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The great Joseph Lowery

I find it ironic that you mention blacks on campuses segregating because they look for safe spaces to get away from the white racism they face.
This is the sort of bullshit rationalizations that some redneck in
1950's Mississippi could have used to exclude blacks....in supposedly public accommodations no less.
And you seem real comfortable giving it! What a fucking moron!

Here's a clue...college is not the place to hide out from white people and demand they be segregated from you dark snowflakes. Try transferring to an all black school or moving to Nigeria. Idiot!

You are utterly filled with shit and not worth the breath it takes for me to respond to your racist idiocy. Fuck you! You aren't against racism. You love it, when it benefits your favorite color (YOU COLORED).

You seem unable to discuss the many segregated white campus organizations that are responsible for making black college students feel uncomfortable.
There are NO segregated white campus organizations, Chuck! If black students are uncomfortable
around white students (or any other type of student for that matter) then get the fuck out of college.
Go home and find a black neighborhood where whites aren't allowed and stay there, you hypocrite!
Wrong. It is based on observation and incidents by white students in campuses all over the country. The problem with bitches like you is that you run real quick to try making things the same between blacks and whites when they aren't. Whites are the ones that began the racism and have a record of 243 years at minimum of racist behavior. Blacks have always had to react to that behavior. And that is what is going on right now.

You see pissant, you've never been the only black person in an environment that is majority white. What needs to happen is the motherfucking white students stop being racists. If they can't do that, then they should be the ones to get the fuck off campus.

Once again in standard white racist fashion, you ignore the many all white safe spaces on campus to try talking about how it is the black students who are the problem.
"Ordinary white folk"? "Almost always arrogantly mistaken"?
That's some good irony there, btw.
Arrogance IS bad.

There actually are many rather “ordinary white folk” who don’t pretend to “know all about black history.” People who are willing to learn and share without arrogance. Are you one of them?

There are also plenty of “ordinary white folk” who don’t believe racial problems in society are caused by African-Americans’ “attitudes” that can be “fixed” if only they “emancipated their minds” ... by voting ... for Republicans like Donald Trump. Do you not agree???

Please in future try NOT to take my words out of context.
For those of us who are black, we know there are more leaders in our community than Jackson and Sharpton. Limbaugh made them the only leaders to white conservatives, but Limbaugh is a fat slob who dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, Civil Rights Leader and King Aide, Dies at 98
Mr. Lowery helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change announced his death on Twitter.

Even before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus on Dec. 1, 1955, Mr. Lowery had successfully campaigned to integrate buses in Mobile, Ala., where he was a young Methodist minister. After Ms. Parks’s action, he huddled with Dr. King and other Alabama ministers to oversee a 381-day boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses.

In November 1956, the Supreme Court ended racial segregation on buses in Montgomery and, by extension, everywhere else.

Mr. Lowery was at Dr. King’s side almost until the day of his assassination in April 1968. At Dr. King’s request, he presented the demands of voting-rights marchers from Selma, Ala., to Gov. George C. Wallace in 1965. Mr. Lowery also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s signature organization, and led it for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997.

When Dr. King gathered with his top aides days before his death, it was Mr. Lowery who ended the meeting by saying, “The Holy Spirit is in this room.”

Mr. Lowery marched in countless demonstrations, was repeatedly arrested and was once shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. As head of the S.C.L.C., he promoted economic empowerment for black Americans, saying they must control the cash registers of the lunch counters they integrated. He became known as the dean of the civil rights movement.

Never heard of him.

Whelp -- now you have. Thank the OP, as I did.
When you hear "great", I suppose you should know who he is. You know, like Alexander, Peter, Catherine, Trump or even Willie Mays, but wtf is Joe Lowery?
No, your mind is not emancipated. You're a slave. Slave to a racist belief. It runs you life. And as for being scared of what you bring :auiqs.jpg:. You're just another one in a long line of chumps trying to get a shot at the title. And I'll be more than happy to make an example out of you.
So impressive with your threats and all. :rolleyes:

And telling me I am the one with a problem when I suggest blacks would be far better off breaking off their
dependency on the race hustlers in the democrat party and making their political support truly worth something shows who really has the un-emancipated mind. Hint...it's you, super bad, finger pointing soul brother.
You do have a problem because you are making statements based on opinions from white race hustlers on the right and uncle toms and sellouts. We don't need to break away from a damn thing. A you guys want is just enough blacks so trump can get re-lected or that you can win elections in order to get your racist agenda implemented. You guys make all these idiotic comments about blacks who vote democrat because it frustrates you to know that despite all the gaslighting we aren't moving.
You're too smart for me.
Go ahead and stay at the bottom of the societal barrel where many blacks have languised for the last seventy years. Yeah, that'll show us racist crackers!

