The GOP's plan to stop people from fleeing a burning building.

None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Fuck 'em. Have them apply legally to get here.

If that is not fast enough then they should fight to change their government.

The filthy ass Democrat message of letting millions of assholes break the law in the hopes of getting future welfare queen voters is despicable.
Oh, now you're pro choice.

Have been for years, troll. Don't get upset with me because your bias made you stereotype what you believe my political views to be.
There are many Americans like me who belong to a country. They served the way I did. They help others, they way I did. Not so much now that I'm old.

Soviet solders served their countries too. So do Chinese and Cuban Communists. So did Japanese Kamakazi pilots. What's your point?

When the country gets hit by a natural disaster, we send aid to our fellow Americans. When other countries go through a disaster, we send aid because that's what we do.

Correct, we help our fellow Americans, which as you so noted in your OP, the people we are discussing are not.

Why does being born here entitle you to being awful? Perhaps this isn't the right country for you? Perhaps you need a more wild west style country where it's every man for himself? Perhaps you should consider Russia? I hear many there ignore the laws. They have a lot of racism and they love not helping people in need.

Why do keep playing the race card, troll? Is it because you know have no legitimate defense for your asshattery? You do know I'm Asian, right, not white? Or maybe you do know that and that's the issue. After all, I've called you out before for the way you look down upon brown people, white boy.

At least consider it. If you aren't too old, it might make you a very happy person. I have humanity. You may think telling you that you don't, might make you think you are being attacked. You aren't. It's only an observation.

Some of us feel we are better people for helping others. Clearly, you don't. That's OK. But perhaps that's why you may be living on the wrong country.

But see, that's what you don't seem to get. You aren't helping other people. You do absolutely NOTHING for other people. You sit around whining all day demanding everybody else help other people. You aren't giving your money or your time. You're demanding everybody else give there's. You think robbing Peter to pay Paul makes you some kind of saintly Good Samaritan, but you're nothing more than a charlatan and a thief and you are definitely by no means a happy person given how much you bitch, complain, and lie here daily about some of the pettiest, dumbest shit.
Look at these replies.

Republicans really do believe in "let them die". No doubt about it.

So I’ll ask you again, troll, when are you taking some into your home? When are you going to start a charity and get off your lazy ass and start raising money to help them? When are you going to donate your time?

Why do you want these people to die, hypocrite?
You're being an ass and you know it. It's like a woman who wants to exercise her right not to have a baby. I don't see your kind lining up to take these women into their homes and taking care of the mother and child and keeping the child after the mother leaves.
You know that there would be many people who who would jump at the chance. Rapists, murderers, sadists, child molesters and so on.
Your's is one of the most tarded and ignorant arguments I have ever had the pleasure to shred, but it gets old. Being right again and again and making your kind look ridiculous. Especially since you do so well on your own.

I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. Do you mean abortion? I'm pro-choice, needle dick, so you're barking up the wrong tree. Wanna try again?

As pointed out already by another poster, you continue to evade the question. You won't personally do jack shit for these people you claim to care so much about. Like your fellow collectivists, you expect everybody else to pony up to support your cause while you sit on your ass putting your righteous indignation on display, wagging your finger at them scoldingly. You have zero credibility. All you do is continue to show everyone what a partisan troll you are. You don't give a damn about this woman or her child.
Oh, now you're pro choice.

There are many Americans like me who belong to a country. They served the way I did. They help others, they way I did. Not so much now that I'm old. When the country gets hit by a natural disaster, we send aid to our fellow Americans. When other countries go through a disaster, we send aid because that's what we do.

Why does being born here entitle you to being awful? Perhaps this isn't the right country for you? Perhaps you need a more wild west style country where it's every man for himself? Perhaps you should consider Russia? I hear many there ignore the laws. They have a lot of racism and they love not helping people in need.

At least consider it. If you aren't too old, it might make you a very happy person. I have humanity. You may think telling you that you don't, might make you think you are being attacked. You aren't. It's only an observation.

