The GOP Health Care Plan

Imo Trump is irrelevant to the gop senate at this point. He'll sign what they give him, and he'll like it. He just wants to say "look I'm Great they passed my bill" when he didn't have jack shit input.
That's why I call him the Naked Emperor.

Trump and the GOP's survival are completely dependent on the cost of health care coming down.

No amount of bloviation and chest thumping by the apprentice President will make any difference to a voter if they keep getting a giant health insurance bill in the mail.
Trump is bs. The gop may be betting that people will be ok with less in coverage for lower coverage cost.
That will work until "less in coverage" translates into a giant medical bill when someone in the family gets sick.

Then Trump and the GOP are doomed.
yeah, but when someone in a family gets really sick, Medicaid is supposed to kick in. So, I guess much depends on how much they cut Medicaid and whether they can make up for some of that in savings. You can't cut Medicaid provicers anymore.
No, when someone in a middle class family gets sick, they do not qualify for Medicaid. The only protection a middle class person has is the catastrophic cap, which is the equivalent of the price of used car before your medical bills stop going up for the year.

And part of that "less in coverage" is a much bigger catastrophic cap. About the cost of a NEW car.

If you have a chronically ill person in your family, you will be hitting the cap every year. Essentially buying a car every year without the benefit of actually getting the car.


Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right
If those unhealthy people can't get coverage, then you'll be paying for them indirectly through higher premiums.

And it will be worse when they have to use Emergency Rooms for their basic care.

And it will be even worse when they don't get basic preventive/diagnostic care and their conditions and medical needs end up being more severe.

So we'll be paying for 'em. If they're too sick to qualify, we'll be paying for 'em. If they can't afford it, we'll be paying for 'em.

That's just basic business economics.
The concept of paying into a pool is flawed to the core… It will always be abused by the deadbeats. Fact
350 million persons at $10K/year cost of insurance == $3.5T

OK.....1/2 buy their own. That is still $1.75T, who pays?
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What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Do y'all ever read any of the links y'all post?

The bill is expected to repeal the biggest parts of the Affordable Care Act, including the individual mandate and the employer mandate. It is also expected to defund Planned Parenthood for one year by kicking the women's health organization out of the Medicaid program. That provision could be dropped if Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs votes from moderate Republicans who oppose it.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

A better question: What are the Dims doing to fix shitty Obamacare that they are 100% responsible for? Have you seen the Dim plan?

When you do...let me know....k?
long ago I posted price comparisons between a county hospital and medicaid for a broken arm and a heart attack that required surgery .. the cost difference was almost 3 times greater at the county vs medicaid ...

go ahead dump medicaid and triple the cost of healthcare for the needy, taxpayers dont give a shit ... you must not pay taxes huh.

like Trump fired Comey to fade some heat and wound up fanning the fire and just made it hotter .... go on the hunt and overthrow an evil dictator who had nothing to do with the reason why we went after him and end up in an endless war ...

RW dumbshits dont exactly have a stellar track record when complex thinking is involved ....
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL

A better question: What are the Dims doing to fix shitty Obamacare that they are 100% responsible for? Have you seen the Dim plan?

When you do...let me know....k?

they are resisting.
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?
But since the Dims are 100% responsible for shitty Obamacare should they not put forth a plan to fix it? So where is the Dim plan?

Why should the GOP be responsible for cleaning up a Dim mess?

I would hope they would all stop messing with it. They only made it worse.
I would find it quite amusing that so many people are focused on how to get better health insurance (AKA lower cost), if it were not so udderly tragic. What we need to be focusing on is how to get the cost of health care back in line with the rest of the economy, not how to get "someone else" to pay for it. Really, what even comes close to the inflation of health care? Anything? Is that not the real problem here? The cost of healthcare, not the cost of insurance?
Has it ever dawned on you the more government gets involved the more expensive free stuff becomes?
if we as the most wealthy industrialized nation cannot get health care right for the rich and poor alike....then America isn't all that great. case closed. no excuses.
if we as the most wealthy industrialized nation cannot get health care right for the rich and poor alike....then America isn't all that great. case closed. no excuses.

You got 15-30 million illegals. 5% are walking into emergency with anything from a sick kid to a gunshot head wound to a Bad Heart (transplant).
As long as you got to pay for all of over.
Ladies and gentlemen, the goal is to LOWER health care costs, period.

And remember, Trump promised our health care costs would be a tiny fraction of what they are now.
Imo Trump is irrelevant to the gop senate at this point. He'll sign what they give him, and he'll like it. He just wants to say "look I'm Great they passed my bill" when he didn't have jack shit input.
How did you arrive at that?
"We don't know what's in the bill, we will find out after we pass it". Recognize that dimshitscum? They passed it and like all dimshit socialist ideas it failed miserably. And they always will.
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right
If those unhealthy people can't get coverage, then you'll be paying for them indirectly through higher premiums.

And it will be worse when they have to use Emergency Rooms for their basic care.

And it will be even worse when they don't get basic preventive/diagnostic care and their conditions and medical needs end up being more severe.

So we'll be paying for 'em. If they're too sick to qualify, we'll be paying for 'em. If they can't afford it, we'll be paying for 'em.

That's just basic business economics.
The concept of paying into a pool is flawed to the core… It will always be abused by the deadbeats. Fact

How is it to have such a pessimistic view toward everything?

