The GOP's plan to stop people from fleeing a burning building.

None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Who doesn't enjoy another anecdotal story from a liberal?
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

So you just sat back and watched? You didn't offer any help? What kind of low life are you? You complain about what is going on and you have a chance to step in and help and you do nothing? Where were you that you saw this go on?
Anybody who thinks the U.S. should open it's southern border with Mexico because of gang violence i freaking Guatamala is a fool or a political stooge.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

Well, she along with many others could grab a bucket with water in it and try to put the burning building out instead of running to the neighbor house demanding the neighbor to let her live there for free while the community pays for everything!

Also the gangs she is running from are here and to deny this will tell me you are not caring about facts but just wanting to use that woman and child to smear the GOP!

In fact your political party could have fixed the system and did not and will not because taking illegals off the table would weaken your base!
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.
It was more than likely a retaliation hit for some murder her husband committed.

Send her back. All we are doing is importing that war here.
Barry Hussein's solution? Ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and hope for the best.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

So why don't you take her and her kid into your home and pay to take care of them, troll?

Oh, right, you aren't going to spend any of your money. Everyone else is supposed to fund your charity.
We spend billions on whites in Appalachia. Where does that money from from?

Those white Appalachians are our citizens, troll. The Central American woman and her baby aren't. As you pointed out, the woman speaks no English, so how is she going to support herself and her child? The answer is, she won't. She'll be living off the welfare state for who knows how many years. Only a mentally deluded fucktard would think opening the borders to thousands, possibly millions, of people who jump on the dole from day one is healthy for a nation's economic future, but I guess we need a permanent underclass for your politicians to thrive, don't we.

So, as I said, you are free to take on their charity case all on your own since you "care" so much about them. In fact, why don't you and all the other mentally deluded fucktards start a GoFundMe and start paying for these people with your own money since you, again, "care" so much.
So you want to push them back into a burning building? How many do you want to kill? Why not just kill them at the border? If you can poison a hundred thousand in Flint, killing far fewer fleeing danger should be easy. For your kind.

How many illegals have died from 2009 until 2017 because of Obama failure to get some form of Immigration Reform done during his first two years in office where he had the Votes in the House and could have gotten McCain or one like him to vote in the Senate?

Where were your tears for all those girls that have been sold into sex slavery that were fleeing the bruning building but the Cartels and Gangs caught them and sold those girls to be sexually abused during Obama eight years?

So now you care when a Republican run the show but forget the New Rosa Parks when your Candidate wins...

( I remember Gloria Allred used that illegal immigrant and noticed she dumped her right after Brown won! )

So as those like you write about the plight of the illegal the reality is you do not care about thay baby unless it help you smear the opposition party!
So are you calling Obama out also? I mean it happened under his watch also.
No it didn't. Stop saying that.

Beside, you hate Obama. Are you applauding Trump for doing something you claim Obama did? What kind of sense does that make?
Yes it did happen, the photo you are pissing your pants over, is from when Obama was president. The people are law breakers so it happening under Obama doesn't make me think any ill towards him. It's you being the hypocrite. It was okay under Obama, but not Trump. It must suck not believing in anything, until you are told too.
A photo? Really?

OK, what is this photo telling you?


What it's telling me, it was put together by a propagandist.

View attachment 199262

They could have used this one and many more, but that wouldn't be convenient for propagandist.

Look at the picture. He looks like he's about to barf. This isn't someone embracing a child in a friendly gesture. They is someone saying get this off me. Here, you take it.

Fuck off propagandist, I could post 10 others and you'd try to nit pick them also. You're just a loser totally void of any integrity.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Let’s work with this analogy you’ve got... these people have known their building is on fire for a long time. Not just 1 or 2 apartments, the entire place. However, they’ve never bought a fire extinguisher or tried to set up a fire brigade to fix it. Now that THEIR particular apartment is on fire they want us to House and feed them.

