The great biden in Hawaii folks

Our President consoles victims in Maui.
We are so lucky to have him


Meanwhile, Trump prepares for his next criminal trial
We are so lucky to be rid of him
This site predictably falling under the marxist influence. Just tried to respond to an old thread (120 days old) and it was conservatives attacking tiktok and the China spy ring that tiktok is according to them.

Well, I tried responding to it and this site will no longer allow us to do that. So, I here is my the response i had to those conservatives that posted on that thread and under the spell of media propaganda put out by the left networks, democrats, rinos entertainment industry etc.


Depends on the algorithm and tiktok has far more material showing the pathetic left. I can't find any of it on any of the other social platforms in silicon valley and who owns our politicians the leftist networks like cnn and the rinos.period.

Tiktok is another scumbag platform like all of the rest though. They track you. So does your phone mostly made in China, so does FB, youtube and all the rest.

You fall for the line of BS about, "tiktok" being this China spy ring. Put out by guess who? The same groups CONTROLLED BY CHINA!!!. The left wing networks, and silicon valley who controls all democrats and rinos.

Our President consoles victims in Maui.
We are so lucky to have him

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Meanwhile, Trump prepares for his next criminal trial
We are so lucky to be rid of him
We’d be lucky to be rid of you. It took Potato too long to even get to Hawaii.

And while there, he finally did what any President would do. How is that “lucky”?
We’d be lucky to be rid of you. It took Potato too long to even get to Hawaii.

And while there, he finally did what any President would do. How is that “lucky”?

The people of Maui are lucky to have a President like Joe Biden and a First Lady like Dr Jill Biden…..people with compassion who will actually help you recover

Won’t see Biden putting on a circus act tossing Paper Towels
The people of Maui are lucky to have a President like Joe Biden and a First Lady like Dr Jill Biden…..people with compassion who will actually help you recover

Nonsense. Potato offered the victims $700.00. The man is a scumbag.
Won’t see Biden putting on a circus act tossing Paper Towels
He couldn’t.
Nonsense. Potato offered the victims $700.00. The man is a scumbag.

He couldn’t.
Our President is fighting for the victims of Maui
$700 is just pocket money to get people by till the rest of the money is available. Biden will help with rebuilding Maui, roads, schools, power…
Biden and his lovely wife care about others.

Meanwhile, Trump is fighting to stay out of jail

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