The Great Deal Maker Cancels His FIRST Negotiation

Who cares who did what? Never go to a negotiation if you wont walk away if you can avoid it. It's basic negotiation.

Even if trump walked away it's no big deal. That's how you negotiate at times
Looks like Mr. "No path to victory" abandoned his own thread... That's the "no-show" Fake Jake we all know, and laugh at.
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So, Trump kept his promise and started moving on the wall, the Mexican president cancelled and this is a failed negotiation on Trump's part.


if Mexico wants to get its panties in a wad about our decision to attempt to improve border security that's their problem.
What a pussy! Oh, that's right. He only takes on those who can't respond: the IRS "audit", "fraudulent voters" and Judge Curiel, POWs, etc.

Trump to Mexican president: Better to cancel our meeting -

Do you have a CREDIBLE SOURCE for your claim?

Because CNN is fucking lying, as always.


BREAKING: Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto says he has informed the White House he has canceled trip to Washington.

— The Associated Press (@AP) January 26, 2017}

Edit - looks like it was the OP lying, his own source shows him to be a fucking liar.

That's democrats for you.
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Trump didn't cancel it.
Shove your alt facts up your dilapidated vagina, snowflake.

Agree. This thread should be moved to the Flame Zone
If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
Trump didn't cancel it.
Shove your alt facts up your dilapidated vagina, snowflake.

Agree. This thread should be moved to the Flame Zone
If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
Your continued and failed use of Alt Fact is noted.

The reports are quite clear that Trump failed.

Mexico will not play his silly game. Ever.
Libtard ran and libtard infested yahoo says Mexico pulled out of the deal, not Trump.
Mexico president cancels Trump summit after wall jibe
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITS funny , one thing i notice about those latins , mexicans is that they are emotional and are easily annoyed and toyed with , same comment on 'arabs' . But off topic , just a quick comment !!
Trump didn't cancel it.
Shove your alt facts up your dilapidated vagina, snowflake.

Agree. This thread should be moved to the Flame Zone
If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
---------------------------------------- aw haw haw !!
Trump didn't cancel it.
Shove your alt facts up your dilapidated vagina, snowflake.

Agree. This thread should be moved to the Flame Zone
If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
---------------------------------------- aw haw haw !!
Yup, the Mexican President pushed Trump back. :lol: Emotional folks like Pismoe get upset at that.
Trump didn't cancel it.
Shove your alt facts up your dilapidated vagina, snowflake.

Agree. This thread should be moved to the Flame Zone
If that happens, you would be flamed to a crisp.

The fact of this OP is that Trump could not stand up to the Mexican President's Wall of No.
In your dreams. It's already reported that Mexico cancelled not Trump, but don't let that stop you from attending Hillary's inauguration.
Your continued and failed use of Alt Fact is noted.

The reports are quite clear that Trump failed.

Mexico will not play his silly game. Ever.
Mexico is already playing the game, and they did not even pass go yet.
Wait, what? More Democrat Fake News i guess. The CNN and NBC dunces were just boasting about the Mexican President being the one who cancelled. So which is it Democrats? Did Trump cancel, or did the Mexican President cancel?

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