The Great American Sellout-Joe Biden

This guy is gonna screw over American workers bigtime

This was not a sellout by the people. This was a total fraudulent rip off by the Democrat Party.
China Joe hid in his basement for six months and promised to destroy the very industries that employ the American people and supposedly drew more support than any prior Democrat candidate.
The only logical explanation, as statistics continue to be reviewed, is that Trump's votes are real and China Joe's are inflated in three ways:
The old-fashioned casting of illegal ballots for Democrats on and before Election day, one by one...​
The equally old-fashioned late night production of stacks of fake ballots... and​
The very new tool of computerized tally-switching, in which no human being needs to dirty his hands with ballots at all; the computer just lies about the count.​
"Democrats got desperate, and they rushed too fast, the crimes couldn’t help but be noticed. If they had just performed their usual level of voter fraud, they might have failed to catch up with Pres. Trump, but they could probably have gotten away with enough fabrication to steal the close downballot races like state legislator and county offices. But no, they too were greedy; they had to beat President Trump, so they turned up the machine and got caught"....
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This guy is gonna screw over American workers bigtime

She reminds me of Tokyo Rose.



This guy is gonna screw over American workers bigtime

This was not a sellout by the people. This was a total fraudulent rip off by the Democrat Party.
China Joe hid in his basement for six months and promised to destroy the very industries that employ the American people and supposedly drew more support than any prior Democrat candidate.
The only logical explanation, as statistics continue to be reviewed, is that Trump's votes are real and China Joe's are inflated in three ways:
The old-fashioned casting of illegal ballots for Democrats on and before Election day, one by one...​
The equally old-fashioned late night production of stacks of fake ballots... and​
The very new tool of computerized tally-switching, in which no human being needs to dirty his hands with ballots at all; the computer just lies about the count.​
"Democrats got desperate, and they rushed too fast, the crimes couldn’t help but be noticed. If they had just performed their usual level of voter fraud, they might have failed to catch up with Pres. Trump, but they could probably have gotten away with enough fabrication to steal the close downballot races like state legislator and county offices. But no, they too were greedy; they had to beat President Trump, so they turned up the machine and got caught"....

Great points but I think Trump was doing a Sting Operation from the start. He knew a while back this was going to take place and this is even said in this video by Steve Pieczenik.


This guy is gonna screw over American workers bigtime

This was not a sellout by the people. This was a total fraudulent rip off by the Democrat Party.
China Joe hid in his basement for six months and promised to destroy the very industries that employ the American people and supposedly drew more support than any prior Democrat candidate.
The only logical explanation, as statistics continue to be reviewed, is that Trump's votes are real and China Joe's are inflated in three ways:
The old-fashioned casting of illegal ballots for Democrats on and before Election day, one by one...​
The equally old-fashioned late night production of stacks of fake ballots... and​
The very new tool of computerized tally-switching, in which no human being needs to dirty his hands with ballots at all; the computer just lies about the count.​
"Democrats got desperate, and they rushed too fast, the crimes couldn’t help but be noticed. If they had just performed their usual level of voter fraud, they might have failed to catch up with Pres. Trump, but they could probably have gotten away with enough fabrication to steal the close downballot races like state legislator and county offices. But no, they too were greedy; they had to beat President Trump, so they turned up the machine and got caught"....

Great points but I think Trump was doing a Sting Operation from the start. He knew a while back this was going to take place and this is even said in this video by Steve Pieczenik.

With all the information that was out there I don't doubt that it was.

Globalist on the move and they love the idea of weilding power like the CCP. Look at how they are treating the average Jo in the UK now over not wearing a mask while outside. And then we have our own fascist.

Plus the Crown's and the Clinton cabal.


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