The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

A lot of bitching on this thread about stuff I never said.

Always a good sign!

When you have a "point" to make about something I actually said, let me know.

We have literally lost the capacity for honest communication, and we're seeing the predictable results.

Thanks for the demonstration - I am sorry for your loss.

Toss out a straw man and run when called on it.

I get that from wingers on both ends pretty regularly.

I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

Their ethnicity doesn't matter. The real problem is the amount of poor people we have in this country, and we're letting more in through our southern border. The left is stupid. Affording the social safety nets they want is already going to be a hat trick, but that's not enough. They want to let in even more poor people so the numbers are even more impossible.

Sometimes idealism just isn't logical. They think the world should work one way and don't stop to think "Can it though?"

If it were up to me the only people allowed to immigrate here would be financially independent people that won't need handouts. If you want to move here you need to give to America, not take from it.
Coming here with nothing to build a new life is so unamerican
The US Border Patrol needs to invest in catapults. You know, the medieval kind.

When these assholes come across the border the border agents should put them in the catapults and launch them right back across the wall from where they came.

Either that or just start shooting the invaders. That is even a better idea.

The only problem with the catapult idea is that most of those women that come across are fat as shit from eating all those tacos and we would have to make sure we had some heavy duty catapults.

Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Here’s a surprise; you think that if he says what you think he needs to, you’ll like him more.

Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Here’s a surprise; you think that if he says what you think he needs to, you’ll like him more.

Is there something there that you think is wrong?
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

And that includes people who hire illegal immigrants?

There are jobs illegals do that many probably won't do that are citizens. If the number is a couple of million but you have 20 million her then the costs become not sustainable as there is massive taxpayer expense for them.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
That's a fine and noble collection of sentiments, alright.

Trouble is, it does absolutely nothing to unburden us of the 11-12,000,000 already here.

Trouble is, it does absolutely nothing to stop those coming across now.

Trouble is, it does absolutely nothing to stop those already on their way.

Trouble is, it does absolutely nothing to stop those who will come between now and when your lofty changes become decisive.

Taken together, we are talking vast legions who either have or will slip under the wire before anything you propose can get traction.

And that's a huge problem - and a huge, gaping hole in the approach that you've outlined here.

You're on the right track when it comes to Future Think... those can certainly be a substantive PART of a long-term remedy.

Unfortunately, the existing and near-term problem is so vast that additional, draconian steps must be taken in the interim.

We've run out of time, patience and resources - we've reached a 'saturation' point, and are no longer willing to absorb large numbers.

If you propose to combine more draconian interim measures with intelligent sustainable long-term tactics, you've got a deal.

If you propose to rely exclusively upon your Future Think collection of tactics, then, No Sale.


We can do both... draconian short-term tactics and intelligent long-term tactics.

In the words of the Chicago Cubs' immortal Ernie Banks: "Let's play
two !"

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I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

And that includes people who hire illegal immigrants?

There are jobs illegals do that many probably won't do that are citizens. If the number is a couple of million but you have 20 million her then the costs become not sustainable as there is massive taxpayer expense for them.

It is still illegal to hire these people. And these hiring's STRONGLY encourage illegals to cross the border. If no one will hire illegal immigrants - then most of them will stop coming to look for work. It's common sense.

And of course Americans will do the jobs - you just have to pay them enough. And if they can't - tough. These companies better find something else to grow/manufacture. Why should these companies get a break and illegally flaunt the minimum wage laws while other, lawful companies/corporations have to abide by them?
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Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
So, how long should the prison sentence be for people who leave water and food along marked trails through these 'alleged' desolate areas?
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

And that includes people who hire illegal immigrants?

There are jobs illegals do that many probably won't do that are citizens. If the number is a couple of million but you have 20 million her then the costs become not sustainable as there is massive taxpayer expense for them.

It is still illegal to hire these people. And these hiring's STRONGLY encourage illegals to cross the border. If no one will hire illegal immigrants - then most of them will stop coming to look for work. It's common sense.