You are the slave boy, because you seem to worship some idea that we as blacks cannot read the policy positions of the republican party and figure out for ourselves that white republicans present as a platform does not meet the needs of our community. Your trifling ass is in here trying to tell me about making our political support worth something by joining a party full of assholes like you, some of who still believe that Obama is a Kenyan. Then we have your sorry ass telling me how if we stop being members of the democratic party blacks will remain on the bottom as if joining a party full of people yelling jews will not replace us, how there is a policy of genocide against whites, that there is anti white discrimination, that we need to end affirmative action and whose every republican representative but one in this congress refused to vote for a voting rights act that would restore provisions the supreme court took away that has created the ability for republican led states to implement voter suppression, is going to help us.
There is a small but growing number of blacks who are smart enough to see they are, and have been, taken for granted by the Great White Fathers in Washington DC. (and their helpers in the black Congressional caucuses like Maxine Waters).
You've already been replaced to a large degree by Hispanics in their plans so please stay dumb and ignored. It suits you.

So don't come to me with your dumb shit son, because you trying to use words like emancipated, slave, plantation and shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out of your mouth if you tried saying that shit to my face.
You know Asians consider blacks to be violent beasts, like gorillas.
I wonder where they get that idea? Maybe from the threats you throw around when using your brain
seems too much work for you.

I've been emancipated since the day I was born and I saw why blacks left the republican party. Still today, republicans have not given us a reason to return so you need to stop listing to white race pimps and uncle toms telling you about blacks..
I'm trying to tell you because racism is bad for everyone. not just for black people. Do you think
a divided nation is good for anyone, especially blacks and their declining demographics?
But you seem too threatened and ignorant to understand. I think your kind will slowly die off and America will move forward despite your kind but it would be in your interest to step out into the light anyway.
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I link you to nothing. You're just an anonymous screename on an anonymous message board, with an opinion.

So don't flatter yourself with self aggrandizing statements.
Just like yourself. How coincidental.
You seem anxious (desperate perhaps) to be offended. Try and look at yourself to see why you need
to be embroiled in conflict.

As far as who here is informed on "segregation policies" from that era, it is not incumbent upon me to teach readily available history to some who are too ignorant to look it up themselves.
Then don't
"teach" if it burdens you. Who asked you to give unsolicited tutorials?

Furthermore, it is NOT inappropriate for someone who saw segregation in effect, to speak up about it.

So what is your point?
I'm sorry. I meant "inappropriate" to bloviate in a forum where this is what people do here and then carry around your "oh woe is me" cross as if you are being persecuted for giving your
questionable opinions.

So you lived through a difficult time in history. So what? So did I. So what? Get over yourself, queenie.

Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
Wrong. It is based on observation and incidents by white students in campuses all over the country. The problem with bitches like you is that you run real quick to try making things the same between blacks and whites when they aren't. Whites are the ones that began the racism and have a record of 243 years at minimum of racist behavior. Blacks have always had to react to that behavior. And that is what is going on right now.

You see pissant, you've never been the only black person in an environment that is majority white. What needs to happen is the motherfucking white students stop being racists. If they can't do that, then they should be the ones to get the fuck off campus.

Once again in standard white racist fashion, you ignore the many all white safe spaces on campus to try talking about how it is the black students who are the problem.
Your rationalizations and use of memes and "you know what I'm talkin' about" isms makes you George Wallace in black face. The fact is racism and segregation is illegal (undertand? illegal?) on publicly owned college campuses. You substitute insults and idiocy for thoughtful discussion so trying to discuss this issue with you is like trying to have a conversation with a chimpanzee.

IT IS black students who want to take over public spaces and declare them black only places!
I admire you have guts enough to stand up and advocate for such a blatantly wrong and illegal
policy but at the end of the day your sort of racism just isn't going to succeed in America.

