The GOP Health Care Plan

During the Obamacare debate, Mitch McConnell complained that the process was moving too fast, that the bill was crafted behind closed doors, there was not enough time to debate and that Senators did not have enough time to read the lengthy bill

Obamacare was crafted over 18 months, went through numerous revisions and weeks of open debate. It also had months of public comment

McConnells bill has not even been read yet, it was crafted behind closed doors, will only have 20 hours of debate and NO public comment

BULLSHIT!! as usual, it was passed in the witching hour dead of night and even bitchosi told the world they had no idea what was in it. It You lying liberals are always good for a laugh that is the only reason to come to this sight for comic relief and liberal stupidity. Like reading kindergartners whines, HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHHAh oh Shit HAHAAAAHA.

No, it was not passed in the "dead of night"
It was passed with 60 votes while Republicans are trying to ram Trumpcare through with 50 votes

Do you know what is in Trumpcare?
With a week to go before a vote, they have only released a truncated bill
Republicans are allowing NO public comment
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?

What in Trumpcare is an improvement on Obamacare?
Improvement for who?
Certainly not the working poor and not those getting subsidies and not those with pre-existing conditions. The young and healthy will benefit because they won't have to carry any health insurance until they're seriously ill, running up rates for everyone.

However, the major beneficiaries will be the wealthy. Tax cuts for big businesses and the wealthy will be financed by reducing healthcare to the poorest and sickest people in the country. Republicans are not trying to hide it. In fact, they're proud of it. It is clearly stated in bill.

The biggest lie about this bill is that people with pre-existing conditions will not loose coverage. That is pure horseshit. The bill transfers the responsibility of providing for patients with prexisting conditions to the states. Republicans claim the bill will be providing the needed funds to the states but the fact is those funds are not likely to pay for more that 20% of cost. Making coverage even less likely, the House bill is allowing the states to op out all together. This is the type of tricky we have seen before from republicans; transfer the responsibility to the states and claim they fixed the problem.
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What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

Actually the plan is only marginally better. Millions will lose coverage although it is not as straightforward as the House version. People will not be required to have insurance which will drive the cost of insurance up. Payments will also be cut 15%. Insurance companies will be able to price their policies from 3 times that of a healthy person to 5 times.

It also follows the House in tying Medicaid to general inflation rather than inflation in medical expenses. This will lead to more people losing insurance.

Also it makes it easier than the House bill to outsource kicking people off their healthcare insurance to states. The standards for getting a waiver is even weaker than the House bill. All the Governor has to do is request a waiver and it "shall" be granted. They will be able to establish lifetime and annual caps on the amount of healthcare people receive.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

Actually the plan is only marginally better. Millions will lose coverage although it is not as straightforward as the House version. People will not be required to have insurance which will drive the cost of insurance up. Payments will also be cut 15%. Insurance companies will be able to price their policies from 3 times that of a healthy person to 5 times.

It also follows the House in tying Medicaid to general inflation rather than inflation in medical expenses. This will lead to more people losing insurance.

Also it makes it easier than the House bill to outsource kicking people off their healthcare insurance to states. The standards for getting a waiver is even weaker than the House bill. All the Governor has to do is request a waiver and it "shall" be granted. They will be able to establish lifetime and annual caps on the amount of healthcare people receive.
Yeah after looking at it now that it's public, the Senate bill is not really any better than the House.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.
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Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions with out claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating are just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy.
You're right, they have no choice but to pass it. They got incredibly lucky when Obama handed off to Hillary and Putin and Comey stepped it. They know they should be facing a dem potus and a dem senate. They have three years. They need to pack the Court, and revamp taxes ... and fck up soc sec and medicare to the extent they can.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
There is no way in hell the dems take the House with Pelosi at the helm. She singlhandly flipped house districts across the south and wiped out the blue dogs.
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?

What in Trumpcare is an improvement on Obamacare?
Improvement for who?
Certainly not the working poor and not those getting subsidies and not those with pre-existing conditions. The young and healthy will benefit because they won't have to carry any health insurance until they're seriously ill, running up rates for everyone.

However, the major beneficiaries will be the wealthy. Tax cuts for big businesses and the wealthy will be financed by reducing healthcare to the poorest and sickest people in the country. Republicans are not trying to hide it. In fact, they're proud of it. It is clearly stated in bill.

The biggest lie about this bill is that people with pre-existing conditions will not loose coverage. That is pure horseshit. The bill transfers the responsibility of providing for patients with prexisting conditions to the states. Republicans claim the bill will be providing the needed funds to the states but the fact is those funds are not likely to pay for more that 20% of cost. Making coverage even less likely, the House bill is allowing the states to op out all together. This is the type of tricky we have seen before from republicans; transfer the responsibility to the states and claim they fixed the problem.
The Rs have turned themselves into one big pretzel trying to satisfy everybody......there are too many progressives in the Party.....we need to get rid of OCare and drop all government involvement except basic services for the truly destitute and turn to private, cross borders, free market health care where the customer is king....
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
There is no way in hell the dems take the House with Pelosi at the helm. She singlhandly flipped house districts across the south and wiped out the blue dogs.

