The government has no source of revenue, except the taxes...


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
"The government has no source of revenue, except the taxes paid by the
producers. To free itself—for a while—from the limits set by reality,
the government initiates a credit con game on a scale which the private
manipulator could not dream of. It borrows money from you today, which
is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you tomorrow, which is to
be repaid with money it will borrow from you day after tomorrow, and so

This is known as “deficit financing.” It is made possible by the
fact that the government cuts the connection between goods and money. It
issues paper money, which is used as a claim check on actually existing
goods—but that money is not backed by any goods, it is not backed by
gold, it is backed by nothing. It is a promissory note issued to you in
exchange for your goods, to be paid by you (in the form of taxes) out of
your future production" --Ayn Rand
Two issues come to mind here. First, is the fact that government needs taxes to pay for government and government services. That raises two questions. How should those taxes be collected, and how much should be collected. Our current system does not adequately answer either question. Our current system is neither fair to all citizens, nor does it collect enough to pay for the government that we have created. The ever popular "tax the other guy" syndrome.

The second issue is, how much government can we afford. In most instances, we can afford local and state government. We cannot afford, nor should we afford, our current federal government. The federal government must be reduced to a level that we can afford while maintaining the services that can only be efficiently and effectively conducted by a federal government.

I contend that the original governmental concept set up by the founders, was a federal government that we could afford, and a government that could efficiently and effectively conduct the services that we need it to conduct. Soverign states would be responsible for the needs of the people of those states, and the federal government would be limited to collective representation of all the states. Taxes necessary to operation of the federal government would be collected from the states, and the states would determine how to collect those taxes from their population. This model worked then, and it would work just as well today.
Only the Police, the Courts & the Military are the proper functions of the government.
Everything else should be privately run.
Only the Police, the Courts & the Military are the proper functions of the government.
Everything else should be privately run.

Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution says otherwise

As does 230 years of precidence
We have debt because the American people demand more from the government than they are willing to pay for.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Simple as that.
Two issues come to mind here. First, is the fact that government needs taxes to pay for government and government services. That raises two questions. How should those taxes be collected, and how much should be collected. Our current system does not adequately answer either question. Our current system is neither fair to all citizens, nor does it collect enough to pay for the government that we have created. The ever popular "tax the other guy" syndrome.

The second issue is, how much government can we afford. In most instances, we can afford local and state government. We cannot afford, nor should we afford, our current federal government. The federal government must be reduced to a level that we can afford while maintaining the services that can only be efficiently and effectively conducted by a federal government.

I contend that the original governmental concept set up by the founders, was a federal government that we could afford, and a government that could efficiently and effectively conduct the services that we need it to conduct. Soverign states would be responsible for the needs of the people of those states, and the federal government would be limited to collective representation of all the states. Taxes necessary to operation of the federal government would be collected from the states, and the states would determine how to collect those taxes from their population. This model worked then, and it would work just as well today.

Unfortunately this went out the window when the Progressives under the evil Woodrow Wilson got the 16th, and 17th Amendments.

BOTH must be repealed. The political will must exist first...the PEOPLE need to be educated as to the folly. I don't see it happening in the forseeable future.
We have debt because the American people demand more from the government than they are willing to pay for.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Simple as that.

they may not think that way if the politicians did not campaign on...

"vote for me and I will give you, give you, give you, as I take away form the evil successful business man who has more than he needs."
We have debt because the American people demand more from the government than they are willing to pay for.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Simple as that.

they may not think that way if the politicians did not campaign on...

"vote for me and I will give you, give you, give you, as I take away form the evil successful business man who has more than he needs."

Or they say, vote for me and I will give you a tax cut
We have debt because the American people demand more from the government than they are willing to pay for.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Simple as that.

they may not think that way if the politicians did not campaign on...

"vote for me and I will give you, give you, give you, as I take away form the evil successful business man who has more than he needs."

The politicians promise to give the audience what they want. A moon base, cradle to grave security, free puppies.
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