The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

What's your point? People have already agreed with you, and you are still droning on and on about how unloved you are. Illegal immigration is still illegal, and still harmful to our country. Seriously, what is your point. If it is more nobody loves me bullshit, just go hug somebody and get it out of your system. It is getting repetiitve.
You didn't answer my questions.

Show us some original thought.
I think Mac needs to go have a cup of coffee with a white guy. Then they can hug and the white guy can tell him how smart he is. Maybe that would end the constant streams of White people aren't nice to Hispanics threads.
Perhaps, instead of whining, you could tell me where you disagree.

Are people desperate to escape the shit holes in Central and South America?

Are American employers hiring illegals?

Are illegals attracted here because they know someone will hire them?

Are illegals human beings?

Go ahead. Knock it out of the park for me. Just get specific. Thanks.
illegals are here because we have open borders. Also know that if they step foot on our soil, we can't deport them. duh!! And someone is paying for them to come here. Has nothing to do with escaping a shithole country. Even though they live in a shithole country.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I agree with those comments. A smart person would understand his beef was with the bad immigration laws and not holding companies accountable. Swamp creatures
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America.

So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!

Condemning other nation's leaders won't stop a projected 1.t MILLION illegal criminals from entering the US this year....and it won't stop law-breaking illegal-immigration facilitating Democrats from acting to ensure it continues!
So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.
So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
We have enough people with nothing. We don't need more poor people, regardless of the color of our skin. And as usual you are appealing to emotion rather than logic.
^ Something that’s been said constantly in this country for hundreds of years

We havn't had social services for hundreds of years. fact is Flag, the US gives opportunity to about a million immigrants a year legally, and having a border that is basically open allowing people to come here from anywhere in the world through Mexico, is a slap in the face to legal immigrants and our own poor.
Hypocrital Democrats don't like pictures of children in cages, yet they wont release more funds to the border patrol who are short on people to begin with, get tied up trying to process all the people coming across on a daily basis.
We don't have enough motel 6s along the border to process all the people they catch comfortably and when you talk glowingly about people coming here for opportunity, you conveniently leave out the parts about minors who are being used and trafficked, women who are trafficked, drugs that are moved across the border, other foreign nationals from around the world who pay cartels to move them across the border, not to mention our legal system is completely bogged down trying to process all the people who have already applied for assylum, while next month another 100 k will be apprehended.

The solution is having legal immigration if you want to make sense of anything, but if you want anarchy and a poorer and poorer lower class, your all for open borders.
So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.
So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.

And then there is that. “You lies about my, me, whatever”. My point is perfectly fine. I like it and you can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accept or like it. Calm down and stop the victim stuff.
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....". .
Just trying to make sense of your whiny butt-hurt Trump-hating thread post.

'It seems you are claiming Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration.'

Is this better, snowflake?

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

....says the snowflake who can't carry on a discussion without posting a meme.....

So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.

And then there is that. “You lies about my, me, whatever”. My point is perfectly fine. I like it and you can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accept or like it. Calm down and stop the victim stuff.
Well, I wasn't expecting much.

If you have an actual "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....". .
Just trying to make sense of your whiny butt-hurt Trump-hating thread post.

'It seems you are claiming Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration.'

Is this better, snowflake?

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

....says the snowflake who can't carry on a discussion without posting a meme.....

When you have a "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.

Or go back to your radio. Whichever works.
So bring the families from South America here illegally, deal with their measles outbreaks, their crime as well as give them a stipend of around $1,000 a month because the leaders in the countries they come from are mean? How about asking polititions to just do what they promised to do in exchange for our votes?
So Trump and the GOP are 'blowing it's by not joining the Democrats in supporting and facilitating the on-going invasion / illegal immigration?!
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.

And then there is that. “You lies about my, me, whatever”. My point is perfectly fine. I like it and you can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accept or like it. Calm down and stop the victim stuff.
Well, I wasn't expecting much.

If you have an actual "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.

Or just ignore it and move on. Whatever makes you happy.
You can always tell when a straw man is coming - when a sentence begins with "So.....".

What you usually get next is complete distortion and fabrication in transparent attempt to avoid the point.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.

And then there is that. “You lies about my, me, whatever”. My point is perfectly fine. I like it and you can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accept or like it. Calm down and stop the victim stuff.
Well, I wasn't expecting much.

If you have an actual "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.

Or just ignore it and move on. Whatever makes you happy.
Then you don't have a point.

Okay, thanks. I'm used to that here.
Straw man is the same as when folks say “like” or “like, you know”. It’s what folks say when they got nothing to say.
No, it means that you lied about my position in order to "make a point".

That's what "Straw Man" means.

If that's the best you can do, perhaps your "point" needs to improve a bit.

And then there is that. “You lies about my, me, whatever”. My point is perfectly fine. I like it and you can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accept or like it. Calm down and stop the victim stuff.
Well, I wasn't expecting much.

If you have an actual "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.

Or just ignore it and move on. Whatever makes you happy.
Then you don't have a point.

Okay, thanks. I'm used to that here.

See what I mean?

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