I feel sorry that you have turned into the bigot and racist you claim to be against. You are one
sick MFer. And now I think I've given you enough rope.
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Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.
Interesting. How am I "effeminate"?
When insults take the place of rational discussion it's a sure sign you have lost the game.
I would love to know how you draw your conclusions like this.

I haven't called your reminisces a personal attack upon myself so maybe you are thinking of the other guy.
And you are intentionally misstating my claims so again you show yourself to be something of a loser.
Your little persecution complex is not about what you've said per se but how you react when people
take you up on your claims. Grow up, sonny.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
If I was "defensive" you haven't demonstrated that at all.
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For those of us who are black, we know there are more leaders in our community than Jackson and Sharpton. Limbaugh made them the only leaders to white conservatives, but Limbaugh is a fat slob who dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, Civil Rights Leader and King Aide, Dies at 98
Mr. Lowery helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change announced his death on Twitter.

Even before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus on Dec. 1, 1955, Mr. Lowery had successfully campaigned to integrate buses in Mobile, Ala., where he was a young Methodist minister. After Ms. Parks’s action, he huddled with Dr. King and other Alabama ministers to oversee a 381-day boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses.

In November 1956, the Supreme Court ended racial segregation on buses in Montgomery and, by extension, everywhere else.

Mr. Lowery was at Dr. King’s side almost until the day of his assassination in April 1968. At Dr. King’s request, he presented the demands of voting-rights marchers from Selma, Ala., to Gov. George C. Wallace in 1965. Mr. Lowery also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s signature organization, and led it for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997.

When Dr. King gathered with his top aides days before his death, it was Mr. Lowery who ended the meeting by saying, “The Holy Spirit is in this room.”

Mr. Lowery marched in countless demonstrations, was repeatedly arrested and was once shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. As head of the S.C.L.C., he promoted economic empowerment for black Americans, saying they must control the cash registers of the lunch counters they integrated. He became known as the dean of the civil rights movement.

Never heard of him.

Probably because no one would post abou
Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.
Interesting. How am I "effeminate"?
When insults take the place of rational discussion it's a sure sign you have lost the game.
I would love to know how you draw your conclusions like this.

I haven't called your reminisces a personal attack upon myself so maybe you are thinking of the other guy.
And you are intentionally misstating my claims so again you show yourself to be something of a loser.
Your little persecution complex is not about what you've said per se but how you react when people
take you up on your claims. Grow up, sonny.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
If I was "defensive" you haven't demonstrated that at all.

You referred to me as "queenie", yet are bothered by me referring to you as "effeminate"?

I think before you issue insults, you should learn how to take them as opposed to crying foul when you get back what you put out there.

I have no persecution complex, nor do I live in the past.

But my "claims" are not just claims. They are related to real life experiences, that you likely would committ suicide or overdose on opioids over.
Before you order a complete stranger to "grow up", grow up yourself, little guy.
  • Thanks
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For those of us who are black, we know there are more leaders in our community than Jackson and Sharpton. Limbaugh made them the only leaders to white conservatives, but Limbaugh is a fat slob who dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, Civil Rights Leader and King Aide, Dies at 98
Mr. Lowery helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change announced his death on Twitter.

Even before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus on Dec. 1, 1955, Mr. Lowery had successfully campaigned to integrate buses in Mobile, Ala., where he was a young Methodist minister. After Ms. Parks’s action, he huddled with Dr. King and other Alabama ministers to oversee a 381-day boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses.

In November 1956, the Supreme Court ended racial segregation on buses in Montgomery and, by extension, everywhere else.

Mr. Lowery was at Dr. King’s side almost until the day of his assassination in April 1968. At Dr. King’s request, he presented the demands of voting-rights marchers from Selma, Ala., to Gov. George C. Wallace in 1965. Mr. Lowery also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s signature organization, and led it for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997.

When Dr. King gathered with his top aides days before his death, it was Mr. Lowery who ended the meeting by saying, “The Holy Spirit is in this room.”

Mr. Lowery marched in countless demonstrations, was repeatedly arrested and was once shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. As head of the S.C.L.C., he promoted economic empowerment for black Americans, saying they must control the cash registers of the lunch counters they integrated. He became known as the dean of the civil rights movement.

