The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

all of the PC crap, whitey not allowed to mingle together, whitey not allowed to have a miss america, only black miss america is acceptable. only whitey can't hire whitey's, but japan can hire all japaneze, hispanics hire hispanics and blacks hire blacks only. yep the degradation of whitey began years ago and we all sucked their tit!! I'm done sucking. fk all PC corrective shit. who's with me?

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How many billions of all black events, all Asian events, all Arab events, all Hispanics have gone on since 2019 started without anyone saying anything about “diversity”?

ANYONE who believes these people are for equality is literally a couple IQ points away from being considered retarded. I don’t give a shit if they graduated top of their class at the most prestigious university, they are still an idiot if they think that this is equality.
Most independents are communists or paleo conservatives.
It is a fact idiot.

All independent means is that you aren’t registered with any political party.
You're a nut.

But you make me giggle.
You are REALLY stupid if you think you can argue with that definition of an independent.

This is 2nd grade level English right now and you are flunking it.
When has Trump or any Republican ever mocked or denigrated them?
asked and he fled.
I guess you guys never heard his "they're not sending their best" comments.

Maybe you missed that.

And the many hateful posts on this very thread.

Only in lefty delusion land is "not sending their best" a hateful comment. It's the truth. Sorry if it hurts your feelings but good god man what the fuck. They're not sending rocket scientists and doctors.
I didn't say it was hateful, I was asked for an example of a denigrating comment.

You guys have distorted, misrepresented and fabricated my words so many times in this thread I've lost count.

And funniest of all, I don't even know if you disagree with the fact that the countries are nightmares and American companies are employing illegals.

Just a bunch of screaming, whining and lying. And deflecting, lots of deflecting. Weird.

Didn't I already say that everyone knows the countries are shitholes? And yes, we're all aware that US corporations use them for cheap labor and put pressure on politicians to do their bidding.

Just as everyone knows what PC language we're "supposed" to use instead of just telling the truth. Conservatives played along with that game for decades while everything goes to shit and now they're finally starting to get tired of lying to themselves. But its hard. It's hard to break the habit after years of mental gymnastics and you can see it all over this forum, Trump supporters desperately trying to prove to lefties that they're not racist, that they support the wall for a million other reasons than because they don't want the country to become majority brown.

But that's the real reason. That's the truth. Even Trump knows it but he can't even admit it to himself.'s ok to not want to become a minority. It's normal. It's not hate, it's logic. Look at your history book, put your thinking cap on and try and take a wild guess what will happen to this country when it's 70% Hispanic.
There is nothing racist about not wanting to become a minority.
Especially given how terribly white minorities have been treated throughout history, and especially given how badly white people are treated when we are still a majority.
Most independents are communists or paleo conservatives.
It is a fact idiot.

All independent means is that you aren’t registered with any political party.
You're a nut.

But you make me giggle.
You are REALLY stupid if you think you can argue with that definition of an independent.

This is 2nd grade level English right now and you are flunking it.
Well, I think your "most independents are communists or paleo conservatives" line is one of the loopier comments I've seen in a while, and I appreciate it.

"Independent" could just mean "a person who thinks independently of an ideology". But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light. I get this silliness from both ends of the spectrum regularly, but not always with the comedic value of your definition. That was a good one.

Okay, sounds good. Keep 'em coming, you're a hoot.
But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light.


Most independents are communists or paleo conservatives.
It is a fact idiot.

All independent means is that you aren’t registered with any political party.
You're a nut.

But you make me giggle.
You are REALLY stupid if you think you can argue with that definition of an independent.

This is 2nd grade level English right now and you are flunking it.
Well, I think your "most independents are communists or paleo conservatives" line is one of the loopier comments I've seen in a while, and I appreciate it.

"Independent" could just mean "a person who thinks independently of an ideology". But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light. I get this silliness from both ends of the spectrum regularly, but not always with the comedic value of your definition. That was a good one.

Okay, sounds good. Keep 'em coming, you're a hoot.
Except it doesn’t mean that and it is entirely a combination of the media telling you that and your wishful thinking that makes you believe you don’t sound like an idiot right now. Independent is designated party affiliation for people who want to vote but don’t want to be labeled. That is it. It has nothing to do with ideology specifically.

That is why Bernie was able to draw so many independents. He didn’t draw the people who “agree with both sides”, he drew the furthest left of the country(aka the socialists and communists of America).