Some of us feel we are better people for helping others. Clearly, you don't. That's OK. But perhaps that's why you may be living on the wrong country.

The way you support this country is that your party will rule it or you'll burn it to the ground. And that's what you're trying to do, burn it to the ground
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.
Serves them right. Trump is allowed to burn people alive.
Oh, now you're pro choice.

Have been for years, troll. Don't get upset with me because your bias made you stereotype what you believe my political views to be.
There are many Americans like me who belong to a country. They served the way I did. They help others, they way I did. Not so much now that I'm old.

Soviet solders served their countries too. So do Chinese and Cuban Communists. So did Japanese Kamakazi pilots. What's your point?

When the country gets hit by a natural disaster, we send aid to our fellow Americans. When other countries go through a disaster, we send aid because that's what we do.

Correct, we help our fellow Americans, which as you so noted in your OP, the people we are discussing are not.

Why does being born here entitle you to being awful? Perhaps this isn't the right country for you? Perhaps you need a more wild west style country where it's every man for himself? Perhaps you should consider Russia? I hear many there ignore the laws. They have a lot of racism and they love not helping people in need.

Why do keep playing the race card, troll? Is it because you know have no legitimate defense for your asshattery? You do know I'm Asian, right, not white? Or maybe you do know that and that's the issue. After all, I've called you out before for the way you look down upon brown people, white boy.

At least consider it. If you aren't too old, it might make you a very happy person. I have humanity. You may think telling you that you don't, might make you think you are being attacked. You aren't. It's only an observation.

Some of us feel we are better people for helping others. Clearly, you don't. That's OK. But perhaps that's why you may be living on the wrong country.

But see, that's what you don't seem to get. You aren't helping other people. You do absolutely NOTHING for other people. You sit around whining all day demanding everybody else help other people. You aren't giving your money or your time. You're demanding everybody else give there's. You think robbing Peter to pay Paul makes you some kind of saintly Good Samaritan, but you're nothing more than a charlatan and a thief and you are definitely by no means a happy person given how much you bitch, complain, and lie here daily about some of the pettiest, dumbest shit.
It’s pretty easy to rob Peter to pay Paul when you don’t think you’ll be around when the bill comes do. It just felt good to him at the time.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

How do you know her story has any truth to it?
Because parents love to take their children away from their birthplace to travel over a thousand miles hoping they aren't raped or murdered.

This is why I laugh at the thought of Republican engineers. To be an engineer, you need to work hard, you need problem solving skills, you need imagination.

Republicans say things like like how can you believe her when they elected the little boy who cried wolf to be president.
Do you believe the horseshit that you post here, or are you just a shitlord?
So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

If an American lived in a cesspool part of the USA- say Chicago- and there was violence in their home, and they appeared in Costa Rica, Germany, Australia, Vatican City, would they be welcomed with open arms? I remember Canada making a point that they were refusing libs who made a vow to leave America when Trump won.
Crain's Chicago Business

Chicago, ranked as the 19th-safest in the world, was one of only three cities representing the U.S. in the top 20. It includes San Francisco (15th) and Los Angles (18th).


Speaking of cesspool, there are reasons Republican cities were left off the list.

I was in Tulsa Oklahoma at the end of 2015.

Wow what a mess. Seriously. What a horrible mess that smells very bad.

I stayed at a Best Western by the airport and was afraid to leave that room. Especially at night. Twice someone was twisting the door knob to try to come in. Their roads are in bad shape. Both private toll and public roads.

And the tent caterpillars have ravaged the trees there. Huge old trees brown, dead with huge caterpillar tents covering them. For as far as I could see. They were all over the plants in people's yards and on the streets. I guess they need a law to make people do the right thing.
Welcome to America. I’m a former United States Marine infantrymen. Your accommodations seem luxurious by my standards.
So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

If an American lived in a cesspool part of the USA- say Chicago- and there was violence in their home, and they appeared in Costa Rica, Germany, Australia, Vatican City, would they be welcomed with open arms? I remember Canada making a point that they were refusing libs who made a vow to leave America when Trump won.
Crain's Chicago Business

Chicago, ranked as the 19th-safest in the world, was one of only three cities representing the U.S. in the top 20. It includes San Francisco (15th) and Los Angles (18th).


