The GOP/Tea Party very long "FEAR LIST"!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Finally ridding myself of the loyalty to the right wing did many things, including opening my eyes to some of the unrealistic fears that the right wing pushes. Some are worthy, some are legitimate to an extent, some are silly to anyone who simply learns a little bit about the issue. What is the Fear List? Well, just a list of things that right wingers, at any given time in recent history, pushed as yet another thing to live in fear of:

- The terrorists are coming to get ya!
- The gays are gonna turn ya gay and erase Christianity!
- The goobermint is gonna comes an takes ye guns!!
- The commies are coming for ya!
- The liberals are gonna take your trucks away!
- The abortion doctors are gonna abort the whole planet!
- The welfare queens are coming for your 401K!
- The cops are coming for ya, they want more benefits! UNIONS!
- The teachers are indoctrinating your kids!
- The homeland security is coming for you, concentration camps!
- The feds law enforcement, they buying ammo!!!! They comin fer ya!!!
- The universities are re-education camps!
- The IMMIGRANTS!!! Yes, the immigrants are uh coming to take ye job!!!!

BE AFRAID!!!! Immigrants! Gays! Commies! Unions! Liberals! Welfare queens! Cops! Teachers! Firemen! COLLEGES! Muslims! They're alls uh comin fur ya!!!! Taxes!!! Guns!!!

Yeah, I suspect that the GOP at the state level has slashed mental health funding for one reason: Self protection. If we had enough mental institutes, half of the right wingers wold be admitted to them:cuckoo: Guess they figure slashing funds for mental health will keep themselves out of them.
The big question is why the left fears a bunch of grey haired women and grizzled old Vets who carry around a copy of the Constitution and call themselves Tea Party members while communists and anarchists who call themselves OWS are running the democrat party.
So you're afraid of all the things in the list? You actually sound like dems when they change their dialect for different crowds. Ya, yer etc..

Nah, Im using those terms to mock the redneck right wingers.

Oh, forgot to add the "Boogey Man" on that list. Im sure the GOP is planning to start a war to send Navy SEALS underneath the beds of all Americans to root out the infamous Boogey Man.
So you're afraid of all the things in the list? You actually sound like dems when they change their dialect for different crowds. Ya, yer etc..

Nah, Im using those terms to mock the redneck right wingers.

Oh, forgot to add the "Boogey Man" on that list. Im sure the GOP is planning to start a war to send Navy SEALS underneath the beds of all Americans to root out the infamous Boogey Man.

Better than being afraid of the weather.
So you're afraid of all the things in the list? You actually sound like dems when they change their dialect for different crowds. Ya, yer etc..

Nah, Im using those terms to mock the redneck right wingers.

Oh, forgot to add the "Boogey Man" on that list. Im sure the GOP is planning to start a war to send Navy SEALS underneath the beds of all Americans to root out the infamous Boogey Man.

Better than being afraid of the weather.

Tell that to the people on Staten Island and in Rockaway.
So you're afraid of all the things in the list? You actually sound like dems when they change their dialect for different crowds. Ya, yer etc..

Nah, Im using those terms to mock the redneck right wingers.

Oh, forgot to add the "Boogey Man" on that list. Im sure the GOP is planning to start a war to send Navy SEALS underneath the beds of all Americans to root out the infamous Boogey Man.

Better than being afraid of the weather.

or "Chem Trails"....
We actually have right wingers on USMB resorting to Alex Jones website now to attack the left.
I'm afraid that the Tea Party is going to do like the Moral Majority, and get tired of standing on corners waving signs and go home. It always brings a smile to my face seeing adults dressed up in Walmart fake buckskins, carrying tommahawks in their belts with war paint on their faces, and hats with tea bags hanging from them, standing in the rain, while the tea runs down their faces. It brings me back to my childhood in the 1950's, when organizers would stage protests against the city of Atlanta because of their plans to poisen their bodily fluids by adding flouride to the water supply, which they KNEW was a commie plot!
Do you have any actual arguments of substance to make or are you going to spew garbage while claiming to be intellectually superior?

We actually have right wingers on USMB resorting to Alex Jones website now to attack the left. is one of the most reliable, reputable news sources out there. It is now viewed more than

Other major news sites also cite and respect Infowars.

Drudge Report, The Examiner, The Daily Mail, Breitbart, World Net Daily, Huffington Post. They get it. You are still behind.

The far right is predicated on fears. Is it any wonder then they claim Liberals "fear" Sarah Palin? Or Marco Rubio? Or any of the other flop sweat clowns they trot out to further their peculiar message of fear?

Fear is the bedrock of their ideology. So they then project fear onto their political opponents.

They have been selling fear since they first resisted immigrants in the 19th century. Since they sold fear of women's voting rights in the early 20th century, since they sold fear of the Negro, the homosexual and in the 1940s and 50s, the communist working for the government or in a Hollywood studio. Fear of fluoridation, fear of the peace movement, fear of Berkley students protesting for free speech on their campus. Without fear, what motivates the far right? It certainly isn't thought.
There were only 3 polititians that actually frightened me. Joe McCarthy, Spiro Agnew, and Richard Nixon. Not even Bush II really frightened me. He stirred up an awlful lot of anger, but not fear.
Look at my signature. Does that sound like fear to you? We believe in victory of freedom and prosperity. We name the enemies of freedom and take them to battle. The spirit of George Washington is not fear.

The Friends of Hamas live in fear of the bastion of intelligence and critical thinking that is Breitbart.
Finally ridding myself of the loyalty to the right wing did many things, including opening my eyes to some of the unrealistic fears that the right wing pushes. Some are worthy, some are legitimate to an extent, some are silly to anyone who simply learns a little bit about the issue. What is the Fear List? Well, just a list of things that right wingers, at any given time in recent history, pushed as yet another thing to live in fear of:

- The terrorists are coming to get ya!
- The gays are gonna turn ya gay and erase Christianity!
- The goobermint is gonna comes an takes ye guns!!
- The commies are coming for ya!
- The liberals are gonna take your trucks away!
- The abortion doctors are gonna abort the whole planet!
- The welfare queens are coming for your 401K!
- The cops are coming for ya, they want more benefits! UNIONS!
- The teachers are indoctrinating your kids!
- The homeland security is coming for you, concentration camps!
- The feds law enforcement, they buying ammo!!!! They comin fer ya!!!
- The universities are re-education camps!
- The IMMIGRANTS!!! Yes, the immigrants are uh coming to take ye job!!!!

BE AFRAID!!!! Immigrants! Gays! Commies! Unions! Liberals! Welfare queens! Cops! Teachers! Firemen! COLLEGES! Muslims! They're alls uh comin fur ya!!!! Taxes!!! Guns!!!

Yeah, I suspect that the GOP at the state level has slashed mental health funding for one reason: Self protection. If we had enough mental institutes, half of the right wingers wold be admitted to them:cuckoo: Guess they figure slashing funds for mental health will keep themselves out of them.
The politics of fear - it is one of the things I detest about politics the most.

Create a fear - then present yourself as the solution to that fear.

The problem is ... both sides do it. Because it seems to be effective.

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