The GOP Health Care Plan

I would find it quite amusing that so many people are focused on how to get better health insurance (AKA lower cost), if it were not so udderly tragic. What we need to be focusing on is how to get the cost of health care back in line with the rest of the economy, not how to get "someone else" to pay for it. Really, what even comes close to the inflation of health care? Anything? Is that not the real problem here? The cost of healthcare, not the cost of insurance?
Has it ever dawned on you the more government gets involved the more expensive free stuff becomes?
Of course it has, and that is why I have ALWAYS opposed ANY action on the part of the Federal Government to control any part of the economy. Direction of the whole we can debate, control of any I am not interested in.
I misunderstood your post. I thought you were. Selling for more government. We're on the same page I think. Cheaper better healthcare will come the day the government gets out of it.
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?
They had nothing but obstruction and repeal; why did the right wing not have AnyThing, but obstruction and repeal, for eight years.

They got shut out of the Obamacare decision......and that's a fact. Then Obama lectured them about elections having "consequences."

So the Dims got what they deserved which is why they lost the House....The Senate......The White House....the Supreme Court.....and about 1,000 State House seats.

Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Name one GOP idea included int he final bill. Just one. :D
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?
I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here, and I'm gonna guess that, after this fabulous plan is introduced, we're STILL going to have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems in place, NONE of which coordinate or communicate directly with each other:

1. Group
2. Individual
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. VA
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent

Because having a bunch of different systems within ONE system is ALWAYS gonna be efficient and cost effective!!!!


Actually there may be a new group of plans to handle those with pre-existing conditions because the Republicans are turning this over to the states. States get block grants to help pay for the additional cost in covering prexisting conditions. So it will be back to the old days of high risk pools and insurance screening. It's unclear whether states can opt out.
They had nothing but obstruction and repeal; why did the right wing not have AnyThing, but obstruction and repeal, for eight years.

They got shut out of the Obamacare decision......and that's a fact. Then Obama lectured them about elections having "consequences."

So the Dims got what they deserved which is why they lost the House....The Senate......The White House....the Supreme Court.....and about 1,000 State House seats.

Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Name one GOP idea included int he final bill. Just one. :D
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?

Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored the amendment to the Senate version. The final adopted amendment was written by Senator Tom Coburn. Both Republicans.

Here's the law as passed:

Go to page 100:
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS IN THE EXCHANGE.— (i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are— (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)
It is Obamacare Light. The only really good thing about it is that it stops that individual mandate. However, it is still Liberal government interference with health care. That is bad.

I love that the filthy ass Democrats claiming that the bill is being rammed down their throats after those assholes passed that Obamacare failure with absolutely no Republican votes.
By dropping mandated coverage healthy people will leave the insurance pools driving overall health insurance cost up. However, if people with preexisting conditions are forced out of the pool, heath insurance cost comes down.
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So much for the completely made up meme that Republicans had no input on the ACA.

161 of their amendments were adopted.
I hope they do get 50 votes and blow 15 million people out of the water, and kill medicaid ...

human beings wont have to worry with the horseshit that comes from a RW ran government for decades and decades ...

You have been listening to the Liberal fake news.

The bill continues Medicaid at current funding levels with increases for inflation.

What is cut out is the massive budget breaking Medicaid supplements that the filthy government has been throwing at Obamacare to keep it from completely collapsing. It is a good thing to stop a Federal level. If the states wants to do that then they will have to raise the money somehow.

I wish we would do away with all Medicaid. It is morally wrong for the filthy oppressive government to require that I pay somebody else's bills. We should do away with all welfare in addition to that stupid Medicaid but the bill that you Moon Bats are bitching about doesn't do that. Go bark up another tree.
It phases out Medicaid Expansion which is available in 32 states. However, that does not happen for some years so democrats have a chance to change it. Also the funding formula will gradually reduce the original Medicaid. The fact that a dozen red states will be hurt by phasing out the Medicaid expansion may be enough to block the bill.
They got shut out of the Obamacare decision......and that's a fact. Then Obama lectured them about elections having "consequences."

So the Dims got what they deserved which is why they lost the House....The Senate......The White House....the Supreme Court.....and about 1,000 State House seats.

Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Name one GOP idea included int he final bill. Just one. :D
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?

Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored the amendment to the Senate version. The final adopted amendment was written by Senator Tom Coburn. Both Republicans.

Here's the law as passed:

Go to page 100:
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS IN THE EXCHANGE.— (i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are— (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)
Obiecare was passed on Christmas Eve of 2009. Signed in to law in March of 2010. This proof you provided is a proposed amendment that started in May of 2010. It doesn't say if or when it actually came to a vote or if it passed in that form.

