they can be, they go a little lower.

GOP calls Obama Uppity

and other Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

Once they become of age and publicly help their parents run for office, they open themselves to scrutiny. Look at Tag and the things he said.

But when they are preteens and their location is published and Republicans question why the president's children have security, a line has been crossed. A line not crossed for any other president in history. Republicans are OK with this. They are not racist, but he is black, so it's OK.

what? if your young I wont say much, but I remember the media going after amy carter or chelsea like forever. so dont even bring up the racist stuff.. your not doing yourself a favor.

Were they the subject of celebrity reports, or political ones? :eusa_eh:

They were the subject of "police" reports. Too bad their mug shots were never released.
I was gonna respond m9stly in agreement that this was uncalled for but then I saw you go off on your racist nonsense as usual.

Enjoy the neg derp

Listen Monkeybutt, when the only black president in history is attacked again and again in ways that have never before happened in the history of the US by a party that's 90% white and based in the Confederate South, suggesting it's based on race is not only not nonsense, it's both extremely plausible and reasonable. Unless you have some other explanation, which we both know you don't. If you did have an explanation not based on race, you would have explained what that is but you haven't. That means, you are supporting racist behavior and everyone knows it. Everyone.

Like I said in a previous post:

Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

Then there's "Confederate Month".

Black leaders call for governor to resign over Confederate Month

Oh "Confederate Month". What "fun"!

Provide evidence Obama has been attacked in ways never before seen. Or admit you are a lying piece if garbage.

God you're a dumbass.

Name another president that has been called "uppity".

Name another president who was called liar in congress on national TV.

Name another president whose underage children's location has been published with aerial photos.

If you knew how to use Google, you could find out a lot more. But remember, if you keep your head in the sand, you could suffocate. Same goes with up your......
I was gonna respond m9stly in agreement that this was uncalled for but then I saw you go off on your racist nonsense as usual.

Enjoy the neg derp

Listen Monkeybutt, when the only black president in history is attacked again and again in ways that have never before happened in the history of the US by a party that's 90% white and based in the Confederate South, suggesting it's based on race is not only not nonsense, it's both extremely plausible and reasonable. Unless you have some other explanation, which we both know you don't. If you did have an explanation not based on race, you would have explained what that is but you haven't. That means, you are supporting racist behavior and everyone knows it. Everyone.

Like I said in a previous post:

Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

Then there's "Confederate Month".

Black leaders call for governor to resign over Confederate Month

Oh "Confederate Month". What "fun"!

Where did this uppity shit come from?

From the Republicans. They do stuff like that. Look at what they did to that CNN Camera woman at their convention.
It's pretty damned sad then the Commander-in-Chief of the entire US military sends his whing little minions out to accuse his poilitical opponents of trying to harm his children.

Is it true that Obama hates the average US citizen so much that he doesn't want her children protected by armed guards at their schools?

His certainly are.

Are his children more important than other children?

Other children are not the targets of right wing extremists. Then again, maybe they are. Seem Republicans only protect children BEFORE they are born. After that.......considering what they choose to defend, one has to wonder.

I tend to agree, still kind of pissed off when they made fun of amy, chelisy [spl?] and the lefts bullshit about the bush twins growing years. kids should be hands off.

Yeah, they should be "hands off," but the libturds exhibited a special kind of zeal in persecuting the Bush twins, so that rule is out the window.

You reap what you sow.

Which is why they were arrested. Hey, have you found their mugshots? I don't think they were released to the public. Pity.
The girls are surrounded by secret service. Until the guards take a whore break they will be perfectly safe sharing the guards cocaine. Obama sent them to mexico. If they get hit by a cartel it is his fault.
Listen Monkeybutt, when the only black president in history is attacked again and again in ways that have never before happened in the history of the US by a party that's 90% white and based in the Confederate South, suggesting it's based on race is not only not nonsense, it's both extremely plausible and reasonable. Unless you have some other explanation, which we both know you don't. If you did have an explanation not based on race, you would have explained what that is but you haven't. That means, you are supporting racist behavior and everyone knows it. Everyone.

Like I said in a previous post:

Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".




Do any right wingers know a white politician who is "uppity"???? Where have they used "uppity" when describing a white politician?

Then there's "Confederate Month".

Black leaders call for governor to resign over Confederate Month

Oh "Confederate Month". What "fun"!

Where did this uppity shit come from?

Republicans think Obama and his wife are "uppity".

How the hell would dweeb know what Republicans think?
He doesn't even know what he would think, if he were capable of a thought.

We don't have to think about what they say. I take them at their word. Funny how many white wingers don't believe what their leaders say. At least not in public. Behind closed doors? Well, remember Mitt and the 47%? That wasn't meant for "public consumption".
Ah the race card yet again the only card in America that does not have a expiration date.
Once they become of age and publicly help their parents run for office, they open themselves to scrutiny. Look at Tag and the things he said.

But when they are preteens and their location is published and Republicans question why the president's children have security, a line has been crossed. A line not crossed for any other president in history. Republicans are OK with this. They are not racist, but he is black, so it's OK.

The Bush twins were fair game, dweeb. Of course they weren't "preteen" like nearly 12 year old Sasha. Malia will be 15 on July 4th. She is not "preteen".

