The Gosnell Silence: Murder, Abortion & the Media


no kidding, takes the fun out of having sex when you produce a BABY that is a inconvenience..just have it sucked out and be on your merry way

Yes, some people are like that. Sorry, it's just a fact of life. They don't want to have babies every time they have sex.

Some people might want the baby, but they are too damned poor to afford them, which is what happens when the top 20% control 85% of the wealth and leave the rest of us to fight over what's left. But the important thing is rich people get their dressage horsies.

Point is, women have been getting abortions since Roman times. The only question is, do they get safe medical ones, or dangerous illegal ones.

In your universe, I guess, we make them get illegal ones and whatever happens to them happens to them.

Thank C'Thulhu you don't run things.

Freestanding abortion clinics. Are you aware that Planned Parenthood is not a freestanding abortion clinic because it offers other services? In fact, Gosnell's clinic, which you champion as the only service provider in the entire fucking city of Philadelphia, was not a free standing facility.

Nice try though, I am sure you thought it was clever.

Didn't say it was the only one in Philly.

I pointed out it was the only one serving poor people because Medicaid won't pay for elective abortions.

Again, it wasn't like Gosnell was riding around in a van kidnapping these women. They walked thre because it was their only option.

Not quite. It was the state representatives that deregulated that clinic and created the conditions the women were treated in. If anyone has the clinic conditions of Kermit Gosnell in mind for the country, it is the Pro Abortion people that run the state and also the ones now ignoring it and hoping it will just go away. You know...abortion at any cost...right? You all that don't care how the babies get out of the womb...just as long as they do. did the other nine clinics go out of operation? Crappy conditions? No neccessity? What?

Again- horsecrap...

PA has strict abortion laws. It was the center of "PLanned Parenthood v. Casey", the idiotic law that put the last few restrictions on Abortion SCOTUS allowed when it had too many mouth-breathers.

And, yes, the reason why nine clinics shut down was because of TRAP (Targetted Regulations of Abortion Providers) laws, which made rules for abortion clinics about how big their parking lots had to be and such.

National Abortion Federation: The TRAP: Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

PA Legislature Passes Disastrous ?TRAP? Law | Women's Law Project Blog

If SB 732 is allowed to take effect, most or all of the 20 existing freestanding clinics in Pennsylvania may have to stop offering abortion care temporarily, while they hire architects and contractors to transform their small clinics into sophisticated medical facilities; or they may close permanently, if they determine that their costs of making the required upgrades are prohibitive (particularly in light of the unavailability of public funding for abortion care). Instead of attending to the 37,000 Pennsylvania women who rely on them for safe care each year, providers will have to install hospital-grade elevators, acquire parking spaces and covered entryways, install specialized HVAC systems, double or triple the size of their procedure rooms, and rip up their flooring and install new flooring, among many other unnecessary and costly physical plant specifications.
Nobody defends what he did, but let's see this for what it is, an attempt by the anti-Choice right to manufacture outrage.

When did you stop defending him? You have made multiple posts in at least two threads saying that he did not do anything wrong, and trying to blame everyone on the right for what happened. You tried to argue that it was Congress's fault for not using Medicaid to pay for abortions, even though Pennsylvania actually covers abortions. You tried to argue that The Republicans who elected Santorum drove every other abortion provider out of Philadelphia, which is absurd. You even tried to argue that I, personally, caused it.

Now you have devolved into a conspiracy theory. How is your deflection into a wackadoodle conspiracy theory not a defense?


Guy, this is why I don't talk to you. You are a crazy person, doing crazy talk, you are presented with facts like PA doesn't pay for elective abortions.

How one state removed barriers to Medicaid-funded abortions | National Women's Health Network

Passed in 1993, the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act was even more restrictive than the federal Medicaid law. In order to qualify for a Medicaid-funded abortion in Pennsylvania, the woman had to personally report the rape to the police, including the name of the assailant, if known. In the case of life endangerment, two physicians had to certify- that the woman would die without an abortion. The Women's Law Project challenged the rape reporting and second-physician certification requirements in federal court, and in 1995, we won.

We thought that by lifting these onerous restrictions, we could ensure that women in these serious circumstances would have timely access to Medicaid-funded abortion care, but we were wrong: desperate calls from women kept coining into our offices a host of barriers were preventing women who were eligible for Medicaid abortions from getting them.

This is your dream on the anti-choice right. Use as many legal tricks to stop safe legal abortions as you can.