Never heard of him.

Probably because no one would post abou
Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.
Interesting. How am I "effeminate"?
When insults take the place of rational discussion it's a sure sign you have lost the game.
I would love to know how you draw your conclusions like this.

I haven't called your reminisces a personal attack upon myself so maybe you are thinking of the other guy.
And you are intentionally misstating my claims so again you show yourself to be something of a loser.
Your little persecution complex is not about what you've said per se but how you react when people
take you up on your claims. Grow up, sonny.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
If I was "defensive" you haven't demonstrated that at all.

You referred to me as "queenie", yet are bothered by me referring to you as "effeminate"?

I think before you issue insults, you should learn how to take them as opposed to crying foul when you get back what you put out there.
Yeah, "queenie". As in "drama queen"? Every heard that expression before? I don't think a gay slur is remotely like calling someone overly dramatic but maybe you do.

At any rate since my comment didn't imply you were queer or gay I'm not going to accept your
rationalizing of your insult of me.
Should I go back now and hunt for earlier insults you threw at me, or others? That depends on you though throughout your comments have been belittling and derogatory if not outright insulting.

I have no persecution complex, nor do I live in the past.

But my "claims" are not just claims. They are related to real life experiences, that you likely would committ suicide or overdose on opioids over.
I reject your ridiculous long distance guesswork analysis, doctor. Since you know nothing about me all I can do is politely invite you to f-ck off!

Before you order a complete stranger to "grow up", grow up yourself, little guy.
Oh! Is that I what I did! I 'ordered" you to grow up? That alone tells us which one is the adult here and which one is masquerading as a grown up.
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"Ordinary white folk"? "Almost always arrogantly mistaken"?
That's some good irony there, btw.
Arrogance IS bad.

There actually are many rather “ordinary white folk” who don’t pretend to “know all about black history.” People who are willing to learn and share without arrogance. Are you one of them?

There are also plenty of “ordinary white folk” who don’t believe racial problems in society are caused by African-Americans’ “attitudes” that can be “fixed” if only they “emancipated their minds” ... by voting ... for Republicans like Donald Trump. Do you not agree???

Please in future try NOT to take my words out of context.

In my experience, "ordinary white folk" are far too often told that any and all "racial problems" are their fault.

And "ordinary white folk" are very, very tired of that.

And that is not "arrogance" on our part.
For those of us who are black, we know there are more leaders in our community than Jackson and Sharpton. Limbaugh made them the only leaders to white conservatives, but Limbaugh is a fat slob who dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, Civil Rights Leader and King Aide, Dies at 98
Mr. Lowery helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change announced his death on Twitter.

Even before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus on Dec. 1, 1955, Mr. Lowery had successfully campaigned to integrate buses in Mobile, Ala., where he was a young Methodist minister. After Ms. Parks’s action, he huddled with Dr. King and other Alabama ministers to oversee a 381-day boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses.

In November 1956, the Supreme Court ended racial segregation on buses in Montgomery and, by extension, everywhere else.

Mr. Lowery was at Dr. King’s side almost until the day of his assassination in April 1968. At Dr. King’s request, he presented the demands of voting-rights marchers from Selma, Ala., to Gov. George C. Wallace in 1965. Mr. Lowery also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s signature organization, and led it for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997.

When Dr. King gathered with his top aides days before his death, it was Mr. Lowery who ended the meeting by saying, “The Holy Spirit is in this room.”

Mr. Lowery marched in countless demonstrations, was repeatedly arrested and was once shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. As head of the S.C.L.C., he promoted economic empowerment for black Americans, saying they must control the cash registers of the lunch counters they integrated. He became known as the dean of the civil rights movement.

Never heard of him.

Probably because no one would post abou
Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.
Interesting. How am I "effeminate"?
When insults take the place of rational discussion it's a sure sign you have lost the game.
I would love to know how you draw your conclusions like this.

I haven't called your reminisces a personal attack upon myself so maybe you are thinking of the other guy.
And you are intentionally misstating my claims so again you show yourself to be something of a loser.
Your little persecution complex is not about what you've said per se but how you react when people
take you up on your claims. Grow up, sonny.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
If I was "defensive" you haven't demonstrated that at all.

