The GOP Wants To Destroy Your Vagina!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This was spotted on Obama's official campaign site.........

It was pulled quickly.........


Obama Campaign: 'Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depend On It' | The Weekly Standard
The right fringe that got into power in 2010 has purposed and passed (at the state level) some pretty fucked up laws. Real backwards stuff.

To me, it's a very conservative idea to help low-inomce mothers with family planning and abortion procedures if needed. To cut funding to clinics that provide services to low income women doesn't make sense if you want to cut foot stamps and medicaid.
Liberals always have the self centered slogans don't they? What are the chances of seeing something like "Vote Like Your Constitution Depended On It!" being there?
The right fringe that got into power in 2010 has purposed and passed (at the state level) some pretty fucked up laws. Real backwards stuff.

To me, it's a very conservative idea to help low-inomce mothers with family planning and abortion procedures if needed. To cut funding to clinics that provide services to low income women doesn't make sense if you want to cut foot stamps and medicaid.

Good thing your mom chose life for you huh?

Racists like you think minority babies should be aborted.... WHY?
It could have encouraged more women to vote for Obama, because lets face it, you would have to be a stupid woman to vote for Romney. All he cares about is what you put inside your vagina, and what sort of medical decisions you make.
It could have encouraged more women to vote for Obama, because lets face it, you would have to be a stupid woman to vote for Romney. All he cares about is what you put inside your vagina, and what sort of medical decisions you make.
Romney has never said any such thing. And remember, It was OBAMA and the Democrats who passed ObamaCare.
Actually the endangered lady part is the uterus. Conservatives keep wanting to crawl up in it....then say stooopid shyte like a uterus that gets raped somehow rejects pregnancy.

Some basic anatomical understanding is probably too much to ask.

Regards from Rosie
Actually the endangered lady part is the uterus. Conservatives keep wanting to crawl up in it....then say stooopid shyte like a uterus that gets raped somehow rejects pregnancy.

Some basic anatomical understanding is probably too much to ask.

Regards from Rosie

But, but, its true! If a woman is raped, her body can 'shut that whole thing down!'. Its conservative logic 101!
It could have encouraged more women to vote for Obama, because lets face it, you would have to be a stupid woman to vote for Romney. All he cares about is what you put inside your vagina, and what sort of medical decisions you make.
Romney has never said any such thing. And remember, It was OBAMA and the Democrats who passed ObamaCare.

Romney is opposed to abortion.
It could have encouraged more women to vote for Obama, because lets face it, you would have to be a stupid woman to vote for Romney. All he cares about is what you put inside your vagina, and what sort of medical decisions you make.
Romney has never said any such thing. And remember, It was OBAMA and the Democrats who passed ObamaCare.

Romney is opposed to abortion.
Yet Abortion is covered under RomneyCare in Massachusetts. How can that be?
Tacky ploy.

Abortion is law and is safe and will never not be legal imo. Candidates use abortion to rally their base. Both sides do to some degree but the left seems to do so more often with flimsy scare tactics.

In 1981 Supreme Judicial Court in Mass. ruled the cost of abortions must be included in publicly subsidized plans. Many if not most of the private insurance plans in this country include abortion coverage.

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