And then wonder why a fuckwad like Gosnell shows up and performs illegal abortions.

And the only reason why Gosnell was caught at all was because he was also dealing drugs out of his clinic.

Freestanding abortion clinics. Are you aware that Planned Parenthood is not a freestanding abortion clinic because it offers other services? In fact, Gosnell's clinic, which you champion as the only service provider in the entire fucking city of Philadelphia, was not a free standing facility.

Nice try though, I am sure you thought it was clever.

Didn't say it was the only one in Philly.

I pointed out it was the only one serving poor people because Medicaid won't pay for elective abortions.

Again, it wasn't like Gosnell was riding around in a van kidnapping these women. They walked thre because it was their only option.

There was a Planned Parenthood within 5 miles of his front door, did they suddenly stop serving poor people? Are you aware that it is possible to get from Philadelphia to New York using public transportation? Did all the clinics in New York put up signs saying they wouldn't help poor people from Philly?
Nobody defends what he did, but let's see this for what it is, an attempt by the anti-Choice right to manufacture outrage.

When did you stop defending him? You have made multiple posts in at least two threads saying that he did not do anything wrong, and trying to blame everyone on the right for what happened. You tried to argue that it was Congress's fault for not using Medicaid to pay for abortions, even though Pennsylvania actually covers abortions. You tried to argue that The Republicans who elected Santorum drove every other abortion provider out of Philadelphia, which is absurd. You even tried to argue that I, personally, caused it.

Now you have devolved into a conspiracy theory. How is your deflection into a wackadoodle conspiracy theory not a defense?


Guy, this is why I don't talk to you. You are a crazy person, doing crazy talk, you are presented with facts like PA doesn't pay for elective abortions.

How one state removed barriers to Medicaid-funded abortions | National Women's Health Network

Passed in 1993, the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act was even more restrictive than the federal Medicaid law. In order to qualify for a Medicaid-funded abortion in Pennsylvania, the woman had to personally report the rape to the police, including the name of the assailant, if known. In the case of life endangerment, two physicians had to certify- that the woman would die without an abortion. The Women's Law Project challenged the rape reporting and second-physician certification requirements in federal court, and in 1995, we won.

We thought that by lifting these onerous restrictions, we could ensure that women in these serious circumstances would have timely access to Medicaid-funded abortion care, but we were wrong: desperate calls from women kept coining into our offices a host of barriers were preventing women who were eligible for Medicaid abortions from getting them.
This is your dream on the anti-choice right. Use as many legal tricks to stop safe legal abortions as you can.

And then wonder why a fuckwad like Gosnell shows up and performs illegal abortions.

And the only reason why Gosnell was caught at all was because he was also dealing drugs out of his clinic.

You stopped talking to me because I point out your inconsistent attitude toward facts? You must talk to very many people then.

I do love the wackadoodle stuff though, keep it up.
If the allegations are true, then he deserves to be punished according to whatever statutes, laws he violated.

If you're trying to hold him up as an example of your typical abortionist and/or liberal, then you're failing miserably.

Nice try, asshole. Now go fuck yourself, you racist piece of trash.

Way to deliberately miss every conceivable REAL point about the story.

Not quite. It was the state representatives that deregulated that clinic and created the conditions the women were treated in. If anyone has the clinic conditions of Kermit Gosnell in mind for the country, it is the Pro Abortion people that run the state and also the ones now ignoring it and hoping it will just go away. You know...abortion at any cost...right? You all that don't care how the babies get out of the womb...just as long as they do. did the other nine clinics go out of operation? Crappy conditions? No neccessity? What?

Again- horsecrap...

PA has strict abortion laws. It was the center of "PLanned Parenthood v. Casey", the idiotic law that put the last few restrictions on Abortion SCOTUS allowed when it had too many mouth-breathers.

And, yes, the reason why nine clinics shut down was because of TRAP (Targetted Regulations of Abortion Providers) laws, which made rules for abortion clinics about how big their parking lots had to be and such.