You referred to me as "queenie", yet are bothered by me referring to you as "effeminate"?

I think before you issue insults, you should learn how to take them as opposed to crying foul when you get back what you put out there.
Yeah, "queenie". As in "drama queen"? Every heard that expression before? I don't think a gay slur is remotely like calling someone overly dramatic but maybe you do.

At any rate since my comment didn't imply you were queer or gay I'm not going to accept your
rationalizing of your insult of me.
Should I go back now and hunt for earlier insults you threw at me, or others? That depends on you though throughout your comments have been belittling and derogatory if not outright insulting.

I have no persecution complex, nor do I live in the past.

But my "claims" are not just claims. They are related to real life experiences, that you likely would committ suicide or overdose on opioids over.
I reject your ridiculous long distance guesswork analysis, doctor. Since you know nothing about me all I can do is politely invite you to f-ck off!

Before you order a complete stranger to "grow up", grow up yourself, little guy.
Oh! Is that I what I did! I 'ordered" you to grow up? That alone tells us which one is the adult here and which one is masquerading as a grown up.

Yes indeed, it does tell "who the adult is here".

Research this thread and take note of who made the first statement towards whom.

That would be you. I did not care to comment on ANYTHING that you posted until YOU directed your trivial, juvenile nonsense towards me, yet want to claim that you were engaging in "rational conversation"?.....LMAO!

But.....there is a solution to your source of irritation.

Either use your ignore feature, or if you happen to possess even a shred of self control , ignore what I post, and that will go a long way towards minimizing your butthurt.


Now, you can GFY. You know nothing about me either.
In my experience, "ordinary white folk" are far too often told that any and all "racial problems" are their fault.
And "ordinary white folk" are very, very tired of that.
And that is not "arrogance" on our part.

If you’re not a racist yourself — and I’m sure you don’t think you are — why are you so sensitive about all this? Feeling one’s “black identity” is pretty inevitable for our African-American fellow citizens. Constantly feeling angry is of course not healthy for them — or any group. But what about “white” identity — where does that come from and why is it expressed with so much anger these days?

How do you think “ordinary black folk” feel when they hear whites angrily complaining about them, after having been blamed for everything wrong in this country for 250 years?

In our country today, there is certainly too much feeling sorry for oneself, for “one’s race,” too much pointing blame at “the other,” too much buying into identity politics. It’s a pandemic! We’ve made progress fighting it in the past, but now economically, socially and politically those gains are all being threatened, just as black and white working people have both suffered from de-industrialization, and now from devastation of even the service economy.

“White” racism and identity politics is particularly dangerous, because of history as well as demographics and politics. It hasn’t disappeared. It has transformed itself. It’s like a virus that returns. Working-class whites in particular need to inoculate themselves from this racial blame game if they don’t want to be “played” and further victimized by wealthy ruling elites and demagogues (who may talk a good line but care mainly about themselves and their wealth.)

All I can say is don’t be part of the problem. Look above you to see who really is playing us against each other, and who is really benefitting. It sure as hell ain’t poor black folk, or poor white folk either.
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In my experience, "ordinary white folk" are far too often told that any and all "racial problems" are their fault.
And "ordinary white folk" are very, very tired of that.
And that is not "arrogance" on our part.

If you’re not a racist yourself — and I’m sure you don’t think you are — why are you so sensitive about all this?

Because being blamed for shit that is not your fault, especially when people can be real assholes about it, ESPECIALLY when those people often have the power to fuck up your life,

is a real hardship.

I reject your spin that my response is me being "sensitive".

Feeling one’s “black identity” is pretty inevitable for our African-American fellow citizens. Constantly feeling angry is of course not healthy for them — or any group. But what about “white” identity — where does that come from and why is it expressed with so much anger these days?

See above. Being blamed for shit that is not your fault, especially when the accusations are coming from people who are often complete assholes AND might have the real power to fuck up your life, makes people angry.

And rightfully so.

How do you think “ordinary black folk” feel when they hear whites angrily complaining about them, after having been blamed for everything wrong in this country for 250 years?

I dont' think I have ever heard someone make that argument, in my entire life.

