The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The left says that the country will be majority brown in like 20 years.

If I say this, it is racist.

Which is true?
Democrats could care less what color your skin is.

For example, I think they hate the black skin of Clarence Thomas more than the Orange skin of Trump.

There is a movement to get foreigners in the US who come from despotic Marxist countries. The thinking is, they voted for that shit elsewhere so they will vote for it in America as well. It just so happens that many of them have a darker skin color, so they fake outrage over Americans protesting them flooding into the country as they accuse them of racism. Meanwhile, the same democrats protest Jews saying they want to gas them. LOL.

The reality is the focus is more on population control. It is more of a focus on population reduction that replaceing them.

For example, in New York City there have been more Black abortions than births, and about 89% of abortion centers target communities that have skin color and are Black.
The left says that the country will be majority brown in like 20 years.

If I say this, it is racist.

Which is true?

It is not racist if you say it, it is when you turn it into some huge CT that this is being done on purpose that you become the racist that you are.

Not all of us find brown people scary as you and your ilk do
Just saying that is not racist. It is a fact.

Claiming it is a deliberate plot to get rid of white people is not only racist, but also white supremacist BS.

So when cult fucks say even mentioning the great replacement theory is racist, they are FOS. I agree.
Race mixing is the wave of the future.

And why not, mutts are smarter and healthier than pure breeds.
*** It is no "theory."

*** It is simply a fact.

*** It has nothing to do with "supremacists" or even "leftists."

*** Demographers tell us that Caucasians are on track to become simply the largest minority by 2050.

*** Yes, some Americans feel dejected by this prognostication. Some Americans are overjoyed by this projection.
Mentioning the "great replacement theory" Is mentioning the white supremacist, neo nazi conspiracy theory. That is not the same as mentioning factual numbers.

Agreed, but the cult doesn’t believe this. If you address it, you are racist.
*** It is no "theory."

*** It is simply a fact.

*** It has nothing to do with "supremacists" or even "leftists."

*** Demographers tell us that Caucasians are on track to become simply the largest minority by 2050.

*** Yes, some Americans feel dejected by this prognostication. Some Americans are overjoyed by this projection.
It's why Donald Trump happened. :)
What is there to address?

I dunno books have been written about it. Sometimes people discuss things. For example CBDC. It is not a thing yet, but some like it and some don’t. Hence, a conversation say ensue and people may address certain aspects.

Cult fucks claim the great replacement theory is a conspiracy of racist whites. I claim it is not. Hence, discussion.
dimocrap scum have done it before, and they're doing it again.

In the Mid 60's dimocrap FILTH discovered they could lure hundreds of thousands of Southern, Rural Blacks from the Deep South to America's Midwestern Cities in the Great Lakes Region. Then pay them to vote dimocrap.

It is not a myth that LBJ said, "I'll have them Ni%%ers voting dimocrap for the next 200 years!"

They tried it in New Yawk Shitty, and Boston and got rebuffed. They succeeded in Filthydelphia, Baltiwhore and what we've come to know as America's Shitholes.

I was in the Army and I could save money by taking the Bus between Army Bases.

I get off the Bus in Cleveland or Dee-Troit and it looks like they're making a Tarzan Movie.

And look at what has happened. They've set back American Blacks by 100 years. They brought them to America's bigger Cities and simply abandoned them.

dimocrap FILTH kept them in servitude in the South and they're doing the same thing in the North TO THIS DAY.

People, dimocraps are the Scum of The Earth. Period. They care only about power. They do not care about America, our Citizens, Blacks, Hispanics or anything else other than their permanent quest for ABSOLUTE POWER.

I fear that, by the time mainstream America, our Suburban Karens, figure it out -- It will be too late.

It's getting to be that time.

And, oh? You dimocrap scum that are smiling at your seeming success? You are wrong. What you are doing is setting the stage for the greatest conflagration in Human History. All it will take is a major economic upheaval. That's how they all start. With economics.

And if you dimocrap FILTH have children (I hope not) they will spit on your graves
It is not racist if you say it, it is when you turn it into some huge CT that this is being done on purpose that you become the racist that you are.

Not all of us find brown people scary as you and your ilk do
Its just a happy coincidence for your side that the poor foreigners flooding America are off-white

That merely makes the downfall of the country even more complete
Its just a happy coincidence for your side that the poor foreigners flooding America are off-white

That merely makes the downfall of the country even more complete
There's a reason why all these people come from Countries that are complete failures.
I dunno books have been written about it. Sometimes people discuss things. For example CBDC. It is not a thing yet, but some like it and some don’t. Hence, a conversation say ensue and people may address certain aspects.

Cult fucks claim the great replacement theory is a conspiracy of racist whites. I claim it is not. Hence, discussion.
If you want a discussion then tell us exactly what the great replacement theory is to you.
There's a reason why all these people come from Countries that are complete failures.
The movement to replace whites is not monolithic

There are extreme racists who just hate whites and want to see them humbled

But there are guilt-ridden white libs who honestly want to share the wealth with the downtrodden around the world by bringing all the unfortunates to America

And they just happen to be unwhite

But its largely race based anti whiteism
I dunno books have been written about it. Sometimes people discuss things. For example CBDC. It is not a thing yet, but some like it and some don’t. Hence, a conversation say ensue and people may address certain aspects.

Cult fucks claim the great replacement theory is a conspiracy of racist whites. I claim it is not. Hence, discussion.
You believe it is a deliberate plot against white people?

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