The Great Deal Maker Cancels His FIRST Negotiation

What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
I'm starting to feel bad for ya

I know, it's tough to be right so much of the time.

Mexico Stunned by Trump Tweet on Canceling Trip
MEXICO CITY — Jan 26, 2017, 10:57 AM ET
Mexico Stunned by Trump Tweet on Canceling Trip
Mexico is stunned? How does a country get stunned? Everyone there has the same mind? You can't spot bullshit if you wade through it.

President Donald is proposing a 20% tariff on Mexican imports. We are their largest customer by far and their economy is in the tank. That would kill them, they can't endure it so they'll be back.

This is how a businessman does it versus a career politician. New to you perhaps but not the business world.

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