Trying to pull a fast one here G?
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?
They had nothing but obstruction and repeal; why did the right wing not have AnyThing, but obstruction and repeal, for eight years.

They got shut out of the Obamacare decision......and that's a fact. Then Obama lectured them about elections having "consequences."

So the Dims got what they deserved which is why they lost the House....The Senate......The White House....the Supreme Court.....and about 1,000 State House seats.

Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Total absolute BULLSHIT!

Go play with someone who will believe in your silly games.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.

Yet as we reported at the time, those amendments were mostly technical. Only two of those Republican amendments were passed via roll-call vote. One of these amendments required members of Congress and congressional staff to enroll in the government-run option and the other involved biologics medication.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Looking at what is reported as being in the Senate bill, it seems like republicans have forgot the main reason people hate Obamacare, Cost. Exactly what is in the Senate bill that is going to significantly drive down cost?

The removal of the mandate will allow the most healthy (and profitable) insurance subscribers to drop their insurance while still requiring that insurance companies cover the most unhealthy (and costly) subscribers. That is going to increase premiums. Dropping the tax on tanning bed operators will certainly have not reduce the cost of insurance, nor will cutting premium subsidies, cutting medicaid, or planned parenthood.

The existing items in Obamacare that make premiums so high will remain, such as no prexisting conditions exclusion, no cap on yearly maximums, no cap on lifetime maximums, all the essential benefits, allowing parents to carry their kids on their policy to age 26, insurance company reporting requirements, and all the additional protections to subscribers.

It seems these 13 republicans in the Senate that wrote the bill, neglected to talk to the people most concerned, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, patients, and insurance customers. Republicans should be hoping that this bill does not make it into law before the midterms.
Doctors are expensive because there aren't enough of them to meet demand.
There aren't enough of them to meet demand because they aren't building enough colleges to provide that supply. The colleges are all full. Normally when something is full, you build it bigger to accommodate more customers. These Medical Colleges don't do that because the Federal Government only pays for so many seats. They don't get more government money for building more seats. It's not supposed to work that way. Demand goes up you raise prices or you expand supply to meet demand. Then prices go back down once demand is met. Colleges are not meeting demand.
I agree to some extent the supply vs demand for doctors is certainly a part of the problem but there are a lot of other factors.

I have a grandson that is graduating from High School this year that hopes to study medicine. The hurdles in doing so are huge. To get in med school, he's going have to be in the top 10% of his class due to the problem you mentioned of not enough capacity in med schools.

He's going to an in state university to keep cost down. We are estimating the cost will be $90,000 to $100,000 for undergraduate schooling and living expenses. After graduation and if he get's into med school at the university, the cost will be about $180,000 for 4 years. Plus additional funds are needed while in residency and other misc. expenses. Then there's time, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med School, and 2 years of residency. So we're talking about working your ass off to make the grade for 10 years and forking out or borrowing at least $300,000. So when he starts working he will be 30 years old and have a $300,000 college loan.

First, he needs to find a less expensive school! If he has good grades, he should have plenty of scholarships. My daughter just finished a 4 year degree for less than $50,000, and I didn't pay a dime. Thank you Uncle Sam!

Must be nice to be a republican and suck off the government teat.
I'll bet that, at some level, these guys know that getting rid of our insane, seven-headed hydra of a health care delivery/payment "system" and just opening up our already-functioning Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all is the way to go, and definitely better than real single payer.

But no, they can't do that, because their base would lose their shit and they would be primaried out of their cushy gubmit jobs.

So here comes Ridiculous Pig 2.0 to replace Ridiculous Pig 1.0.



It doesn't take rocket science to figure this out, go back to the old underwriting system and open up Medicare to anyone that wants it. So you have much lower premiums in the private insurance plans. Paya reasonable amount for Medicare. Raise the payroll tax per individual by 1%.
Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Name one GOP idea included int he final bill. Just one. :D
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?

Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored the amendment to the Senate version. The final adopted amendment was written by Senator Tom Coburn. Both Republicans.

Here's the law as passed:

Go to page 100:
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS IN THE EXCHANGE.— (i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are— (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)
Obiecare was passed on Christmas Eve of 2009. Signed in to law in March of 2010. This proof you provided is a proposed amendment that started in May of 2010. It doesn't say if or when it actually came to a vote or if it passed in that form.

Trying to pull a fast one here G?