They were four years ago asswipe. And you only make the case comparing those two little girls to this:

Jenna and her sister Barbara made national headlines when they were both arrested for alcohol-related charges twice within 5 weeks: on April 29, 2001, Jenna was charged with a misdemeanor for possession of alcohol under the age 21 in Austin. On May 29, 2001, Jenna was charged with another misdemeanor — attempting to use a fake ID (with the name Barbara Pierce, her paternal grandmother's maiden name) to purchase alcohol. She pleaded no contest to both charges.

Jenna Bush Hager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And these nasty ass white wingers call this "attacking the Bush twins"? Really? Looks more like they attacked the law.

That's what's wrong with you white wingers. You compare the Bush twins breaking the law multiple times with revealing the location of Obama's daughters while they were on vacation? And somehow, the Bush twins are the INNOCENT victims? Somehow they are they SAME? It's why Monkeybutt and many of you other white wingers are kind of dirty people. You're racist and hate having that pointed out. I'm only pointing out what you prove over and over again. Sorry.

If the minor children of POTUS are off limits, they are off limits and you claimed the obama daughters were "preteen" only one is.

And I'm still looking for your link proving Republicans THINK the obamas are "uppity". Suppose you work on that for a while. It will save you from making a bigger fool of yourself.
The GOP hates Obama so much, they are trying to endanger his children?

I generally don't like defending the Grand 'ol Party, but I don't think it's fair to always lump in every right wingnut publication and what they say in with them. I don't really believe Repubs in general would condone this kind of thing.

They always use that excuse. If every single white winger didn't say it, it doesn't count. But then they keep voting these people into office. People like Bush and Cheney. And if they had their way, Palin and Romney. Paul (Ayn Rand) Ryan. And Eric (disaster victims should pay to be rescued) Cantor and John (we got 98% of everything we wanted) Boehner and Andre (feed the poor and they will breed) Bauer and Bob (Confederate month and stick a probe up your.....) McDonald. I could go on and on. This Republicans party is terrible. Disaster upon fiasco. The people are awful. OK, not every single one, but when it's the majority, then the few left are really part of Mitt's 47%.
I tend to agree, still kind of pissed off when they made fun of amy, chelisy [spl?] and the lefts bullshit about the bush twins growing years. kids should be hands off.

Once they become of age and publicly help their parents run for office, they open themselves to scrutiny. Look at Tag and the things he said.

ROFL! What a sleazy weasel. What kind of "help" did the Bush twins provide? Did they make speaches, go on talk shows, raise money? they simply appeared on stage with their father, just as Sasha and Malika do.

But when they are preteens and their location is published and Republicans question why the president's children have security, a line has been crossed. A line not crossed for any other president in history. Republicans are OK with this. They are not racist, but he is black, so it's OK.

I don't recall any republican questioning why they have security. They simply point out the hypocrisy of government officials who send their kids to a school crawling with armed guards who oppose the same for the schools where average Americans send their kids.

turds like you also seem to forget that a News paper published a map with the locations of every person in the county who had a concealed-carry permit. They also forget how the SEIU bussed in thugs to the homes Financial CEOs so they could harass and threaten their families.

They were arrested. Like their father. - Bush acknowledges 1976 DUI charge - November 2, 2000
It's pretty obvious the the far right media has a problem with black people being on the beach and ski slopes. They might as well just say it in so many words.

Do turds like you ever tire of accusing Obama's critics of being racist?

Not when they are being racist.

You can be critics of a policy. But when you compare him, like Newt did, to a Kenyan Colonial Mau Mau or call him "uppity", then you are being racist. And yes Virginia, it's just the "simple".
The GOP hates Obama so much, they are trying to endanger his children?

I generally don't like defending the Grand 'ol Party, but I don't think it's fair to always lump in every right wingnut publication and what they say in with them. I don't really believe Repubs in general would condone this kind of thing.

They always use that excuse. If every single white winger didn't say it, it doesn't count. But then they keep voting these people into office. People like Bush and Cheney. And if they had their way, Palin and Romney. Paul (Ayn Rand) Ryan. And Eric (disaster victims should pay to be rescued) Cantor and John (we got 98% of everything we wanted) Boehner and Andre (feed the poor and they will breed) Bauer and Bob (Confederate month and stick a probe up your.....) McDonald. I could go on and on. This Republicans party is terrible. Disaster upon fiasco. The people are awful. OK, not every single one, but when it's the majority, then the few left are really part of Mitt's 47%.

In all fairness, Bush did appoint black cabinet members, and was very gracious to Obama during the transition...

of course, the modern right considers him "left wing" now, so...
I tend to agree, still kind of pissed off when they made fun of amy, chelisy [spl?] and the lefts bullshit about the bush twins growing years. kids should be hands off.

Once they become of age and publicly help their parents run for office, they open themselves to scrutiny. Look at Tag and the things he said.

But when they are preteens and their location is published and Republicans question why the president's children have security, a line has been crossed. A line not crossed for any other president in history. Republicans are OK with this. They are not racist, but he is black, so it's OK.

Who is Tag? What did he/she say?
Were they the subject of celebrity reports, or political ones? :eusa_eh:

Amy? it was SNL, the tabloids what I remember the most, they made fun of her relentlesy [spl?] on the way she looked and if Obamas kids are treated worse dont you think after 4 years I should know thier names? I dont.....

What the OP is describing is a little more serious than just making fun of kids.

Describing? I linked to it. As I always do. White wingers always complain my links are extreme left, but at least half the time, I link to Fox and Breitbart and other mainstream White Wing sites. They don't even try to hide it. But they do get awfully outraged when you point it out.

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