Speaking of cesspool, there are reasons Republican cities were left off the list.

I was in Tulsa Oklahoma at the end of 2015.

Wow what a mess. Seriously. What a horrible mess that smells very bad.

I stayed at a Best Western by the airport and was afraid to leave that room. Especially at night. Twice someone was twisting the door knob to try to come in. Their roads are in bad shape. Both private toll and public roads.

And the tent caterpillars have ravaged the trees there. Huge old trees brown, dead with huge caterpillar tents covering them. For as far as I could see. They were all over the plants in people's yards and on the streets. I guess they need a law to make people do the right thing.
Welcome to America. I’m a former United States Marine infantrymen. Your accommodations seem luxurious by my standards.
Better than what they had at home.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

How do you know her story has any truth to it?
Because parents love to take their children away from their birthplace to travel over a thousand miles hoping they aren't raped or murdered.

This is why I laugh at the thought of Republican engineers. To be an engineer, you need to work hard, you need problem solving skills, you need imagination.

Republicans say things like like how can you believe her when they elected the little boy who cried wolf to be president.
Do you believe the horseshit that you post here, or are you just a shitlord?
You think Trump is honest?
So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

If an American lived in a cesspool part of the USA- say Chicago- and there was violence in their home, and they appeared in Costa Rica, Germany, Australia, Vatican City, would they be welcomed with open arms? I remember Canada making a point that they were refusing libs who made a vow to leave America when Trump won.
Crain's Chicago Business

Chicago, ranked as the 19th-safest in the world, was one of only three cities representing the U.S. in the top 20. It includes San Francisco (15th) and Los Angles (18th).


Speaking of cesspool, there are reasons Republican cities were left off the list.

I was in Tulsa Oklahoma at the end of 2015.

Wow what a mess. Seriously. What a horrible mess that smells very bad.

I stayed at a Best Western by the airport and was afraid to leave that room. Especially at night. Twice someone was twisting the door knob to try to come in. Their roads are in bad shape. Both private toll and public roads.

And the tent caterpillars have ravaged the trees there. Huge old trees brown, dead with huge caterpillar tents covering them. For as far as I could see. They were all over the plants in people's yards and on the streets. I guess they need a law to make people do the right thing.
Welcome to America. I’m a former United States Marine infantrymen. Your accommodations seem luxurious by my standards.
Better than what they had at home.
Exactly, being terrified of domestic abuse or being threatened by gangs is why they left Einstein.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Yep, it’s time to play hardball....FUCK ALL WETBACKS!
America is CLOSED!
If an American lived in a cesspool part of the USA- say Chicago- and there was violence in their home, and they appeared in Costa Rica, Germany, Australia, Vatican City, would they be welcomed with open arms? I remember Canada making a point that they were refusing libs who made a vow to leave America when Trump won.
Crain's Chicago Business

Chicago, ranked as the 19th-safest in the world, was one of only three cities representing the U.S. in the top 20. It includes San Francisco (15th) and Los Angles (18th).


Speaking of cesspool, there are reasons Republican cities were left off the list.

I was in Tulsa Oklahoma at the end of 2015.

Wow what a mess. Seriously. What a horrible mess that smells very bad.

I stayed at a Best Western by the airport and was afraid to leave that room. Especially at night. Twice someone was twisting the door knob to try to come in. Their roads are in bad shape. Both private toll and public roads.

And the tent caterpillars have ravaged the trees there. Huge old trees brown, dead with huge caterpillar tents covering them. For as far as I could see. They were all over the plants in people's yards and on the streets. I guess they need a law to make people do the right thing.
Welcome to America. I’m a former United States Marine infantrymen. Your accommodations seem luxurious by my standards.
Better than what they had at home.
Exactly, being terrified of domestic abuse or being threatened by gangs is why they left Einstein.