There were several amendments in the original bill that weren't implemented until a later date and a few a year or two.
I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here, and I'm gonna guess that, after this fabulous plan is introduced, we're STILL going to have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems in place, NONE of which coordinate or communicate directly with each other:

1. Group
2. Individual
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. VA
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent

Because having a bunch of different systems within ONE system is ALWAYS gonna be efficient and cost effective!!!!


Actually there may be a new group of plans to handle those with pre-existing conditions because the Republicans are turning this over to the states. States get block grants to help pay for the additional cost in covering prexisting conditions. So it will be back to the old days of high risk pools and insurance screening. It's unclear whether states can opt out.

Many states used to have these high risk pools which I believe you're referring, but they went belly up. You can't put every sick person in these pools and expect it to last very long.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Looking at what is reported as being in the Senate bill, it seems like republicans have forgot the main reason people hate Obamacare, Cost. Exactly what is in the Senate bill that is going to significantly drive down cost?

The removal of the mandate will allow the most healthy (and profitable) insurance subscribers to drop their insurance while still requiring that insurance companies cover the most unhealthy (and costly) subscribers. That is going to increase premiums. Dropping the tax on tanning bed operators will certainly have not reduce the cost of insurance, nor will cutting premium subsidies, cutting medicaid, or planned parenthood.

The existing items in Obamacare that make premiums so high will remain, such as no prexisting conditions exclusion, no cap on yearly maximums, no cap on lifetime maximums, all the essential benefits, allowing parents to carry their kids on their policy to age 26, insurance company reporting requirements, and all the additional protections to subscribers.

It seems these 13 republicans in the Senate that wrote the bill, neglected to talk to the people most concerned, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, patients, and insurance customers. Republicans should be hoping that this bill does not make it into law before the midterms.
Doctors are expensive because there aren't enough of them to meet demand.
There aren't enough of them to meet demand because they aren't building enough colleges to provide that supply. The colleges are all full. Normally when something is full, you build it bigger to accommodate more customers. These Medical Colleges don't do that because the Federal Government only pays for so many seats. They don't get more government money for building more seats. It's not supposed to work that way. Demand goes up you raise prices or you expand supply to meet demand. Then prices go back down once demand is met. Colleges are not meeting demand.
I agree to some extent the supply vs demand for doctors is certainly a part of the problem but there are a lot of other factors.

I have a grandson that is graduating from High School this year that hopes to study medicine. The hurdles in doing so are huge. To get in med school, he's going have to be in the top 10% of his class due to the problem you mentioned of not enough capacity in med schools.

He's going to an in state university to keep cost down. We are estimating the cost will be $90,000 to $100,000 for undergraduate schooling and living expenses. After graduation and if he get's into med school at the university, the cost will be about $180,000 for 4 years. Plus additional funds are needed while in residency and other misc. expenses. Then there's time, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med School, and 2 years of residency. So we're talking about working your ass off to make the grade for 10 years and forking out or borrowing at least $300,000. So when he starts working he will be 30 years old and have a $300,000 college loan.

First, he needs to find a less expensive school! If he has good grades, he should have plenty of scholarships. My daughter just finished a 4 year degree for less than $50,000, and I didn't pay a dime. Thank you Uncle Sam!

Must be nice to be a republican and suck off the government teat.
How the hell would we know, too busy working and paying taxes.
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?
They had nothing but obstruction and repeal; why did the right wing not have AnyThing, but obstruction and repeal, for eight years.

They got shut out of the Obamacare decision......and that's a fact. Then Obama lectured them about elections having "consequences."

So the Dims got what they deserved which is why they lost the House....The Senate......The White House....the Supreme Court.....and about 1,000 State House seats.

Think you better do a little research on your statement of shutting the gop out, in fact there are a few amendments in obamacare the gop added before the dems passes. Oh and there were at least 44 hearings with the gop.

Total absolute BULLSHIT!

Go play with someone who will believe in your silly games.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.

Yet as we reported at the time, those amendments were mostly technical. Only two of those Republican amendments were passed via roll-call vote. One of these amendments required members of Congress and congressional staff to enroll in the government-run option and the other involved biologics medication.

You can't even read what you cite as a reference. That means they wanted the wording changed.

There was probably some liberal writing it and did not know the difference in:
their, there, and they're, to, too, and two, loose or lose, a lot, alot and allot, etc.

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What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Looking at what is reported as being in the Senate bill, it seems like republicans have forgot the main reason people hate Obamacare, Cost. Exactly what is in the Senate bill that is going to significantly drive down cost?