If only you understood how stupid you are for using word for word talking points from MSNBC and claiming that someone with an extensive history of honing and discovering their ideology while moving across the spectrum multiple times to get there is “partisan”. You are a child compared to me when it comes to understanding politics and understanding ideology.

Your political journey is only you leaving the Democratic Party in terms of party affiliation because they became too radical for you, while mine encapsulates more than a lifetime for most people in less than 20 years, you don’t get to tell me what an independent or a centrist is. I went from being a somewhat religious Catholic who believes in climate change as an extreme environmentalist and leans left in my high school years, to doubting climate change but still being an extreme environmentalist and still being somewhat religious but registering and voting Republican mostly because of my uncle, to voting for more libertarian candidates against my uncle’s wishes(which is one reason why Rand Paul is the senator of my state and not the candidate my uncle and his boss backed), to becoming an anarcho-capitalist for almost a year, to becoming a paleo-conservative, to finally becoming a nationalist socialist(which is the center left authoritarian quadrant). I know exactly where each and every stance I take on an issue comes from, and I doubt you can say the same.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
Do you only see color of skin, nothing else? There are blond haired blue eyed Mexicans, you know.
------------------------------- sure there are , they are called Spaniards and they rule over 'mexico' .
to becoming an anarcho-capitalist for almost a year, to becoming a paleo-conservative, to finally becoming a nationalist socialist

No, it was a journey to find out what I truly believed.

At first I just thought I was a typical millennial who had a Republican family that I didn’t hate, then I thought I was against the Democrats because I didn’t like “big government”, then I thought I aligned with Pat Buchanan because I longed for the past, and then I realized that my ideal society is a nationally focused socialist country with a homogeneous population that saw the poor and downtrodden as just an unlucky family member.
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It is a fact idiot.

All independent means is that you aren’t registered with any political party.
You're a nut.

But you make me giggle.
You are REALLY stupid if you think you can argue with that definition of an independent.

This is 2nd grade level English right now and you are flunking it.
Well, I think your "most independents are communists or paleo conservatives" line is one of the loopier comments I've seen in a while, and I appreciate it.

"Independent" could just mean "a person who thinks independently of an ideology". But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light. I get this silliness from both ends of the spectrum regularly, but not always with the comedic value of your definition. That was a good one.

Okay, sounds good. Keep 'em coming, you're a hoot.
Except it doesn’t mean that and it is entirely a combination of the media telling you that and your wishful thinking that makes you believe you don’t sound like an idiot right now. Independent is designated party affiliation for people who want to vote but don’t want to be labeled. That is it. It has nothing to do with ideology specifically.

That is why Bernie was able to draw so many independents. He didn’t draw the people who “agree with both sides”, he drew the furthest left of the country(aka the socialists and communists of America).

If only you understood how stupid you are for using word for word talking points from MSNBC and claiming that someone with an extensive history of honing and discovering their ideology while moving across the spectrum multiple times to get there is “partisan”. You are a child compared to me when it comes to understanding politics and understanding ideology.

Your political journey is only you leaving the Democratic Party in terms of party affiliation because they became too radical for you, while mine encapsulates more than a lifetime for most people in less than 20 years, you don’t get to tell me what an independent or a centrist is. I went from being a somewhat religious Catholic who believes in climate change as an extreme environmentalist and leans left in my high school years, to doubting climate change but still being an extreme environmentalist and still being somewhat religious but registering and voting Republican mostly because of my uncle, to voting for more libertarian candidates against my uncle’s wishes(which is one reason why Rand Paul is the senator of my state and not the candidate my uncle and his boss backed), to becoming an anarcho-capitalist for almost a year, to becoming a paleo-conservative, to finally becoming a nationalist socialist(which is the center left authoritarian quadrant). I know exactly where each and every stance I take on an issue comes from, and I doubt you can say the same.
Wow, look at how advanced you are. You think you know what an independent is.

People who can think for themselves are your biggest threat, because they expose you for what you are: An obedient partisan zealot. "Side" irrelevant.

And, uh, thanks for that unsolicited personal history. You care about me and my posts far more than I care about you and your posts.
As usual, the partisan zombies have tried to change the subject of the thread and make it about me.

How predictable. But flattering.

