The GOP Health Care Plan

I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here, and I'm gonna guess that, after this fabulous plan is introduced, we're STILL going to have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems in place, NONE of which coordinate or communicate directly with each other:

1. Group
2. Individual
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. VA
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent

Because having a bunch of different systems within ONE system is ALWAYS gonna be efficient and cost effective!!!!



So long as some of are getting HC insurance via our employers who get a tax break to do so, there's not going to be a transparent market where we shop for the most efficient product. That was the ultimate "fac" that Obamacare ran up against. Hillarycare was possibly better if it assumed everyone had the exact same economic ability to access treatment, and everyone's "plan" was equally administered by an HMO whose profit % was capped.

But I think your post assumes the GOP's plan rests on a goal of making healthcare access "better." I'm not sure that's a correct assumption. It's certainly not true of the House bill that even Donald no longer likes. But the Senate plan may just be a repeal and tax cut, that the Turtle and his secret select few think can get 50 votes, so they can tell voters "we repealed Obamacare." And, I'm not at all convinced that is a politically wise idea. LOL
I hope they do get 50 votes and blow 15 million people out of the water, and kill medicaid ...

human beings wont have to worry with the horseshit that comes from a RW ran government for decades and decades ...
It is Obamacare Light. The only really good thing about it is that it stops that individual mandate. However, it is still Liberal government interference with health care. That is bad.

I love that the filthy ass Democrats claiming that the bill is being rammed down their throats after those assholes passed that Obamacare failure with absolutely no Republican votes.
I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here, and I'm gonna guess that, after this fabulous plan is introduced, we're STILL going to have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems in place, NONE of which coordinate or communicate directly with each other:

1. Group
2. Individual
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. VA
6. Worker's Comp
7. Indigent

Because having a bunch of different systems within ONE system is ALWAYS gonna be efficient and cost effective!!!!



So long as some of are getting HC insurance via our employers who get a tax break to do so, there's not going to be a transparent market where we shop for the most efficient product. That was the ultimate "fac" that Obamacare ran up against. Hillarycare was possibly better if it assumed everyone had the exact same economic ability to access treatment, and everyone's "plan" was equally administered by an HMO whose profit % was capped.

But I think your post assumes the GOP's plan rests on a goal of making healthcare access "better." I'm not sure that's a correct assumption. It's certainly not true of the House bill that even Donald no longer likes. But the Senate plan may just be a repeal and tax cut, that the Turtle and his secret select few think can get 50 votes, so they can tell voters "we repealed Obamacare." And, I'm not at all convinced that is a politically wise idea. LOL
I think it's ridiculous that health care is tied to employment in any way. Why put those costs on the back of our employers? Instead, let them compete with other employers with better pay, better 401K plans and non-qualified plans.

Conservatives and Republicans push "free market" health care only because they are ideologically obligated to do so. They have to completely ignore the fact that we ALL pay for the care of people who can't qualify for plans or can't afford plans. Only it's WORSE, because these people (a) are then forced to access much more expensive and "free" emergency rooms, and (b) don't have access to low-cost preventive and diagnostic services that would catch SMALLER health issues before they become LARGER and MORE EXPENSIVE health issues that the REST of us end up paying for.

Once an issue becomes politicized it gets dumbed down and pretty much WRECKED, and that's where we are right now.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

There are 119M men in the U.S. and 124M women.
Not a single woman behind those closed doors. FUCK THE GOP. Just fuck 'em!

I hope they do get 50 votes and blow 15 million people out of the water, and kill medicaid ...

human beings wont have to worry with the horseshit that comes from a RW ran government for decades and decades ...
I used to think that you could always depend on the dems to reach into success are rip out a defeat, because ever since LBJ ultimately they've been asking the middle class to reach down and put people on their backs and carry them. That worked so long as the people we were supposed to carry were kids and people who through no fault or lack of effort couldn't carry themselves.

But over the past 17 years or so, the GOP has been telling the middle class to work harder for less so the 1% could have more. So, the gop may be pulling defeat out of success.