Everything in nature with the exception of maybe honeycombs have flaws. Honeycombs are damn near perfect but it's flawed to the core because the honey doesn't put itself into those little Bear shaped squeeze bottles. On second thought...the hell with Honeycombs too! Everything must go!
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Looking at what is reported as being in the Senate bill, it seems like republicans have forgot the main reason people hate Obamacare, Cost. Exactly what is in the Senate bill that is going to significantly drive down cost?

The removal of the mandate will allow the most healthy (and profitable) insurance subscribers to drop their insurance while still requiring that insurance companies cover the most unhealthy (and costly) subscribers. That is going to increase premiums. Dropping the tax on tanning bed operators will certainly have not reduce the cost of insurance, nor will cutting premium subsidies, cutting medicaid, or planned parenthood.

The existing items in Obamacare that make premiums so high will remain, such as no prexisting conditions exclusion, no cap on yearly maximums, no cap on lifetime maximums, all the essential benefits, allowing parents to carry their kids on their policy to age 26, insurance company reporting requirements, and all the additional protections to subscribers.

It seems these 13 republicans in the Senate that wrote the bill, neglected to talk to the people most concerned, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, patients, and insurance customers. Republicans should be hoping that this bill does not make it into law before the midterms.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
Healthy people better not be paying for unhealthy peoples care... it's just not right
Republicans in the Senate heard you. The bill allows the healthy to drop insurance leaving the less healthy to pay higher premiums. That should go over like a turd in a punch bowl.
What's in the Senate's secret Obamacare repeal bill

It may be ok. It's good to see no more nonsense about "the fed govt has no role in helping people get hc." And reforming mediciad from a "all you can get" program is not a bad idea.

Although they better keep their hands off my medicare. LOL
All I see is cutting medicaid aka harming the poor who NEED medicaid. I mean really they want to replace it with giving the states a set amount per person to use for poor folks.....why don't they just say hey poor fucker! DON'T GET SICK! Such bullshit.
That's a fair criticism. I'll have to see how it really checks out. You have people who are desperately sick, like with cerebral palsy of alzheimers, who need a lot of help. And then you have welfare cheats. And then you have normally healthy kids who are on because of Schips and Obamacare.
All my kids are healthy although my son is on medicine every month because of his behavior and the kid can NOT sleep unless he has his medicine to go to sleep...they get medicaid bc we are poor,I get mine bc I am disabled.
Was going to start a thread with this thought, but instead I'll put it here.
I'm bi-polar. Without my meds I suffer severe anger and anxiety issues, not at the same time usually. Threatening to kill someone one minutes, crying my eyes out the next. The VA gave me medical because I had no income and was a vet. I've been gainfully employed now for 30+ years. I solve other peoples problems. I get yelled out every day by people who think they are the most important people in the universe and I stay calm throughout the phone call as a CSR. If I didn't have healthcare I'd end up killing someone, hurting myself and my family and if I didn't wind up dead I'd wind up in prison or a mental institution. People respect me because of who I am while I'm taking these drugs. And it's only because I take those drugs that I'm not a complete looser.

My 24 year old nephew has panic/anxiety disorder. Undiagnosed because he does not have healthcare. He may very well be bi-polar too. He dropped out of high school for stupid reasons. He looses jobs because of his own anxiety and fear of being fired. He'll quit if he thinks he's about to be fired. He quit Walmart 3 times and they kept hiring him back because he's a good worker. He's dumb as shit. and he himself will tell you he's a complete looser who won't amount to anything. Because he doesn't take drugs to manage his emotional state like I do. Should he be homeless and possibly a criminal because nobody in our family can afford to give him medical care? Should he be left in the gutter because he's poor. Should we take the Darwinist approach and say he's better off dead, he is suicidal too. Or do we give him what he needs and possibly turn him into a productive member of society?

If I made good choices in my life instead of the bad ones I made. Yes I blame myself for those choices, and my bi-polar disorder. I would be a Neil Boortz who believes the weak should die and get the fuck out of the way so the strong and the smart can thrive and make this great country greater. But I didn't and I'm not. I'm successful, barely, because of free healthcare given to me because I'm a poverty stricken Vet. While logically I can argue the Libertarian argument about most things, not everything they believe I would stand for. I constantly have a conscious and think those loosers are me and mine. Myself and my family would be the ones left in the dust in a Libertarian society. So can I be heartless to others, after what I have been through? On here I can and I am. But every now and then I get real and post something like this.
I would find it quite amusing that so many people are focused on how to get better health insurance (AKA lower cost), if it were not so udderly tragic. What we need to be focusing on is how to get the cost of health care back in line with the rest of the economy, not how to get "someone else" to pay for it. Really, what even comes close to the inflation of health care? Anything? Is that not the real problem here? The cost of healthcare, not the cost of insurance?
Has it ever dawned on you the more government gets involved the more expensive free stuff becomes?
In the Army, we soldiers, were given a budget to get our jobs done. If we didn't use it all at the end of the budget time period the next one we would get less. Sometimes we go into the desert and we need every single penny and more. Sometimes we stay home and we don't need to spend all that to keep our equipment ready. But during those times we have to buy things, via budget, that we don't really need or risk not having them when we do need them. Nobody goes under budget in the military. We spend every penny we are budgeted whether we need it or not. Now imagine if the whole Government operated like that.

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