Back to the topic: I wonder how the Trumpsters would react if he came out and said something like the OP.

They'd probably say it was brilliant.

But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light.


George Carlin was just another Democrat liar.

No different than Jon Stewart pretending that he stood for “sanity” as a partisan response to the Tea Party.

Another pompous Hollywood, liberal asshole
As usual, the partisan zombies have tried to change the subject of the thread and make it about me.

How predictable. But flattering.

Back to the topic: I wonder how the Trumpsters would react if he came out and said something like the OP.

They'd probably say it was brilliant.

You made it about you. It’s who you are.
It is a fact idiot.

All independent means is that you aren’t registered with any political party.
You're a nut.

But you make me giggle.
You are REALLY stupid if you think you can argue with that definition of an independent.

This is 2nd grade level English right now and you are flunking it.
Well, I think your "most independents are communists or paleo conservatives" line is one of the loopier comments I've seen in a while, and I appreciate it.

"Independent" could just mean "a person who thinks independently of an ideology". But because people who can think for themselves completely flummox simplistic partisan zombies like you, you feel this need to paint us in the most negative possible light. I get this silliness from both ends of the spectrum regularly, but not always with the comedic value of your definition. That was a good one.

Okay, sounds good. Keep 'em coming, you're a hoot.
Except it doesn’t mean that and it is entirely a combination of the media telling you that and your wishful thinking that makes you believe you don’t sound like an idiot right now. Independent is designated party affiliation for people who want to vote but don’t want to be labeled. That is it. It has nothing to do with ideology specifically.

That is why Bernie was able to draw so many independents. He didn’t draw the people who “agree with both sides”, he drew the furthest left of the country(aka the socialists and communists of America).

If only you understood how stupid you are for using word for word talking points from MSNBC and claiming that someone with an extensive history of honing and discovering their ideology while moving across the spectrum multiple times to get there is “partisan”. You are a child compared to me when it comes to understanding politics and understanding ideology.

Your political journey is only you leaving the Democratic Party in terms of party affiliation because they became too radical for you, while mine encapsulates more than a lifetime for most people in less than 20 years, you don’t get to tell me what an independent or a centrist is. I went from being a somewhat religious Catholic who believes in climate change as an extreme environmentalist and leans left in my high school years, to doubting climate change but still being an extreme environmentalist and still being somewhat religious but registering and voting Republican mostly because of my uncle, to voting for more libertarian candidates against my uncle’s wishes(which is one reason why Rand Paul is the senator of my state and not the candidate my uncle and his boss backed), to becoming an anarcho-capitalist for almost a year, to becoming a paleo-conservative, to finally becoming a nationalist socialist(which is the center left authoritarian quadrant). I know exactly where each and every stance I take on an issue comes from, and I doubt you can say the same.
Wow, look at how advanced you are. You think you know what an independent is.

People who can think for themselves are your biggest threat, because they expose you for what you are: An obedient partisan zealot. "Side" irrelevant.

And, uh, thanks for that unsolicited personal history. You care about me and my posts far more than I care about you and your posts.
You are WAY off in your calculations about me, because people who think for themselves in a logical and rational manner are the only people I can stand.
As usual, the partisan zombies have tried to change the subject of the thread and make it about me.

How predictable. But flattering.

Back to the topic: I wonder how the Trumpsters would react if he came out and said something like the OP.

They'd probably say it was brilliant.

I would either think he is bluffing or completely turned traitor.
I think Mac needs to go have a cup of coffee with a white guy. Then they can hug and the white guy can tell him how smart he is. Maybe that would end the constant streams of White people aren't nice to Hispanics threads.
I think Mac needs to go have a cup of coffee with a white guy. Then they can hug and the white guy can tell him how smart he is. Maybe that would end the constant streams of White people aren't nice to Hispanics threads.
Perhaps, instead of whining, you could tell me where you disagree.

Are people desperate to escape the shit holes in Central and South America?

Are American employers hiring illegals?

Are illegals attracted here because they know someone will hire them?

Are illegals human beings?

Go ahead. Knock it out of the park for me. Just get specific. Thanks.
What's your point? People have already agreed with you, and you are still droning on and on about how unloved you are. Illegal immigration is still illegal, and still harmful to our country. Seriously, what is your point. If it is more nobody loves me bullshit, just go hug somebody and get it out of your system. It is getting repetiitve.

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