2018 could very well turn on healthcare especially if Republicans jam it through Congress. That is what people are going to be focusing on. They don't need seats in the South. The Miami area went strongly for Clinton and there is strong support for Obamacare. There are 3 seats in that area. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen strongly criticized the Republican House bill and her retirement means that seat is likely gone. Then there are seats in NY and NJ which could shift. Rep Chris Collins-R has huge problems as he didn't even appear to know what was in the bill he voted for.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
You break it, you own it

Just wait till 20 million lose their Medicaid
The cost of health care. We, as Americans, pay more per citizen than any other nation in the world. And have one of the worst results for that, ranking about 35th in health. But all the other first world nations have single payer universal health care. Perhaps we should pay a little attention to how they do this.
We can't afford it, because we are an overtaxed society. People need to pay for their own shit...
The right wing had eight years to come up with a better solution at lower cost.

Yes they did come up with all the above, BUT their REAL staunch conservatives won't let it pass because they believe in total removal of the government from all healthcare. You stupid liberals think that is a good thing, why not just let oshitasscare go on and die. When there are no insurance companies left that will sell insurance under oshitcare, NO one will have healthcare insurance and it will all be on the obstructionist who would not let any repeal and replacement.
How is, "reducing social benefits for the poor", any form of better solution?
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
There is no way in hell the dems take the House with Pelosi at the helm. She singlhandly flipped house districts across the south and wiped out the blue dogs.

2018 could very well turn on healthcare especially if Republicans jam it through Congress. That is what people are going to be focusing on. They don't need seats in the South. The Miami area went strongly for Clinton and there is strong support for Obamacare. There are 3 seats in that area. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen strongly criticized the Republican House bill and her retirement means that seat is likely gone. Then there are seats in NY and NJ which could shift. Rep Chris Collins-R has huge problems as he didn't even appear to know what was in the bill he voted for.

Look if Republicans shove this bill down our throats they will be writing their own obituaries in 2018--2020 & beyond. This bill SUCKS for everyone. Especially 50 years and older, and people with pre-existing conditions. Your premiums are going to skyrocket to Mars.

It looks like 5 GOP Senators are not going to support it.
At home, GOP senators voice skepticism about passing a health-care bill

Watch this advertisement that AARP put out on this health care bill:
AARP ad says House GOP health care bill would boost insurance rates for older Americans
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Red states gave the finger to Obamacare. Turned down Medicaid expansion. Ignored the exchanges. It is the red states that will suffer the most as Trumpcare keeps the exchanges but does nothing to save them
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
Sen Ron Johnson has it right. He is asking why we are rushing this through without giving constituents a chance to weigh in. Sadly he will likely sell out his constituents for the party.
They are rushing into it because they want a bill signed into law well before the end of the year. Lawmakers want this bill done before tackling the budget in the fall, the corporate tax cut and most of all the midterm election fundraising and campaigning which will go into high gear after year end.

After all the negotiating and compromises between the House and Senate, republicans will vote for the bill regardless of what it contains because they can not afford to go back to their constitutions without claiming they repealed Obamacare, which of course is a lie.

Obamacare will remain the the major healthcare law. The legislation the republicans are creating is just amendments to Obamacare touching only the parts the law which impact the budget. Everything else remains the same.

If republicans really wanted to fix the American healthcare system, they would wait till they have the votes to repeal Obamacare and create their own healthcare law embodying their vision. Instead they decided on a quick and easy fix which is proving not to be so easy or quick.

If it passes, it may give Democrats the ammunition to control the House. There will ne horror stories galore out there and the media won't have it make it up. Just report the facts. It will be like free advertising for Democrats.
Right. Wait till states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Arizona who went Republican in the last election see how much they are going to loose in Medicare funding. Millions of Americans in these states are going to loose their insurance coverage.

There are now 3 republican senators that have come out against the senate bill because of the deep cuts in Medicaid. 2 senators have come out against the bill because it doesn't cut enough.
Social safety nets cannot be "exclusive".
True. About a dozen red states have expanded Medicaid. All the people on expanded Medicaid will be loosing health insurance coverage, about 9.4 million in red states and blue states. The 63 million on original medicaid which is in all states will loose benefits due to the new funding method in the bill. The block grants will put the burden on the states to determine how benefits will be cut.

Cost savings by cutting medicaid will be used to balance the tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporation. There has probably never been a piece of legislation that so blatantly finances tax cuts for those who have the most by taking healthcare away from those who have the least.
Ladies and gentlemen, the goal is to LOWER health care costs, period.

And remember, Trump promised our health care costs would be a tiny fraction of what they are now.
Imo Trump is irrelevant to the gop senate at this point. He'll sign what they give him, and he'll like it. He just wants to say "look I'm Great they passed my bill" when he didn't have jack shit input.
That's why I call him the Naked Emperor.

Trump and the GOP's survival are completely dependent on the cost of health care coming down.

No amount of bloviation and chest thumping by the apprentice President will make any difference to a voter if they keep getting a giant health insurance bill in the mail.
Trump is bs. The gop may be betting that people will be ok with less in coverage for lower coverage cost.
That will work until "less in coverage" translates into a giant medical bill when someone in the family gets sick.

Then Trump and the GOP are doomed.

I'd be fine if they simply brought back the catastrophic plans that used to cost $70/month...until Obamacare ran the cost up to about $350/month.

As CATO stated so well....Obamacare made inexpensive insurance illegal.

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