Maybe we should hand these folks a bunch of fire extinguishers and tell them to put the fire out themselves - just like my relatives did here in the US during the last quarter of the 18th Century.
South and central America is divided up into designated gang turf with raids on one another's territory. This isn't new. This has been doing on since the first human picked up a club to defend his cave. We cannot help them. We can import their problems here and to a large extent we have. Gang turf wars go on in this country every day. MS13 is waging a fierce battle in Long Island to wrest control from the anglo government.

How much of this do we want?
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Look at these replies.

Republicans really do believe in "let them die". No doubt about it.

So I’ll ask you again, troll, when are you taking some into your home? When are you going to start a charity and get off your lazy ass and start raising money to help them? When are you going to donate your time?

Why do you want these people to die, hypocrite?
You're being an ass and you know it. It's like a woman who wants to exercise her right not to have a baby. I don't see your kind lining up to take these women into their homes and taking care of the mother and child and keeping the child after the mother leaves.
You know that there would be many people who who would jump at the chance. Rapists, murderers, sadists, child molesters and so on.
Your's is one of the most tarded and ignorant arguments I have ever had the pleasure to shred, but it gets old. Being right again and again and making your kind look ridiculous. Especially since you do so well on your own.
yet you still wont address his question.....nice dance though dean....was that a Rumba?
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.
We can only afford so much compassion per year.
There's over a billion people in the world worse off, where's your compassion for them? Are you prepared to allow a billion people to flood into the US? Of course not, your faux compassion has been exposed.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

How do you know her story has any truth to it?
Anybody who thinks the U.S. should open it's southern border with Mexico because of gang violence i freaking Guatamala is a fool or a political stooge.
Anyone who wants to send mothers and their children back into a burning building are Republicans. That much is clear. That much we can all agree on. After all, it's what you want.
So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Let’s work with this analogy you’ve got... these people have known their building is on fire for a long time. Not just 1 or 2 apartments, the entire place. However, they’ve never bought a fire extinguisher or tried to set up a fire brigade to fix it. Now that THEIR particular apartment is on fire they want us to House and feed them.

Maybe we should hand these folks a bunch of fire extinguishers and tell them to put the fire out themselves - just like my relatives did here in the US during the last quarter of the 18th Century.
How Christian.
Even the US got help.
None of the topics are looking at what the Republicans are actually trying to do.

I watched a 21 year old mother being held with an 11 month old infant who came here after her 24 year old husband was killed by a gang in Central America. She said she had been threatened so she was coming here seeking legal asylum. She speaks no English and is terrified they will take away her baby.

She didn't know the Trump Administration took threats from gangs and domestic violence off the table. No one told her that and she entered legally at a port of entry.

Remember, Republicans right here on this very site agreed with Trump that gang members were animals.

Can I hear a YEA?

So suddenly, even though they are animals, they aren't dangerous animals? Tell me even Republicans can't get their minds around that.

So is Trump and the GOP telling this young mother and others like her to go back into that burning building and die. Just die. That's what we want for you. Death.

Is that the GOP message?

I haven't yet seen a good explanation from any Republican on the USMB.

How do you know her story has any truth to it?
Because parents love to take their children away from their birthplace to travel over a thousand miles hoping they aren't raped or murdered.

This is why I laugh at the thought of Republican engineers. To be an engineer, you need to work hard, you need problem solving skills, you need imagination.

Republicans say things like like how can you believe her when they elected the little boy who cried wolf to be president.
I'm only saying this to make the following point......
I can't understand why anyone is responding to your asinine threads.
The crap you say is just off the charts ridiculous.

The USA is not the Worlds Sanctuary Dumping ground. Why don't all you Liberals go down there and do your anti-gun magic on the criminals in their home country so they can live happily there?

People must learn they may have to fight for their nation......maybe even Americans someday (if it's not too late already).
Where the hell are Americans going to run to when you people turn America into a 3rd world violent, Chicago like but worse scum hole?

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