The removal of the mandate will allow the most healthy (and profitable) insurance subscribers to drop their insurance while still requiring that insurance companies cover the most unhealthy (and costly) subscribers. That is going to increase premiums. Dropping the tax on tanning bed operators will certainly have not reduce the cost of insurance, nor will cutting premium subsidies, cutting medicaid, or planned parenthood.

The existing items in Obamacare that make premiums so high will remain, such as no prexisting conditions exclusion, no cap on yearly maximums, no cap on lifetime maximums, all the essential benefits, allowing parents to carry their kids on their policy to age 26, insurance company reporting requirements, and all the additional protections to subscribers.

It seems these 13 republicans in the Senate that wrote the bill, neglected to talk to the people most concerned, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, patients, and insurance customers. Republicans should be hoping that this bill does not make it into law before the midterms.
Doctors are expensive because there aren't enough of them to meet demand.
There aren't enough of them to meet demand because they aren't building enough colleges to provide that supply. The colleges are all full. Normally when something is full, you build it bigger to accommodate more customers. These Medical Colleges don't do that because the Federal Government only pays for so many seats. They don't get more government money for building more seats. It's not supposed to work that way. Demand goes up you raise prices or you expand supply to meet demand. Then prices go back down once demand is met. Colleges are not meeting demand.
I agree to some extent the supply vs demand for doctors is certainly a part of the problem but there are a lot of other factors.

I have a grandson that is graduating from High School this year that hopes to study medicine. The hurdles in doing so are huge. To get in med school, he's going have to be in the top 10% of his class due to the problem you mentioned of not enough capacity in med schools.

He's going to an in state university to keep cost down. We are estimating the cost will be $90,000 to $100,000 for undergraduate schooling and living expenses. After graduation and if he get's into med school at the university, the cost will be about $180,000 for 4 years. Plus additional funds are needed while in residency and other misc. expenses. Then there's time, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med School, and 2 years of residency. So we're talking about working your ass off to make the grade for 10 years and forking out or borrowing at least $300,000. So when he starts working he will be 30 years old and have a $300,000 college loan.

First, he needs to find a less expensive school! If he has good grades, he should have plenty of scholarships. My daughter just finished a 4 year degree for less than $50,000, and I didn't pay a dime. Thank you Uncle Sam!

Must be nice to be a republican and suck off the government teat.

She earned it, just like I did. She risks her life for you.
Name one GOP idea included int he final bill. Just one. :D
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?

Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored the amendment to the Senate version. The final adopted amendment was written by Senator Tom Coburn. Both Republicans.

Here's the law as passed:

Go to page 100:
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS IN THE EXCHANGE.— (i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are— (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)
Obiecare was passed on Christmas Eve of 2009. Signed in to law in March of 2010. This proof you provided is a proposed amendment that started in May of 2010. It doesn't say if or when it actually came to a vote or if it passed in that form.

Trying to pull a fast one here G?

There were several amendments in the original bill that weren't implemented until a later date and a few a year or two.
Thank you for blowing up the entire republicans added to obiecare horseshit.

Let me ask you this one last stumper. How the hell is a law passed with amendments to come later? How does that work exactly? And if you think it does work that way why didn't a single republican vote for the law?
Looking at what is reported as being in the Senate bill, it seems like republicans have forgot the main reason people hate Obamacare, Cost. Exactly what is in the Senate bill that is going to significantly drive down cost?

The removal of the mandate will allow the most healthy (and profitable) insurance subscribers to drop their insurance while still requiring that insurance companies cover the most unhealthy (and costly) subscribers. That is going to increase premiums. Dropping the tax on tanning bed operators will certainly have not reduce the cost of insurance, nor will cutting premium subsidies, cutting medicaid, or planned parenthood.

The existing items in Obamacare that make premiums so high will remain, such as no prexisting conditions exclusion, no cap on yearly maximums, no cap on lifetime maximums, all the essential benefits, allowing parents to carry their kids on their policy to age 26, insurance company reporting requirements, and all the additional protections to subscribers.

It seems these 13 republicans in the Senate that wrote the bill, neglected to talk to the people most concerned, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, patients, and insurance customers. Republicans should be hoping that this bill does not make it into law before the midterms.
Doctors are expensive because there aren't enough of them to meet demand.
There aren't enough of them to meet demand because they aren't building enough colleges to provide that supply. The colleges are all full. Normally when something is full, you build it bigger to accommodate more customers. These Medical Colleges don't do that because the Federal Government only pays for so many seats. They don't get more government money for building more seats. It's not supposed to work that way. Demand goes up you raise prices or you expand supply to meet demand. Then prices go back down once demand is met. Colleges are not meeting demand.
I agree to some extent the supply vs demand for doctors is certainly a part of the problem but there are a lot of other factors.