In our country today, there is certainly too much feeling sorry for oneself, for “one’s race,” too much pointing blame at “the other,” too much buying into identity politics. It’s a pandemic! We’ve made progress fighting it in the past, but now economically, socially and politically those gains are all being threatened, just as black and white working people have both suffered from de-industrialization, and now from devastation of even the service economy.

I reject your insinuation that any complaints made are just "feeling sorry for one's self".

“White” racism and identity politics is particularly dangerous, because of history as well as demographics and politics. It hasn’t disappeared. It has transformed itself. It’s like a virus that returns. Working-class whites in particular need to inoculate themselves from this racial blame game if they don’t want to be “played” and further victimized by wealthy ruling elites and demagogues (who may talk a good line but care mainly about themselves and their wealth.)

I disagree. I think white racism and identify politics have been a marginalized force, for generations, and are one of the least dangerous forms of identify politics today, because they are completely marginalized.

All I can say is don’t be part of the problem. Look above you to see who really is playing us against each other, and who is really benefitting. It sure as hell ain’t poor black folk, or poor white folk either.

If people are holding me responsible for events or actions that occurred long ago or far away, or even if it was recent and close, but I had nothing to do with it?

That person is the one who is hurting me, not someone else. THAT PERSON.
For those of us who are black, we know there are more leaders in our community than Jackson and Sharpton. Limbaugh made them the only leaders to white conservatives, but Limbaugh is a fat slob who dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, Civil Rights Leader and King Aide, Dies at 98
Mr. Lowery helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change announced his death on Twitter.

Even before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus on Dec. 1, 1955, Mr. Lowery had successfully campaigned to integrate buses in Mobile, Ala., where he was a young Methodist minister. After Ms. Parks’s action, he huddled with Dr. King and other Alabama ministers to oversee a 381-day boycott of Montgomery’s segregated buses.

In November 1956, the Supreme Court ended racial segregation on buses in Montgomery and, by extension, everywhere else.

Mr. Lowery was at Dr. King’s side almost until the day of his assassination in April 1968. At Dr. King’s request, he presented the demands of voting-rights marchers from Selma, Ala., to Gov. George C. Wallace in 1965. Mr. Lowery also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s signature organization, and led it for 20 years, from 1977 to 1997.

When Dr. King gathered with his top aides days before his death, it was Mr. Lowery who ended the meeting by saying, “The Holy Spirit is in this room.”

Mr. Lowery marched in countless demonstrations, was repeatedly arrested and was once shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. As head of the S.C.L.C., he promoted economic empowerment for black Americans, saying they must control the cash registers of the lunch counters they integrated. He became known as the dean of the civil rights movement.

Never heard of him.

Probably because no one would post abou
Sharing a personal experience of my own, is not a personal attack upon a fragile, effeminate little snowflake like you, nor is it a "woe is me" statement.
Interesting. How am I "effeminate"?
When insults take the place of rational discussion it's a sure sign you have lost the game.
I would love to know how you draw your conclusions like this.

I haven't called your reminisces a personal attack upon myself so maybe you are thinking of the other guy.
And you are intentionally misstating my claims so again you show yourself to be something of a loser.
Your little persecution complex is not about what you've said per se but how you react when people
take you up on your claims. Grow up, sonny.

YOU took it that way, for reasons that only you know.

I am not unique for bringing up such an experience.

People here do it frequently.

But.....it is telling that you reacted to it as you did, by becoming defensive.
If I was "defensive" you haven't demonstrated that at all.

You referred to me as "queenie", yet are bothered by me referring to you as "effeminate"?

I think before you issue insults, you should learn how to take them as opposed to crying foul when you get back what you put out there.
Yeah, "queenie". As in "drama queen"? Every heard that expression before? I don't think a gay slur is remotely like calling someone overly dramatic but maybe you do.

At any rate since my comment didn't imply you were queer or gay I'm not going to accept your
rationalizing of your insult of me.
Should I go back now and hunt for earlier insults you threw at me, or others? That depends on you though throughout your comments have been belittling and derogatory if not outright insulting.

I have no persecution complex, nor do I live in the past.

But my "claims" are not just claims. They are related to real life experiences, that you likely would committ suicide or overdose on opioids over.
I reject your ridiculous long distance guesswork analysis, doctor. Since you know nothing about me all I can do is politely invite you to f-ck off!

