The Great Deal Maker Cancels His FIRST Negotiation

huh , i heard that the mexican cancelled to meeting . ----------------------- doesn't really matter though , it just gives the mexican more time to stew as the wall PROBABLY rises in front of his and all of the mexican people eyes . 'aye chiuwawa' [chuckle]
All this means is remittances will probably come to a halt. Maybe taxes on money going into Mexico? Oh boy, this will be fun!
Your Thread title Is a Lie! Nice 'Fake News', snowflake.

Trump reportedly told the Mexican President that if he was not prepared to discuss paying for the wall he might as well cancel their meeting. THE PRESIDENT OF MEXICO RESPONDED BY CANCELLING THE MEETING, NOT TRUMP. Trump was ready to negotiate - Mexico's President was not.

Here, I know how much you snowflakes like and respect CNN:

Mexican president cancels meeting with Trump -

Mexican president cancels meeting with Trump
Trump backed down, not Nieto, who has been standing tall.
Excuse me...

The proper way to negotiate is to take a position....Trump said "we will discuss the wall"....Nieto said, I wont" Trump said "then don't waste your time coming here"

If Nieto does not wish to negotiate, and instead pay for the wall under Trumps terms only, so be it.

and I know you are wise enough to know how he plans to make that happen. We dont need to get into that discussion for the unintelligent on this board to criticize with no basis.
Trump said the message. If you are not coming to negotiate, don't bother coming. The Mexican president is in a very bad place. Trump will get the money for the fence. Without negotiations.

I see Trump as Teddy Roosevelt. "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Go Trump!!!!:dance:
Trump backed down, not Nieto, who has been standing tall.

Liar, even the New York Slimes is reporting Nieto cancelled

You didn't just now figure out that ALL dimocraps are lying scum?

I think not....... :boobies:

dimocrap scum lie like Pigs Oink or Dogs Bark or Babies Cry. It's an autonomic function with dimocrap scum.

Not a mistake. An intent to deceive. aka; a lie

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