National Abortion Federation: The TRAP: Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

PA Legislature Passes Disastrous ?TRAP? Law | Women's Law Project Blog

If SB 732 is allowed to take effect, most or all of the 20 existing freestanding clinics in Pennsylvania may have to stop offering abortion care temporarily, while they hire architects and contractors to transform their small clinics into sophisticated medical facilities; or they may close permanently, if they determine that their costs of making the required upgrades are prohibitive (particularly in light of the unavailability of public funding for abortion care). Instead of attending to the 37,000 Pennsylvania women who rely on them for safe care each year, providers will have to install hospital-grade elevators, acquire parking spaces and covered entryways, install specialized HVAC systems, double or triple the size of their procedure rooms, and rip up their flooring and install new flooring, among many other unnecessary and costly physical plant specifications. you are now arguing against the very regulations that were ignored and created the conditions at the Gosnell clinic? Yeah...that's not working since the grand jury gave the following statement:

We discovered that Pennsylvania’s Department of Health has deliberately chosen not to enforce laws that should afford patients at abortion clinics the same safeguards and assurances of quality health care as patients of other medical service providers.

The State Legislature has charged the Department of Health (DOH) with responsibility for writing and enforcing regulations to protect health and safety in abortion clinics as well as in hospitals and other health care facilities. Yet a significant difference exists between how DOH monitors abortion clinics and how it monitors facilities where other medical procedures are performed.

Indeed, the department has shown an utter disregard both for the safety of women who seek treatment at abortion clinics and for the health of fetuses after they have become viable. State health officials have also shown a disregard for the laws the department is supposed to enforce. Most appalling of all, the Department of Health’s neglect of abortion patients’ safety and of Pennsylvania laws is clearly not inadvertent: It is by design

So, the nine clinics closed because they didn't meet the regulations that are put in place to protect the public? Well...too bad so sad. Looks like they missed one.
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Freestanding abortion clinics. Are you aware that Planned Parenthood is not a freestanding abortion clinic because it offers other services? In fact, Gosnell's clinic, which you champion as the only service provider in the entire fucking city of Philadelphia, was not a free standing facility.

Nice try though, I am sure you thought it was clever.

Didn't say it was the only one in Philly.

I pointed out it was the only one serving poor people because Medicaid won't pay for elective abortions.

Again, it wasn't like Gosnell was riding around in a van kidnapping these women. They walked thre because it was their only option.

There was a Planned Parenthood within 5 miles of his front door, did they suddenly stop serving poor people? Are you aware that it is possible to get from Philadelphia to New York using public transportation? Did all the clinics in New York put up signs saying they wouldn't help poor people from Philly?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that leftists act like acquiring an abortion in major metropolitan areas of the United States is like trying to acquire one in a remote village in the Himalayas.
and what you do read in the media ( besides fox and right wing sites) they call the babies fetuses . If the baby was born alive it is not a fetus . I dont care what side of the coin you are on
Back to the media silence in America. No one's imagining it.


The picture above, for what it’s worth, is of the reserved media seats at the Gosnell trial. It was taken by JD Mullane, a news writer and columnist for the Bucks County Courier Times, The Intel and the Burlington County (NJ) Times. He says:

Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermitt Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you.

I was surprised by the picture and asked “really?” He responded “Local press was there, Inky, PhillyMag, NBC10 blogger. Court staff told me nobody else has shown up.”

WPost reporter explains her personal Gosnell blackout
The liberals were reporting on the case from the start. And couldn't get anyone to pay attention.

Learning the Right Lessons From the Philadelphia Abortion Clinic Disaster | RH Reality Check

Philly abortion clinic horror highlights need for more access | theGrio

Neglect of West Philly Abortion Victims Was 'By Design' | Cover Story | News and Opinion | Philadelphia Weekly

Good of the conservatives to finally discover it, over two years later. One just wonders why they're pretending they've been on the case all along, being most conservatives had steadfastly ignored it until the past week. It's only when they got their marching orders to be outraged that they suddenly all simultaneously became outraged.
And, some blogosphere news items indicate there may be other clinics that did the same.
We can't forget Kirsten Power's column in USA Today blew this wide open. Kudos to her.

She pulls no punches on the media. And she is a liberal as far as I know.

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column
Kirsten Powers 8:49 p.m. EDT April 11, 2013We've forgotten what belongs on Page One.

Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven't heard about these sickening accusations?

It's not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page.

The revolting revelations of Gosnell's former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column
We terminate 1.2 million pregnancies a year in this country...

Kind of late to get weepy about the more grisley ones.

Who's weepy? They busted a serial killer.

No, they busted a quack.

Who would have kept on killing fetuses if he hadn't killed an adult woman.

The only question is, will trying to bootstrap this abortion bullshit pooch the legit case of third degree murder of an adult woman.

I'm guessing- yeah, probably.

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