Before you order a complete stranger to "grow up", grow up yourself, little guy.
Oh! Is that I what I did! I 'ordered" you to grow up? That alone tells us which one is the adult here and which one is masquerading as a grown up.

Yes indeed, it does tell "who the adult is here".

Research this thread and take note of who made the first statement towards whom.

That would be you. I did not care to comment on ANYTHING that you posted until YOU directed your trivial, juvenile nonsense towards me, yet want to claim that you were engaging in "rational conversation"?.....LMAO!

But.....there is a solution to your source of irritation.

Either use your ignore feature, or if you happen to possess even a shred of self control , ignore what I post, and that will go a long way towards minimizing your butthurt.


Now, you can GFY. You know nothing about me either.
Cry me a river! Your belittling and disparaging comments towards me began in post #43.
You can't exactly call them insults per se but the tenor from you was contentious, hostile and aggressive.
Before I drop you like a sack of nuclear wastes I just want to make it clear you fool no one.

And your out of the blue question to me about the average black man was answered in good faith by me but totally ignored by you, despite your claim you would reply.

Well save the reply, not that one is forthcoming anyway. You and your racist tag team buddy can both
go to hell.
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No, your mind is not emancipated. You're a slave. Slave to a racist belief. It runs you life. And as for being scared of what you bring :auiqs.jpg:. You're just another one in a long line of chumps trying to get a shot at the title. And I'll be more than happy to make an example out of you.
So impressive with your threats and all. :rolleyes:

And telling me I am the one with a problem when I suggest blacks would be far better off breaking off their
dependency on the race hustlers in the democrat party and making their political support truly worth something shows who really has the un-emancipated mind. Hint...it's you, super bad, finger pointing soul brother.
You do have a problem because you are making statements based on opinions from white race hustlers on the right and uncle toms and sellouts. We don't need to break away from a damn thing. A you guys want is just enough blacks so trump can get re-lected or that you can win elections in order to get your racist agenda implemented. You guys make all these idiotic comments about blacks who vote democrat because it frustrates you to know that despite all the gaslighting we aren't moving.
You're too smart for me.
Go ahead and stay at the bottom of the societal barrel where many blacks have languised for the last seventy years. Yeah, that'll show us racist crackers!

You are the slave boy, because you seem to worship some idea that we as blacks cannot read the policy positions of the republican party and figure out for ourselves that white republicans present as a platform does not meet the needs of our community. Your trifling ass is in here trying to tell me about making our political support worth something by joining a party full of assholes like you, some of who still believe that Obama is a Kenyan. Then we have your sorry ass telling me how if we stop being members of the democratic party blacks will remain on the bottom as if joining a party full of people yelling jews will not replace us, how there is a policy of genocide against whites, that there is anti white discrimination, that we need to end affirmative action and whose every republican representative but one in this congress refused to vote for a voting rights act that would restore provisions the supreme court took away that has created the ability for republican led states to implement voter suppression, is going to help us.
There is a small but growing number of blacks who are smart enough to see they are, and have been, taken for granted by the Great White Fathers in Washington DC. (and their helpers in the black Congressional caucuses like Maxine Waters).
You've already been replaced to a large degree by Hispanics in their plans so please stay dumb and ignored. It suits you.

So don't come to me with your dumb shit son, because you trying to use words like emancipated, slave, plantation and shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out of your mouth if you tried saying that shit to my face.
You know Asians consider blacks to be violent beasts, like gorillas.
I wonder where they get that idea? Maybe from the threats you throw around when using your brain
seems too much work for you.

I've been emancipated since the day I was born and I saw why blacks left the republican party. Still today, republicans have not given us a reason to return so you need to stop listing to white race pimps and uncle toms telling you about blacks..
I'm trying to tell you because racism is bad for everyone. not just for black people. Do you think
a divided nation is good for anyone, especially blacks and their declining demographics?
But you seem too threatened and ignorant to understand. I think your kind will slowly die off and America will move forward despite your kind but it would be in your interest to step out into the light anyway.

Don't try telling me what I already know. We see a history of white killing millions in this country and you tell me how blacks are seen as violent. LOL! You're a dumb ass. You do not get to make racist comments then talk stupid because you pissed off the person you made the comments to here boy.