Only ignorant fools and suckers believe that bullshit. They come for the taxpayer cash. Sane people know the real motive.
If an American lived in a cesspool part of the USA- say Chicago- and there was violence in their home, and they appeared in Costa Rica, Germany, Australia, Vatican City, would they be welcomed with open arms? I remember Canada making a point that they were refusing libs who made a vow to leave America when Trump won.
Crain's Chicago Business

Chicago, ranked as the 19th-safest in the world, was one of only three cities representing the U.S. in the top 20. It includes San Francisco (15th) and Los Angles (18th).


Speaking of cesspool, there are reasons Republican cities were left off the list.

I was in Tulsa Oklahoma at the end of 2015.

Wow what a mess. Seriously. What a horrible mess that smells very bad.

I stayed at a Best Western by the airport and was afraid to leave that room. Especially at night. Twice someone was twisting the door knob to try to come in. Their roads are in bad shape. Both private toll and public roads.

And the tent caterpillars have ravaged the trees there. Huge old trees brown, dead with huge caterpillar tents covering them. For as far as I could see. They were all over the plants in people's yards and on the streets. I guess they need a law to make people do the right thing.
Welcome to America. I’m a former United States Marine infantrymen. Your accommodations seem luxurious by my standards.
Better than what they had at home.
Exactly, being terrified of domestic abuse or being threatened by gangs is why they left Einstein.

They couldn't move to another part of their own country?
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Got a link to the GOP trying to stop people from fleeing burning buildings?
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Got a link to the GOP trying to stop people from fleeing burning buildings?

This is such a flame thread. It's pathetic the mods left it in politics
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Got a link to the GOP trying to stop people from fleeing burning buildings?

This is such a flame thread. It's pathetic the mods left it in politics
Except we are watching GOP policy played out in the news all day long.

USMB Republicans at least are showing what a bunch of heartless and mean people they are. It's important to expose that in them because it's the core of the mean spirited GOP. Not USMB Republicans dum dums, but mean spirited and heartless people.

They hate Mexicans today.

They hate blacks today.

They hate gays today.

Who will they hate tomorrow.

How far will they take that hate.

Today's Republicans are like vermin eating away at the foundation of what it means to be an American. Of course, they don't get it. The rest of us do.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Got a link to the GOP trying to stop people from fleeing burning buildings?

This is such a flame thread. It's pathetic the mods left it in politics
Except we are watching GOP policy played out in the news all day long.

USMB Republicans at least are showing what a bunch of heartless and mean people they are. It's important to expose that in them because it's the core of the mean spirited GOP. Not USMB Republicans dum dums, but mean spirited and heartless people.

They hate Mexicans today.

They hate blacks today.

They hate gays today.

Who will they hate tomorrow.

How far will they take that hate.

Today's Republicans are like vermin eating away at the foundation of what it means to be an American. Of course, they don't get it. The rest of us do.

Well, you did prove my point that it's just a flame thread
Many Republicans don't work at all. That's why they are the biggest receivers of welfare checks. Everybody knows that.
Everybody? That could be the start of dragging this thread into a whole new direction. Suffice it to say your talking out your ass.
It's also a red herring. Doesn't matter how much or how little American citizens get in welfare, regardless of their political party, we still don't want to spend any of it on illegals.
White Republicans are the single largest group getting welfare. Of course everybody knows. It's no secret.

white Republicans get the most welfare
A link to a google search is proof that liberals are claiming it but not proof it is true.
I figured you could pick your own link since there are so many.
When Republicans see this picture, they laugh and laugh.
Families torn apart by immigration hope to be reunited
I'm so glad I don't know what it's like to have no heart and no soul.

What the hell is wrong with you?
I'm registered as a Republican and I don't see this photo as funny. What's "funny" about this photo?

You're sick
I don't see it as funny. I leave that to Republicans. If you don't think it's funny, are you sure you're a Republican? You have to have a lump of coal where a heart should be to be GOP.

Here is a couple who actually cares, unlike you who expects everyone else to do your work for you

$4,000 a minute pours in to help reunite separated immigrant families
  • Thanks
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