5 ways "the president" insults American voters

5th party.
That's really the only answer.
Not the 5th party, Biden wants a "5th Column" by letting in 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians.

You can bet that after November's election they will mobilize and start doing damage, thanks to Biden's open borders.

National Security was destroyed by Biden's open borders.
The duopoly insults voters in every way, yet they still vote for it. What can we do about that?
Vote for the lesser of the evils. The duopoly is necessary to get to 270 electoral college votes.
If you want to be president win either the R or D nomination via the primary process.
Dualistic thinking at work! It's only 270 if there are two candidates. Three or four would make things much different.

wow, this guy is a genius at campaigning!

His strategy: Get half of America to hate me !

A guy who is unaffected by the horrendous economy and couldn’t care less about Americans. Any of them. He is too stupid to realize all Americans are affected. Not just us who says it out loud
I don't watch CNN, so I DGAD. All those ratings show is the number of idiots and retards who watch TV. Because if you are watching news knowing that they lie and then try using what they tel us you as some knd of ultimate truth, you are mental.

Yet you post proven liars and propagandist as "truth tellers", hypocrite much?

I don't watch CNN, so I DGAD. All those ratings show is the number of idiots and retards who watch TV. Because if you are watching news knowing that they lie and then try using what they tel us you as some knd of ultimate truth, you are mental.
That’s truly an odd statement. How would you know the quality of the programs unless you watch! Well , you’re unknowingly much
A guy who is unaffected by the horrendous economy and couldn’t care less about Americans. Any of them. He is too stupid to realize all Americans are affected. Not just us who says it out loud
Well, I'm beginning to think that the puppeteers behind bribum just can't be there all the time to tell him what to say so he just appears to be retarded a lot of the time..


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