The GOP Health Care Plan

Ladies and gentlemen, the goal is to LOWER health care costs, period.

And remember, Trump promised our health care costs would be a tiny fraction of what they are now.
Imo Trump is irrelevant to the gop senate at this point. He'll sign what they give him, and he'll like it. He just wants to say "look I'm Great they passed my bill" when he didn't have jack shit input.
That's why I call him the Naked Emperor.

Trump and the GOP's survival are completely dependent on the cost of health care coming down.

No amount of bloviation and chest thumping by the apprentice President will make any difference to a voter if they keep getting a giant health insurance bill in the mail.
Trump is bs. The gop may be betting that people will be ok with less in coverage for lower coverage cost.
That will work until "less in coverage" translates into a giant medical bill when someone in the family gets sick.

Then Trump and the GOP are doomed.

I'd be fine if they simply brought back the catastrophic plans that used to cost $70/month...until Obamacare ran the cost up to about $350/month.

As CATO stated so well....Obamacare made inexpensive insurance illegal.
The $70/mo family insurance was a rip off. It didn't do what insurance was designed to do, provide coverage of the big disasters. It was very profitable for the insurance companies because they rarely had claims. About the only thing it did for policy holders is create a false sense of security. Leave it to the insurance companies and they will have a policy that cost $10/mo and you will never collect a dime.

How does our country benefit from....

Dropping 20 million from health insurance
Raising rates for older Americans
Losing the revenue generated from those taxes
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
True. About a dozen red states have expanded Medicaid. All the people on expanded Medicaid will be loosing health insurance coverage, about 9.4 million in red states and blue states. The 63 million on original medicaid which is in all states will loose benefits due to the new funding method in the bill. The block grants will put the burden on the states to determine how benefits will be cut.

Cost savings by cutting medicaid will be used to balance the tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporation. There has probably never been a piece of legislation that so blatantly finances tax cuts for those who have the most by taking healthcare away from those who have the least.
Healthcare must promote the general welfare; I cannot convince the right wing to be fiscally responsible enough to abolish the drug war since it Only promotes the general badfare and makes the poor, poorer via Institutional means.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.

Yea, the problem with that is the effects won't be felt until after the 2018 elections and may not before 2020.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
True. About a dozen red states have expanded Medicaid. All the people on expanded Medicaid will be loosing health insurance coverage, about 9.4 million in red states and blue states. The 63 million on original medicaid which is in all states will loose benefits due to the new funding method in the bill. The block grants will put the burden on the states to determine how benefits will be cut.

Cost savings by cutting medicaid will be used to balance the tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporation. There has probably never been a piece of legislation that so blatantly finances tax cuts for those who have the most by taking healthcare away from those who have the least.
Healthcare must promote the general welfare; I cannot convince the right wing to be fiscally responsible enough to abolish the drug war since it Only promotes the general badfare and makes the poor, poorer via Institutional means.
The Right will never be able solve America's drug problem because they see drug dependency as nothing more than a lack of personal responsibility; that is "just say no." Anyone who has had to deal with a Meth addict knows that is pure bullshit.
Imo Trump is irrelevant to the gop senate at this point. He'll sign what they give him, and he'll like it. He just wants to say "look I'm Great they passed my bill" when he didn't have jack shit input.
That's why I call him the Naked Emperor.

Trump and the GOP's survival are completely dependent on the cost of health care coming down.

No amount of bloviation and chest thumping by the apprentice President will make any difference to a voter if they keep getting a giant health insurance bill in the mail.
Trump is bs. The gop may be betting that people will be ok with less in coverage for lower coverage cost.
That will work until "less in coverage" translates into a giant medical bill when someone in the family gets sick.

Then Trump and the GOP are doomed.

I'd be fine if they simply brought back the catastrophic plans that used to cost $70/month...until Obamacare ran the cost up to about $350/month.

As CATO stated so well....Obamacare made inexpensive insurance illegal.
The $70/mo family insurance was a rip off. It didn't do what insurance was designed to do, provide coverage of the big disasters. It was very profitable for the insurance companies because they rarely had claims. About the only thing it did for policy holders is create a false sense of security. Leave it to the insurance companies and they will have a policy that cost $10/mo and you will never collect a dime.

Maybe yours didn't...but the ones I had for relatives did.
If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
True. About a dozen red states have expanded Medicaid. All the people on expanded Medicaid will be loosing health insurance coverage, about 9.4 million in red states and blue states. The 63 million on original medicaid which is in all states will loose benefits due to the new funding method in the bill. The block grants will put the burden on the states to determine how benefits will be cut.

Cost savings by cutting medicaid will be used to balance the tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporation. There has probably never been a piece of legislation that so blatantly finances tax cuts for those who have the most by taking healthcare away from those who have the least.
Healthcare must promote the general welfare; I cannot convince the right wing to be fiscally responsible enough to abolish the drug war since it Only promotes the general badfare and makes the poor, poorer via Institutional means.
The Right will never be able solve America's drug problem because they see drug dependency as nothing more than a lack of personal responsibility; that is "just say no." Anyone who has had to deal with a Meth addict knows that is pure bullshit.

And what is your solution to the drug problem ?

I know it won't start to happen until drug dealers wind up against a wall facing 10 to 12 guys with rifles.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
True. About a dozen red states have expanded Medicaid. All the people on expanded Medicaid will be loosing health insurance coverage, about 9.4 million in red states and blue states. The 63 million on original medicaid which is in all states will loose benefits due to the new funding method in the bill. The block grants will put the burden on the states to determine how benefits will be cut.

Cost savings by cutting medicaid will be used to balance the tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporation. There has probably never been a piece of legislation that so blatantly finances tax cuts for those who have the most by taking healthcare away from those who have the least.
I believe the federal Cause is best served, through equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes. Solving for simple poverty in our Institution of money based markets, ensures greater liquidity and employment of capital resources in our markets.

It is a capital equivalent to this social concept:

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost. Aristotle

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