The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Dumber every day Mac
Identity politics. You are such a loser.
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.

Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!
Alright man, look. I give you a hard time cause I think this board is funny for me when I get to vent.

Give me examples of how democrats have not used identity politics to win elections.

You, may very well need to go back to the 30s. Maybe.

When has it happened? Other than trying to buy the black vote, why do you suppose clinton would rewrite the Community Reinvestment Act in 1995. Was that a good thing that he put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income families? Was it actions like that that had people calling the "first black president?"

Why do you suppose the left ignores all of the black Trump voters?

A border wall has worked everywhere it is tried. Is it the only answer? No, but they do work.

Why is it Mac that the democrats who wanted a wall before Trump, all of a sudden don't?

Why do they call racist racist racist for wanting a wall when they just recently also wanted one?

Mac? Hello? Are you there? Are you still upset hillary is not president?
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I gotta tell ya, the rhetoric I hear from both Democrats and Republicans and their respective propagandists on this issue is two giant crocks of massively disingenuous bullshit.
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!
Alright man, look. I give you a hard time cause I think this board is funny for me when I get to vent.

Give me examples of how democrats have not used identity politics to win elections.

You, may very well need to go back to the 30s. Maybe.

When has it happened? Other than trying to buy the black vote, why do you suppose clinton would rewrite the Community Reinvestment Act in 1995. Was that a good thing that he put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income families? Was it actions like that that had people calling the "first black president?"

Why do you suppose the left ignores all of the black Trump voters?

A border wall has worked everywhere it is tried. Is it the only answer? No, but they do work.

Why is it Mac that the democrats who wanted a wall before Trump, all of a sudden don't?

Why do they call racist racist racist for wanting a wall when they just recently also wanted one?

Mac? Hello? Are you there? Are you still upset hillary is not president?
Wow, that's a lot of questions.

Give me examples of how democrats have not used identity politics to win elections. You, may very well need to go back to the 30s. Maybe.
I don't know if JFK did, but I was a young child. Otherwise, they use Identity Politics at every chance.

When has it happened? Other than trying to buy the black vote, why do you suppose clinton would rewrite the Community Reinvestment Act in 1995. Was that a good thing that he put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income families? Was it actions like that that had people calling the "first black president?"
Lowering standards for the Regressive Left's victim groups is one of the main reasons many of those victim groups are still behind and/or isolated.

Why do you suppose the left ignores all of the black Trump voters?
Partisan politics.

A border wall has worked everywhere it is tried. Is it the only answer? No, but they do work. Why is it Mac that the democrats who wanted a wall before Trump, all of a sudden don't?
Partisan politics.

Why do they call racist racist racist for wanting a wall when they just recently also wanted one?
They have over-used and diluted that word into the ground, much as the Right has done with "socialist".

Mac? Hello? Are you there? Are you still upset hillary is not president?
Yep, I'm here. I do wish she had won, but it is what it is. Split milk 'n all.

There you go.
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!

To what extent political correctness - making operational the demand that every human be treated with respect - is required was amply, conclusively, irrefutably demonstrated on this thread.

As long as different societal groups are facing vastly different situations and life circumstances, these need be politically addressed - hence the necessity of some sort of identity politics. Seeing seething White supremacists whine about identity politics ... well, that really trumps it all.

Opposing them, or rather the mendacious caricatures thereof, is part and parcel of Mac's delusion.

Calling Mac "dumb" for failing to go along with the xenophobes, nativst haters and racists just exposes these haters' imbecility and ugliness for all to see.
Last edited:
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!

To what extent political correctness - making operational the demand that every human be treated with respect - is required was amply, conclusively, irrefutably demonstrated on this thread.

As long as different societal groups are facing vastly different situations and life circumstances, these need be politically addressed - hence the necessity of some sort of identity politics. Seeing seething White supremacists whine about identity politics ... well, that really trumps it all.

Opposing them, or rather the mendacious caricatures thereof, is part and parcel of Mac's delusion.

