The Great Deal Maker Cancels His FIRST Negotiation

If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
Your continued and failed use of Alt Fact is noted.

The reports are quite clear that Trump failed.

Mexico will not play his silly game. Ever.
Mexico is already playing the game, and they did not even pass go yet.

If sending trumpery home with his hat in his hand after making a fool of him, then yeah, and they're playing a game.

Hope trumpery takes that stupid bobby pin out of his hair.

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LOL! What part of "Mexico backed out" did you not want to understand?

What part of 'no, we're not paying for your idiot wall that won't work but will cost billions' do you not understand?

Again I ask, why would any country pay for what anther country does?

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What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.
You can always count on an idiot progressive like WaitingFor2020 to not have a single fact correct. Even the left-wing NY Times admitted it was the Mexican President who cancelled the meeting. He continues to illustrate that he is one of the DUMBEST posters on all of USMB...

Mexico’s President Cancels Meeting With Trump Over Wall
Who cares who did what? Never go to a negotiation if you wont walk away if you can avoid it. It's basic negotiation.

Even if trump walked away it's no big deal. That's how you negotiate at times

That's what Nieto did the last trumpery went there. He kicked sand in trump's face and walked away. The king needs to stop looking stupid to the rest of the world.

Like that's gonna happen ...

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Looks like lefties are in love with Nieto now. How does it feel to be a Mexican stooge?
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.

Mexico is accepting applications for assholes leaving The United States for other countries.
Better apply quick before we build that wall, and you can't get out.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
Your continued and failed use of Alt Fact is noted.

The reports are quite clear that Trump failed.

Mexico will not play his silly game. Ever.
Mexico is already playing the game, and they did not even pass go yet.

If sending trumpery home with his hat in his hand after making a fool of him, then yeah, and they're playing a game.

Hope trumpery takes that stupid bobby pin out of his hair.

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LOL! What part of "Mexico backed out" did you not want to understand?

What part of 'no, we're not paying for your idiot wall that won't work but will cost billions' do you not understand?

Again I ask, why would any country pay for what anther country does?

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They are going to pay for all the damages their illegals have done in our country. You can think of it as reparations, if that makes it easier for you to understand.
What part of 'no, we're not paying for your idiot wall that won't work but will cost billions' do you not understand?

Again I ask, why would any country pay for what anther country does?

None of it because you're an idiot.

As Trump said, he HAS to say this. What do you expect him to say?

To be honest, it really doesn't matter who pays for the wall. It's only a few billion dollars, so it's not a big deal. Trump will hit Mexican imports with a 20% tax that will offset the cost of the wall and then some. He has said this all along, it's always been the plan. There's nothing Mexico can do about it. And there's nothing you can do about it, so you really should try to get used to the idea of a wall because it's happening.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.

Lick my prostate gland, junior. The wall was always on the Trump table, so you can pee your panties all you want. Doesn't change a thing. Plus it makes no sense to a human that Trump would invite him the dis-invite him.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested to pay for a wall Trump wants.


Here is how Trump will legally make Mexico pay for The Wall. We'll no longer allow money to be sent back over the border by some 30 Million Illegals, and the drug cartels who send about 120 Billion a year back to Mexico.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.


He said "If Mexico is unwilling..."
Mexico chose not to, and canceled.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.

Lick my prostate gland, junior. The wall was always on the Trump table, so you can pee your panties all you want. Doesn't change a thing. Plus it makes no sense to a human that Trump would invite him the dis-invite him.

It makes all the sense in the world when you keep in mind that we have a fucking clown in the White House.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.

Lick my prostate gland, junior. The wall was always on the Trump table, so you can pee your panties all you want. Doesn't change a thing. Plus it makes no sense to a human that Trump would invite him the dis-invite him.

It makes all the sense in the world to a fucking clown in the white house
Your beliefs don't count.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -
Huh? Neito said he wasn't coming if the wall is on the table. It is and it's staying there so your hurt feelings will have to be tossed in the round file.

STFU faker, Trump twitter-cancelled meeting because Mexico is not interested in paying for a wall Trump wants.

Lick my prostate gland, junior. The wall was always on the Trump table, so you can pee your panties all you want. Doesn't change a thing. Plus it makes no sense to a human that Trump would invite him the dis-invite him.

It makes all the sense in the world when you keep in mind that we have a fucking clown in the White House.

If you keep acting as if he is a clown, he is going to mop the floor with you before you see it coming
Right now they are trying to sell "they both did it first" to

It's all the left knows how to do... spin, distort, lie... rinse and repeat.

MEXICO: We demand respect! We're not paying for no stinking wall!
TRUMP: If you don't want to discuss the wall, no need in having a meeting.
MEXICO: We're cancelling our meeting!
LIBS: Trump cancels negotiation meeting with Mexico!

They're trying to run the same game on voter fraud.

TRUMP: 3-5 million illegals voted in the elections!
LIBS: Prove it.. prove it... prove it! Show us the evidence!
TRUMP: I plan to have AG Sessions investigate voter fraud.
LIBS: Trump is insecure about losing popular vote!

All we're going to see for the next 4 years is this kind of bait and switch. Playing fast and loose with the truth. Pumping out FAKE NEWS left and right. Hoping and praying they can somehow sway public opinion and stop this freight train.

That's exactly how the left have been acting, like petulant children.

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