Blacks aren't exactly at the bottom, but your unlearned opinion does not come close to describing the reasons why blacks are where they are relative to whites. And most certainly joining the republican party is not going to fix the damages created.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.

The best thing you can do is go find someone else to try debating. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. The democratic party nominated and helped elect a black man into the presidency. Todays democratic party is lead by that black man. Blacks are in leading positions in the democratic party. So doing as you suggest is foolish. Just like most e everyone else the majority of blacks are independents. But we lean democrat because the republican party is full of racists like you. Until that changes forget about blacks.
Wrong. It is based on observation and incidents by white students in campuses all over the country. The problem with bitches like you is that you run real quick to try making things the same between blacks and whites when they aren't. Whites are the ones that began the racism and have a record of 243 years at minimum of racist behavior. Blacks have always had to react to that behavior. And that is what is going on right now.

You see pissant, you've never been the only black person in an environment that is majority white. What needs to happen is the motherfucking white students stop being racists. If they can't do that, then they should be the ones to get the fuck off campus.

Once again in standard white racist fashion, you ignore the many all white safe spaces on campus to try talking about how it is the black students who are the problem.
Your rationalizations and use of memes and "you know what I'm talkin' about" isms makes you George Wallace in black face. The fact is racism and segregation is illegal (undertand? illegal?) on publicly owned college campuses. You substitute insults and idiocy for thoughtful discussion so trying to discuss this issue with you is like trying to have a conversation with a chimpanzee.

IT IS black students who want to take over public spaces and declare them black only places!
I admire you have guts enough to stand up and advocate for such a blatantly wrong and illegal
policy but at the end of the day your sort of racism just isn't going to succeed in America.

I feel sorry that you have turned into the bigot and racist you claim to be against. You are one
sick MFer. And now I think I've given you enough rope.

Wrong on all counts. As usual.
Wrong. It is based on observation and incidents by white students in campuses all over the country. The problem with bitches like you is that you run real quick to try making things the same between blacks and whites when they aren't. Whites are the ones that began the racism and have a record of 243 years at minimum of racist behavior. Blacks have always had to react to that behavior. And that is what is going on right now.

You see pissant, you've never been the only black person in an environment that is majority white. What needs to happen is the motherfucking white students stop being racists. If they can't do that, then they should be the ones to get the fuck off campus.

Once again in standard white racist fashion, you ignore the many all white safe spaces on campus to try talking about how it is the black students who are the problem.
Your rationalizations and use of memes and "you know what I'm talkin' about" isms makes you George Wallace in black face. The fact is racism and segregation is illegal (undertand? illegal?) on publicly owned college campuses. You substitute insults and idiocy for thoughtful discussion so trying to discuss this issue with you is like trying to have a conversation with a chimpanzee.

IT IS black students who want to take over public spaces and declare them black only places!
I admire you have guts enough to stand up and advocate for such a blatantly wrong and illegal
policy but at the end of the day your sort of racism just isn't going to succeed in America.

I feel sorry that you have turned into the bigot and racist you claim to be against. You are one
sick MFer. And now I think I've given you enough rope.

Wrong on all counts. As usual.

The racism of the modern black activists is plain to see. And you are worse than George Wallace, because George Wallace was capable of changing his mind and doing better.
The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, second from left, helped lead a civil rights and antiwar march in Atlanta in 1970. Also present was Coretta Scott King, fourth from left.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a lieutenant to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who helped organize a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement — the bus boycott in Montgomery, Ala. — and who gave the benediction at President Barack Obama’s inauguration more than half a century later, died on Friday at his home in Atlanta. He was 98...


"You and your racist tag team buddy can both go to hell."

I always feel it's tragic that so many Americans today can't seem to discuss race relations and racial problems in our society, or even discuss the Civil Rights Movement, without so much heat and so many insults thrown about on all sides. Here we had a fine article commemorating a proud brave man's life, and nobody seems interested in anything but insulting political opponents, or protesting personal slights, real or imagined. There was nothing in this article itself that was objectionable. It was informative and well written.

I really wish more people had just tried to discuss the article and the man whose life it commemorates. We might learn something if we try to refrain from calling each other "racist" all the time, however much it may seem appropriate to us.

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