Calling Mac "dumb" for failing to go along with the xenophobes, nativst haters and racists just exposes these haters' imbecility and ugliness for all to see.
Holy shit
That the wall issue addresses the sympthom, but not the disease should be relevant to anyone past HS ed by now


You probably meant "obvious", not "relevant", eh?

Also, the "symptom" the wall addresses is the ever higher pitched xenophobia among the basest of Trump's "base". Because all the wall is meant to be, really, is to be part of Trump's preeminent campaign promise, never quite made explicit, "to stick it to Them." Let's not kid ourselves, that is exactly, the only reason, why the wall is so important to the Trumpletons.
but if i may , Trump could play a far stronger rightie , and use the military to go after the cartels .....

Yep he could. It would also be egregiously, monumentally stupid, and so I wouldn't bet against it. Once the U.S. military rains death and destruction on the countries in the south, are you prepared for the refugee streams flowing north this would generate? And also prepared for the ever bigger portions of the U.S. population going completely insane over the "invasion"?
but if i may , Trump could play a far stronger rightie , and use the military to go after the cartels .....

Yep he could. It would also be egregiously, monumentally stupid, and so I wouldn't bet against it. Once the U.S. military rains death and destruction on the countries in the south, are you prepared for the refugee streams flowing north this would generate? And also prepared for the ever bigger portions of the U.S. population going completely insane over the "invasion"?

hmmm, maybe you're right , i should be careful what i wish for Old one,,,,,check it out>

Why Trump is likely to announce he's sending troops to the Colombian-Venezuelan border

Coming here with nothing to build a new life is so unamerican

We have enough people with nothing. We don't need more poor people, regardless of the color of our skin. And as usual you are appealing to emotion rather than logic.

It won't work the way the left wants to do it. If we're going to have good safety nets and a healthy nation we have to be more exclusive.

I think we let too many people in; regardless of station, nation, color, creed, etc…
but if i may , Trump could play a far stronger rightie , and use the military to go after the cartels .....

Yep he could. It would also be egregiously, monumentally stupid, and so I wouldn't bet against it. Once the U.S. military rains death and destruction on the countries in the south, are you prepared for the refugee streams flowing north this would generate? And also prepared for the ever bigger portions of the U.S. population going completely insane over the "invasion"?
Killing the cartels would drop immigration to non-existent levels.
Hey Mac. Seriously. Tell us your thoughts about identity politics. Cause your post of course attracts a dumb fuck like RDD and his typical brown people comment.
Tell us your thoughts on identity politics.
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I think Identity Politics and Political Correctness are dishonest, destructive and divisive.

The Left has caused this country great damage with those two tactics, which would probably take generations to fix even if they stopped tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!

To what extent political correctness - making operational the demand that every human be treated with respect - is required was amply, conclusively, irrefutably demonstrated on this thread.

As long as different societal groups are facing vastly different situations and life circumstances, these need be politically addressed - hence the necessity of some sort of identity politics. Seeing seething White supremacists whine about identity politics ... well, that really trumps it all.

Opposing them, or rather the mendacious caricatures thereof, is part and parcel of Mac's delusion.

Calling Mac "dumb" for failing to go along with the xenophobes, nativst haters and racists just exposes these haters' imbecility and ugliness for all to see.
Political correctness never has entailed nor will it ever entail treating white people with respect.

The left’s reaction to what is going on in South Africa more than proves this.
That's some funny shit right there bruh!

Stand Up open mic night at the bar or something?
Hey, the GOP has been really well-represented on this thread!

>claims to be non partisan
>can't see past party labels
Yet another lie, already squashed in line 2 of my sig.
and then you post and throw your signature out the window.
I'm just an independent.

That means I agree with the Right on some issues, with the Left on some, and with neither on others.

It just ain't that complicated. Really. I swear.
No, that is not what it means.

In fact it often means the exact opposite.

Most independents are communists or paleo conservatives.

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