And of course Americans will do the jobs - you just have to pay them enough. And if they can't - tough. These companies better find something else to grow/manufacture. Why should these companies get a break and illegally flaunt the minimum wage laws while other, lawful companies/corporations have to abide by them?
I agree, but your solution is a quarter measure at best.

We have to address the ease in which anyone can simply cross our border and get lost in our country. That requires a physical barrier.

We have to address a screwed up law that says you have only to say you want asylum and you are granted immediate and unrestricted access to our country.

We need to address the catch and release of those who are here, and those who are still in transit. They should be released back into the country from which they crossed, i.e., if they crossed from Canada, they go back to Canada. They cross from Mexico, they go back to Mexico. They come by boat, they get sent back to the country they left.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in their own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
Ever see a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets his shotgun out to go shoot a wabbit. Misfortune sees to it the gun barrel bends a one-eighty, ergo pulling the trigger becomes a certain shot in the face.

Neighboring nations learned a lesson from Mexico where the people who come here send money home to mom and dad, which enriches el Presidente and his hombres leales (loyal men) many times over. America benefits from cheap labor, the laborers relatives back home no longer starve, and Mexico has more money that it ever dreamed of having, circulating around, buying not only survival needs, but money to raise more children to go north in due time. For America, we have our own rules that worked for us when we were only responsible for raising and educating our own children. In border states, those sending money home send their children to schools accustomed to a smaller population of people who can be tapped for taxes.

When illegal alien's children populate an area by doubling the number of elementary students with each wave of immigrants, poorer districts cannot raise enough money to hire more teachers, and state laws may (or not) limit the size of classes. So if a sample class started with 12 students, same-age illegal alien children may see the number climb to 25 kids with the same one teacher.

Some states require the passage of a comprehensive exam of sixth grader children who attend the school. If the extra baker's dozen of illegals came in the 4th grade, their teacher must make certain the children understand the English language pronto, because 2 or 3 years can pass quickly, and time would have to cause long school days to teach one group in English and one group in Spanish. Guess who gets the most of the teacher's time? Yep, the non-English speaking crowd who may also be required to show intelligence equivalent to those with the English language, only one teacher times the number.

The taxpayers may see a hike in taxes for schools, yet their own children learn less with virtually no teacher intervention in their behalf due to having herself spread too thin between the two groups of language diverse children. Higher taxes for tax payers, lower benefits for their own children. Illegals send half their money home, live off their own half, no school taxes to pay. Fair? Tell me.

How can we justify taking people's living wages away and give them to the income tax-invading, illegal aliens who contribute nothing unless they can find a job picking seasonal foods. The situation that arises from stealth, lying, and obfuscating what happens in school systems is causing the weapon barrel to bend and then remove the taxpayer who knows that barrel is pointed the wrong way.

Why do we allow this to happen? Because we do not enforce existent laws. Please do not let the aliens drain taxpayers who have their own families to mind.
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
/----/ What point are you arguing?
Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
or when I say we do mention it your response is "Which solves nothing. "
I understand the arguments and I fully agree that we need to stop the flow. Line 4 of my sig outlines a plan that would significantly slow down the flow by attracting them to stay in the own countries in the FIRST place, and then holding American businesses fully accountable for hiring illegals.

My point is that there's nothing wrong with being honest about what is actually happening. Demonizing these people is only making things worse. And, by the way, it's only playing right into the hands of your political opponents. If you're confident in your position, just being honest is enough.

In one sentence you say we should be honest about what is happening and in the next you say the truth is "demonizing". It's truth that these asylum seekers and illegal aliens are taking advantage of lax immigration laws and a political crisis. It's truth that the dems are exploiting this situation to label half the country as incorrigible racists who want to put babies in cages.
They're desperate. Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
/----/ Yet we point that out every day - especially the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.
Which solves nothing.
/----/ What point are you arguing?
Their countries are dangerous, worthless, corrupt, jobless shit holes. I never hear that from the Right.
or when I say we do mention it your response is "Which solves nothing. "
Both, of course.

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