The GOP/Tea Party very long "FEAR LIST"!

The memo is very straightforward. It says thee 1994 AWB ban was ineffective because you could still buy and sell existing assault weapons and large capacity magazines after the ban was enacted.

The 1994 ban on large capacity magazines had limited effectiveness because 1) Large capacity clips are a durable good 2) There were an estimated 25 million guns with large capacity magazines in 1995 3) The 1994 law exempted magazines manufactured before 1994 so that the importation of large capacity magazines manufactured overseas before 1994 continued through the ban 4) while the price of the clips increased dramatically (80% during the ban) they were not unaffordable. A 2004 study of the 1994 law found: “because the ban has not yet reduced the use of [large capacity magazines] in crime, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence.” The 1994 ban essentially did little to affect the supply of large capacity magazines.

See that word "exempted"? All references to "exemptions" in the memo are with respect to that.

If you read the WHOLE MEMO, this is obvious.

For example, the very next paragraph:

In order to have an impact, large capacity magazine regulation needs to sharply curtail their availability to include restrictions on importation, manufacture, sale, and possession. An exemption for previously owned magazines would nearly eliminate any impact.
Just as such an exemption caused the 1994 AWB to have limited effectiveness, so would an identical exemption today cause an identical limited effectiveness. Therefore, something different needs to be done this time around to be effective.

Continuing on in that same paragraph:

The program would need to be coupled with an extensive buyback of existing large capacity magazines. With an exemption the impact of the restrictions would only be felt when the magazines degrade or when they no longer are compatible with guns in circulation. This would take decades to realize.

So any gun buyback that does not include the buyback of large capacity magazines would be limited in its effectiveness.


Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to US gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapon ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. If coupled with a gun buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective.

This memo has nothing to do with a mandatory confiscation of guns. The NRA is flat-out lying. The memo is recommending a gun buyback that INCLUDES the buyback of large capacity magazines.
"This memo has nothing to do with a mandatory confiscation of guns. The NRA is flat-out lying. The memo is recommending a gun buyback that INCLUDES the buyback of large capacity magazines. "

The NRA lying? SAY IT ISN'T SO! Who ever heard of such a thing! Next, you will be saying that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that 9/11 wasn't an inside job by a government conspiracy! When they come in the middle of the night to take your guns away, don't count on any help from me! I'll be busy holding them off at the barricade at the end of my street! Those Abrams tanks are no match to my Corolla with a mounted semi-automatic .22 with a 50 round cartridge!

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