I have a grandson that is graduating from High School this year that hopes to study medicine. The hurdles in doing so are huge. To get in med school, he's going have to be in the top 10% of his class due to the problem you mentioned of not enough capacity in med schools.

He's going to an in state university to keep cost down. We are estimating the cost will be $90,000 to $100,000 for undergraduate schooling and living expenses. After graduation and if he get's into med school at the university, the cost will be about $180,000 for 4 years. Plus additional funds are needed while in residency and other misc. expenses. Then there's time, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med School, and 2 years of residency. So we're talking about working your ass off to make the grade for 10 years and forking out or borrowing at least $300,000. So when he starts working he will be 30 years old and have a $300,000 college loan.

First, he needs to find a less expensive school! If he has good grades, he should have plenty of scholarships. My daughter just finished a 4 year degree for less than $50,000, and I didn't pay a dime. Thank you Uncle Sam!

Must be nice to be a republican and suck off the government teat.

She earned it, just like I did. She risks her life for you.

Well you didn't say she had the GI bill now,did ya? What makes you think I didn't risk my life for the likes of you?
Doctors are expensive because there aren't enough of them to meet demand.
There aren't enough of them to meet demand because they aren't building enough colleges to provide that supply. The colleges are all full. Normally when something is full, you build it bigger to accommodate more customers. These Medical Colleges don't do that because the Federal Government only pays for so many seats. They don't get more government money for building more seats. It's not supposed to work that way. Demand goes up you raise prices or you expand supply to meet demand. Then prices go back down once demand is met. Colleges are not meeting demand.
I agree to some extent the supply vs demand for doctors is certainly a part of the problem but there are a lot of other factors.

I have a grandson that is graduating from High School this year that hopes to study medicine. The hurdles in doing so are huge. To get in med school, he's going have to be in the top 10% of his class due to the problem you mentioned of not enough capacity in med schools.

He's going to an in state university to keep cost down. We are estimating the cost will be $90,000 to $100,000 for undergraduate schooling and living expenses. After graduation and if he get's into med school at the university, the cost will be about $180,000 for 4 years. Plus additional funds are needed while in residency and other misc. expenses. Then there's time, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med School, and 2 years of residency. So we're talking about working your ass off to make the grade for 10 years and forking out or borrowing at least $300,000. So when he starts working he will be 30 years old and have a $300,000 college loan.

First, he needs to find a less expensive school! If he has good grades, he should have plenty of scholarships. My daughter just finished a 4 year degree for less than $50,000, and I didn't pay a dime. Thank you Uncle Sam!

Must be nice to be a republican and suck off the government teat.

She earned it, just like I did. She risks her life for you.

Well you didn't say she had the GI bill now,did ya? What makes you think I didn't risk my life for the likes of you?
Nobody thinks you would. That should make you feel pretty worthless.
There were 58 hearings in the Senate over the course of a year for the ACA. This fact was obliterated from the minds of you goldfish immediately after passage when the "behind closed doors" meme was invented.

You rubes bleev what you are told to bleev by your masters. You weren't actually paying the slightest attention. You just got in line to be lied to by your propagandists.

The claim that the GOP had no chance to read the bill or make amendments and that it was all done behind closed doors is one giant mountain of manufactured bullshit.

You want just ONE Republican idea in the ACA? Shit, retard, there were 161 GOP amendments passed.

One of them was the requirement that members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program.

So there you go, willfully blind monkey.
Hold on here skippy. I'm at work and will have to look later but wasn't the congress staff must use obiecare passed after it passed and the repubs took over congress?

Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored the amendment to the Senate version. The final adopted amendment was written by Senator Tom Coburn. Both Republicans.

Here's the law as passed:

Go to page 100:
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS IN THE EXCHANGE.— (i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are— (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act)
Obiecare was passed on Christmas Eve of 2009. Signed in to law in March of 2010. This proof you provided is a proposed amendment that started in May of 2010. It doesn't say if or when it actually came to a vote or if it passed in that form.

Trying to pull a fast one here G?

There were several amendments in the original bill that weren't implemented until a later date and a few a year or two.
Thank you for blowing up the entire republicans added to obiecare horseshit.

Let me ask you this one last stumper. How the hell is a law passed with amendments to come later? How does that work exactly? And if you think it does work that way why didn't a single republican vote for the law?

So you are on here spewing your shit and you don't know anything about the bill? Well maybe some of the crap you've read on the internet. I'm not here to educate you on the ACA, but don't spew your talking points on a subject you no absolutely nothing about.

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