But we are talking real people here. I remember when Reagan's admin basically made all these disabled folks prove they really were disabled to keep soc sec disability and Medicaid. I did a few soc sec hearings for people back then, and it wasn't very hard to prove the disability. My favorite one was when I asked my flat out insane 16 year old client "now tell the Judge why you set yourself on fire." I waived my fees, but not everyone could afford to do so. The kids got money awards for the months their eligibility was wrongfully denied. Reagan wasn't meanspirited. The current Turtle and GOP freedom caucus are mean spirited.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

Do you have any idea of how insurance works?
Rustic is an iconoclast. Not a bad guy. But even if taxes are not unavoidable, all of us eventually will get sick/injured and die
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

Do you have any idea of how insurance works?

nope, but he does know how to whine, report you, and get youre threads removed.

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This HealthCare saga just keeps going on and on and on.....

The real problems are:

1. healthcare costs are WAY too high

2. Pharmaceutical costs are WAY too high

3. The HealthCare Insurance industry has evolved into an overly complicated mammoth.

4. Too many Americans have been brain washed into believing anything that can be labeled 'socialist' is automatically evil.

We need to cut the crap and institute fully socialized healthcare like every other industrialized country and be done with this ongoing BULLSHIT!
That's why I call him the Naked Emperor.

Trump and the GOP's survival are completely dependent on the cost of health care coming down.

No amount of bloviation and chest thumping by the apprentice President will make any difference to a voter if they keep getting a giant health insurance bill in the mail.
Trump is bs. The gop may be betting that people will be ok with less in coverage for lower coverage cost.
That will work until "less in coverage" translates into a giant medical bill when someone in the family gets sick.

Then Trump and the GOP are doomed.
yeah, but when someone in a family gets really sick, Medicaid is supposed to kick in. So, I guess much depends on how much they cut Medicaid and whether they can make up for some of that in savings. You can't cut Medicaid provicers anymore.
No, when someone in a middle class family gets sick, they do not qualify for Medicaid. The only protection a middle class person has is the catastrophic cap, which is the equivalent of the price of used car before your medical bills stop going up for the year.

And part of that "less in coverage" is a much bigger catastrophic cap. About the cost of a NEW car.

If you have a chronically ill person in your family, you will be hitting the cap every year. Essentially buying a car every year without the benefit of actually getting the car.


Trump said NOBODY knew it was going to be hard. :lol:

The man is actually that stupid.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

A better question: What are the Dims doing to fix shitty Obamacare that they are 100% responsible for? Have you seen the Dim plan?

When you do...let me know....k?
Once again, you tards demonstrate your amnesia and willful blindness.

The Dem fixes were blocked by the GOP. The GOP has done everything they can to sabotage ObamaCare, even going as far as the Supreme Court to stop the fixes. Party before country.
I pointed out several times on this forum the federal subsidy problem could easily have been legislatively fixed in five minutes by Congress. But the GOP decided to be dicks and force a constitutional challenge.

They lost, and wasted a shit ton of time and money in the process.

Same with the employer mandate. It would have taken Congress five minutes to extend the deadline, but the GOP had to be dicks again. So Obama wrote an EO, and the hack partisan assholes got their panties in a bunch over that!
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

I paid out of my paychecks my whole lie for the past generations social security and medicare , you are already paying Rustic...
I will never see a penny from Social Security, Medicare… Every bit of money I put in up to this point has been a waste. Fact
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

Do you have any idea of how insurance works?
Insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion... fraud
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

I paid out of my paychecks my whole lie for the past generations social security and medicare , you are already paying Rustic...
I will never see a penny from Social Security, Medicare… Every bit of money I put in up to this point has been a waste. Fact


its not about YOU Gomer .. and obviously you are clueless how the SS system works.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

I paid out of my paychecks my whole lie for the past generations social security and medicare , you are already paying Rustic...
I will never see a penny from Social Security, Medicare… Every bit of money I put in up to this point has been a waste. Fact


its not about YOU Gomer .. and obviously you are clueless how the SS system works.
Really it is, why can't people pay for their own shit?
There is not enough money in the private sector to pay for other people shit… Fact
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

A better question: What are the Dims doing to fix shitty Obamacare that they are 100% responsible for? Have you seen the Dim plan?

When you do...let me know....k?

Pay attention the GOP does not want the dems to fix obamacare.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right

I paid out of my paychecks my whole lie for the past generations social security and medicare , you are already paying Rustic...
I will never see a penny from Social Security, Medicare… Every bit of money I put in up to this point has been a waste. Fact
planning on dying soon?

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